St. Clair County IL Archives Military Records.....Capt. John Tate's Co. Other War - Rosters Whiteside's Brigade, 1st Regiment ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Joy Fisher July 13, 2007, 10:35 pm Capt. John Tate's Co. CAPTAIN JOHN TATE'S COMPANY. Of Independent Riflemen of the 1st Regiment of the Mounted Brigade of Volunteers commanded by Brigadier-General Samuel Whitesides, in the service of the United States. Mustered out of service at the mouth of Fox River, Illinois, on May 28, 1832. Distance, 330 miles from the place of enrollment. Name and Rank Residence Enrolled Remarks Captain. John Tate Belleville, St. Clair Co. April 18 First Lieutenant. Joshua Hughes Second Lieutenant. Abram B. Vandigrif Sergeants. Jacob Miller Joseph Ogle William Tate George W. Hook Corporals. James Phillips Jacob Phillips William Woods Mathew Cox Privates. Ashlock, Robert Aspens, Charles Bear, Peter B Bear, Bonham Blair, James Charles, James N. Dunlap, John Dingle, Atason Dun, Peter Edwards, I. C. Glass, George Higgins, Robert Higgins, Ichabod Absent, sick Holt, Christopher Hootes, Samuel Hootes, Anthony Absent on furlough, sick Leach, Robert Absent with brother Leach, A. H. Absent, wounded Lyndon, Jefferson Lindon, Joseph McClintock, James Miller, Absalom Absent without leave, May 1, 1832 Million, John Owens, Hopson Owens, Charles Absent, sick Owens, Ellit Phillips, Wm Patason, Horland Perce, George Powers, James Rader, James Sample, James Skinner, Akerman Swillevant, Francis Smith, John Starkey, John Promoted Major of 2d Batt., 1st Regt., April 28 Wood, Samuel Additional Comments: Extracted from: RECORD OF THE SERVICES OF ILLINOIS SOLDIERS IN THE BLACK HAWK WAR 1831-32 AND IN THE MEXICAN WAR 1846-48 CONTAINING A COMPLETE ROSTER OF COMMISSIONED OFFICERS AND ENLISTED MEN OF BOTH WARS, TAKEN FROM THE OFFICIAL ROLLS ON FILE IN THE WAR DEPARTMENT, WASHINGTON, D. C. WITH AN APPENDIX GIVING RECORD OF THE SERVICES OF THE ILLINOIS MILITIA, RANGERS AND RIFLEMEN, IN PROTECTING THE FRONTIER FROM THE RAVAGES OF THE INDIANS FROM 1810 TO 1813. PREPARED AND PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY OF THE THIRTY-SECOND GENERAL ASSEMBLY BY ISAAC H. ELLIOTT ADJUTANT-GENERAL OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS. SPRINGFIELD, ILL: JOURNAL COMPANY, PRINTERS AND BINDERS, 1902. File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 3.1 Kb