St. Clair County IL Archives Obituaries.....FALK, Louis August 4, 1941 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Kim Ross April 29, 2010, 7:22 am Belleville Daily Advocate Louis Falk, 59, Molder, Dies; Funeral Sunday Louis Falk, 59-year old molder of 19 North Seventeenth street, died at 4:45 yesterday afternoon at St. Elizabeth hospital after a two months' illness. The foundry worker had been employed at the Eagle Foundry plant. Falk was a member of Local 183 of the Molders Union. Surviving are four sons and three daughters. Helen and Herbert Falk, at home; Sylvester Falk, 1313 Raab avenue; Hazel, wife of Alfred Buettner, of 1025 North Charles street; Doris wife of Lawrence Fogler, of Kentucky; James Falk, of East St. Louis; Stanley Falk, of the U. S. Coast Guard, on duty in Michigan; 10 grandchildren. Falk leaves two brothers and a sister, John Falk, of 14 South Eleventh street; Joseph Falk, Garden street, Swansea, printer in the Daily Advocate composing room, and Catherine, wife of John Dengler, of 614 Forest avenue. A sister preceded in death. Born here, Jan. 31, 1882, he was a son of the late Charles and Caroline Tobler Falk. The mother, who died in October of last year, was a native of St. Morgan, Ill.; the father of St. Jacob. Preceding in death was his wife, Mrs. Cora Wagner Falk, whom her married 39 years ago and who died in 1926(8?). Services will be held at 2 o'clock Sunday afternoon at the Pete Gaerdner funeral home Rev. Arthur E. Reiss, pastor of Christ Evangelical church, officiating with interment in Walnut Hill cemetery. File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 2.0 Kb