Obituary of Mrs Kate T BOWEN, St Clair County, Illinois Contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives Copyright 2000 Nancy Attey Obituary Oct. 17, 1928 ( East St. Louis Journal? ) MOTHER-IN-LAW OF POSTMASTER DEATH VICTIM Mrs. Kate T. Bowen Passes Away After Illness of Several Months Mrs. Kate T. Bowen, mother of Mrs. A. E. Meints, wife of the postmaster of East St. Louis, died at the Meints home, 527 Washington Place, at 6:10 o'clock last night, following an illness of several months duration. Mrs. Bowen, who for a long number of years had been a resident of East St. Louis, removed to Los Angles, Cal., about 15 years ago, where she had three daughters living. She remained there permanently except for occasional visits back to East St. Louis. She came here about one year ago and was taken sick, never being able to return to her western home. Several months ago she was afflicted with heart trouble and it was this ailment which caused her death on her 75th birthday. Mrs. Bowen was a very devout member of the Presbyterian faith, belonging to a church of the denomination in Los Angles. While in East St. Louis at the home of her daughter she was a regular attendant at the First Presbyterian Church at thirteenth Street and Gaty Avenue. She leaves to mourn her death, in addition to the daughter at whose home death occurred, four other daughters, namely, Mrs. Oscar White, 3233 Audubon Avenue here; Mrs. W. A. Nulsen, Mrs. J. J. Bates and Mrs. W. C. Frazer, all three of Los Angles; ten grandchildren and tow great grandchildren. She also leaves a brother T. N. Gilmore and a sister, Miss Margaret Gilmore, both of New York City. Funeral services will be held at two o'clock Saturday afternoon from the Meints home to Mt. Hope Cemetery. Rev. Clinton D. Bowman, pastor of the church where Mrs. Bowen worshipped while in the city, will officiate. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ USGENWEB NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by other organizations or persons. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material, must obtain the written consent of the contributor, or the legal representative of the submitter, and contact the listed USGenWeb Archivist with proof of this consent. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Nancy Attey