History of 20th Illinois Infantry 20th Illinois Infantry Regiment History Adjutant General's Report May 14, 1861, organized and went into camp at Joliet, Illinois. June 13, 1861, mustered into the service of the United States at Joliet, Illinois, for a term of three years. June 18, 1861. moved by rail from Joliet to Camp Pope near Alton, Illinois, and went into camp. July 6, 1861, moved by boat from Camp Pope to St. Louis Arsenal, St. Louis, Mo. July 10, 1861, moved by boat from St. Louis Arsenal to Cape Girardeau, Mo. July 10 to Sept.12, 1861, made a number of marches to Jackson, Benton, Commerce, Hamburg, Round Pond, and other places in Missouri in the vicinity of Cape Girardeau, retaining Cape Girardean as headquarters and base. Sept.12, 1861, moved by boat from Cape Girardeau to Bird's Point, Mo. October 17, 1861, moved by boat from Bird's Point to Cape Girardeau. October 18-20, 1861, marched from Cape Girardean to Fredericktown, Mo. October 20, 1861, actively engaged in battle of Fredericktown. October 21-23, 1861, marched from Fredericktown to Cape Girardeau. October 24, 1861, moved by boat to Bird's Point, Mo. October 24, 1861, to January 15, 1862, headquarters at Bird's Point, making frequent marches to Charleston and other points in vicinity. January 15-21, l862, in expedition making feint on Columbus, Ky. February 2, 1862, embarked on steamer at Bird's Point, Mo. February 5, 1862, disembarked at Camp Halleck about six miles below Ft. Henry, Tenn. February 6, 1862, entered Ft. Henry and remained there until February 12, 1862. February 12, 1862, marched from Ft. Henry and took position in front of Ft. Donelson, being in Wallace's Brigade of McClernand's Division. February 13-16, 1862, engaged at Ft. Donelson, Tenn. February 16, 1862, entered Ft. Donelson and remained there until March 5, 1862. March 5, 1862, marched from Ft. Donelson to Ft. Henry and embarked on steamer. March 13, l862, disembarked at Savannah, Tenn. March ?3, 1862, took steamer at Savannah, Tenn. March 25, 1862, disembarked at Pittsburgh Landing, Teun., moved out about three miles from the river and went into camp. April 6-7, 1862, engaged in battle of Shiloh in McClernand's Division. April 8 to June 4, 1862, in advance on Corinth, Miss., in advance on right wing of the army. June 5, 1862, marched to and camped near Purdy, Tenn. June 8, 1862, marched into Jackson, Tenn. June 8 to August 15, 1862, at Jackson, Tenn. August 15, 1862, marched to and went into camp at Oustanaula, Tenn. August 15-31, 1862, remained at Oustanaula, Tenn. September 1, 1862. marched to relieve troops surrounded at Mendon Station, Tenn., and fought battle of Britton's Lane with Thirtieth Illinois Volunteer Infantry. September 2-3, 1862, relieved forces at Mendon Station. September 4, 1862, returned to Jackson, Tenn. September 4 to October 22, 1862, remained at Jackson, Tenn. October 22, 1862, deployed along M. & 0. R. R. in Tennessee guarding bridges. November 8, l862, returned to Jackson, Tenn. November 9, 1862. marched south on Mississippi expedition. November 10, 1862, camped at Middleburg, Tenn. November 11-28, 1882, camped at LaGrange. Tenn. November 29, 1862, marched south from LaGrange, Tenn. November 30, 1862, camped at Coldwater, Miss. December 1, 1862, camped at Holly Springs, Miss. December 2, 1862, camped at Lumpkin's Mills, Tenn. December 3, 1862, camped on Tallahatchie River in Tennessee. December 4, 1864, camped in Oxford, Miss. December 4-24, l862, in camp at Oxford, Miss. December 25, l862, marched north and camped two miles north of the Tallahatchie River. December 25, 1862, to January 5,1863, remained in camp near Tallahatchie River. January 6, 1863, camped in Holly Springs, Miss. January 7, 1863, camped at Coldwater, Miss. January 8, 1863, camped at LaGrange, Tenn. January 8-11, 1863, in camp at LaGrange, Tenn. January 11, 1863. marched to Moscow, Tenn. January 12, 1863, camped near Collierville, Tenn. January 12-20, 1863, in camp at Collierville, Tenn. January 20, 1863, marched to Germantown, Tenn. January 22, 1863, entered Memphis, Tenn., and went into camp. January 22 to February 20, 1863, in camp at Memphis, Tenn. February 21, 1863, embarked on steamer on Mississippi River. Februaay 24, 1863, landed at Lake Providence, La. February 24 to March 15,1863, in camp at Lake Providence, La. March 16,1863, moved by steamer to Berry's Landing, La. March 16 to April 19, 1863, in camp. at Berry's Landing. April 19, 1863. moved by steamer to Milliken's Bend, La. April l9-25, 1863, in camp at Milliken's Bend, La. April 25, 1863, on march across the peninsula west of Vicksburg, Miss., camped at Richmond, La. April 26-29, 1863, on march, reached