St. Clair County IL Archives News.....A Political Rioter with a Sword Blade in his Back 1860 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Deb Haines August 3, 2007, 10:51 pm The Daily Dispatch, Nov 13, 1860 1860 During the election riot at Illinois-town, Ill., a man named John Denoar was stabbed in the back with a sword-cane.--The weapon was driven in about midway of the spinal column, and then broken off within about two inches of the body. It was found impossible to extract the weapon, and Denoar was conveyed from Illinois-town to the Health Office. A physician was called in, and endeavored to pull out the weapon with a small pair of forceps or pincers. He applied the pincers some half a dozen times, and pulled with all the strength he could command, but so firmly was the steel transfixed in the bone that the pincers invariably slipped off, and the "claws" finally became injured in such a manner that the pincers were rendered useless. The Doctor endeavored to loosen the weapon in a variety of ways, but to no purpose. It had been driven in with so much force that it was even more strongly transfixed in the bone than a nail driven into a stick of wood. Dr. Smith finally procured a pair of shoemaker's nippers and made another effort. After one or two trials he succeeded in securing a good "purchase" upon the weapon and extracted it. It measured in all five inches--three inches of which had penetrated the spinal column, and there remained firmly imbedded for twelve or fourteen hours. File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 1.9 Kb