St. Clair County IL Archives News.....Two Kinds of Poison [WF Feagle] 1900 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Deb Haines August 4, 2007, 12:57 pm The Waterloo [IA] Daily Courier, Nov 24, 1900 1900 Used by an Arkansas Man to Get Himself off the Earth East St. Louis, Ills., Nov. 24.-Kneeling at the side of his bed, with hands clasped in front of his face, in an attitude of prayer, the body of W. F. Feagle was found in a room at the South End hotel. A box of morphine pills and an empty laudanum bottle told the story. Feagle had bathed and robed himself in silk underwear, evidently in preparation for his burial. His home was in Fort Smith, Ark., where, it is supposed from letters found in his room that his family resides. Feagle was an expert in cotton, and accepted a position with the Cotton Compress company as a "classer" on Oct. 29, going to work at once at a salary of $200 a month. He was for three terms a member of the Arkansas legislature, and had held other positions of political prominence in that state. He was about 52 years old. Since his arrival here Feagle has seemed despondent and drank heavily, to which fact his suicide is attributed. File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 1.6 Kb