Mississippi River April 29, 1863. April 30, 1863, crossed to east bank of Mississippi River at Bruinsburg, Miss. May 1, 1863, in battle of Thompson's Plantation or Port Gibson, Miss. May 2, 1863, moved to Port Gibson, Miss. May 3, 1863, in camp near Port Gibson, Miss. May 4-7, 1863, in camp near Big Black River, on south side. May 8-9, 1863, in camp at Rocky Springs, Miss. May 10, 1863, marched toward Utica, Miss. May 11, 1863, marched toward Raymond, Miss. May 12, 1863, in battle at Raymond, Miss., and camped in Raymond. May 13, 1863, marched towards Jackson, Miss. May 14, 1863, in battle (1st) of Jackson, Miss., and camped in the city. May 15, 1863, marched towards Vicksburg, Miss. May 16, 1863, in Battle of Champion Hills. May 17, 1863, in battle of Big Black River. May 18, 1863, took position on Jackson road in rear, and close up to the enemy's works, of Vicksburg. May 18 to July 49 1863, in position on Jackson road in rear of Vicksburg. May 19, 1863, in assault on works at Vicksburg. May 22, 1863, iu assault on works at Vicksburg. June 25, 1863, in assault on enemy't works. July 4, 1863, entered Vicksburg, Miss. During the Vicksburg campaign the Regiment was a part of the First Brigade of Logan's Division. July 4 to November 6, 1863, in camp in Vicksburg, Miss. November 6, 1863, marched to and went into camp at Big Black River. November 6, 1863, to February 4, 1864, in camp at Big Black River, during which time a majority of these composing the Regiment re-enlisted for three years longer. February 4 to March 1, 1864, in Meridian expedition. March 1, 1864, returned to Big Black River. March 2-22, 1864, those who had re-enlisted were en route by river and rail to Springfield, Ill., to take veteran furlough. March 22 to April 22, 1864, at home on veteran furlough. April 22, 1864, in camp at Camp Butler near Springfield, Ill. April 28, 1864, in camp at Cairo, Ill. April 30, 1864, embarked on steamer at Cairo, Ill. April 30 to May 5, 1864, moved by steamer from Cairo, Ill., to Clifton, Tenn. May 5 to May 23, 1864, marched from Clifton, Teun., via Athens, Ala., to Huntsville, Ala. Went into camp at Huntsville, Ala. May 25, 1864, marched from Huntsville, Ala. May 27, 1864, crossed the Tennessee River at Decatur, Ala. May 28 to June 7, 1864, marched from Decatur, Ala., via Warrenton, Ala., Rome, Ga., and Kingston, Ga., to Ackworth, Ga. June 8, 1864, took position in left wing of Sherman's army in front of Kenesaw Mountain. June 8 to July 2, 1864, engaged in front of Kenesaw Mountain in left wing of army. June 2.1864, at night marched from left to extreme right of army in of Kenesaw Mountain and took position. July 5, 1864, moved to Nick-a-jack July 12, 1864, moved to Sweetwater. July 17, 1864, moved via Marietta, Ga., to south side Chattahoochie River crossing at Roswell's factories July 20, 1864, camped at Decatur, Ga. July 21-22.1864, engaged in battles in front of Atlanta, Ga., being in Brigade, Third Division; Seventeenth Army Corp. on extreme left flank the army. Many of the Regiment were surrounded and captured in the battle of July 22, 1864. Entered Atlanta, Ga., on its fall and remained there until November 15, November 15, 1864, started from Atlanta, Ga., under General Sherman, on March to the Sea. December 25, 1864, entered Savannah, Ga. January 4, 1865, left Savannah by boat and landed at Beaufort, S. C. January 13, 1865, marched out of Beaufort, S. C., on Carolina campaign. January 15, 1865, captured Pocotaligo, S. C., and camped there until January 30, 1865. January 30, 1865, marched from Pocotaligo. February 12, 1865, entered Orangeburgh, S. C. February 17, 1865, entered Columbia, S. C. March 1, 1865, entered Cheraw, S. C. March 11, 1865, entered Fayetteville, S. C. March 24, 1865, entered Goldsborough, S. C. April 10, 1865, marched from Goldsborough, S. C. April 14, 1865, entered Raleigh, N. C., and remained until April 29, 1865. April 29 to May 9, 1865, marched from Raleigh N. C., to Richmond, Va. May 9-19. 1865, marched from Richmond to Alexandria, Va. Took part in the Grand Review in Washington City, D. C, January 7, 1865, left Washington City by rail. June 9, 1865, arrived at Parkersburgh, W. Va., and took steamer. January 12, 1865, arrived by steamer at Louisville, Ky. July 16,1865, mustered out of the service at Louisville, Ky.-Moved in a body from Louisville, Ky., by rail to Chicago, Ill. July 24, 1865, received final pay at Chicago, Ill., and disbanded. --------------------------------------------------------------------- UGENWEB NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by other organizations or persons. 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