St. Clair County IL Archives Marriages.....NURDIN(E), Justine - THIS, Frank (Francois Basilie) July 28, 1903 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Kim ROSS November 19, 2009, 6:27 pm Marriage License State of Illinois County of St. Clair Certificate No.: 2913 MARRIAGE LICENSE THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS COUNTY OF ST. CLAIR To any Person legally authorized to solemnize Marriage GREETINGS Marriage may be celebrated Between Mr. Frank THIS (Francois Basilie THIS) of French Village in the County of St. Clair and the State of Illinois of the age of Sisty six years and Mrs. Justine NURDIN of French Village in the County of St. Clair and the State of Illinois of the age of Forty eight years. Witness Geo R. THOMAS (Signature) County Clerk and the seal of said County at his office in Belleville in said County this 21st day of July AD 1903 by W. A. PAYTON (Signature) Deputy Geo R. THOMAS (Signature) County Clerk. State of Illinois St. Clair County I Evan J. BEVAN a Justice of the Peace hereby certify that Mr. Frank THIS (Francois Basilie THIS) and Mrs. Justine NURDIN were united in Marriage by me at East St. Louis in the County of St. Clair and the State of Illinois on the 28th day of July A. D. 1903. Evan J. BEVAN (Signature) Additional Comments: ILLINOIS STATE BOARD OF HEALTH Return of a Marriage to County Clerk 1. Full Name of GROOM Frank THIS (Francois Basilie THIS) 2. Place of Residence French Village 3. Occupation Farmer 4. Age next Birthday 66 years Color white Race Caucasion 5. Place of Birth France 6. Father's Name Frank THIS (Francois THIS) 7. Mother's Maiden Name Mary JENETT 8. Number of Groom's Marriage 3rd 9. Full Name of BRIDE Justine NURDINE Maiden Name if a Widow Justine FINDLEY or FINLEY 10. Place of Residence French Village 11. Age at next Birthday 49 years Color White Race Caucasion 12. Place of Birth Illinois 13. Father's Name Francis 14. Mother's Maiden Name Lida MANBOR 15. Number of Bride's Marriage 4th 16. Married at East St. Louis in the County of St. Clair, and the Sate of Illinois, the 28th day of July 1903 17. Witness to Marriage Nicholas HARMON C(unreadable)ton HARMON NB-At Nos. 8 and 15 state whether 1st, 2d, 3d, & c., Marriage of each. At 17 give names of subscribing witnesses to the Marriage Certificate. If no subscribing witnesses, give names of two persons who witnessed the ceremony. 28th July 1903 We hereby certify that the information above given is correct, to the best of our knowledge and belief. Frank THIS (Signature)(Groom) Justine NURDINE (Signature) (Bride) I Hereby certify that the above is correct return of a marriage solemnized by me. Evan J. BEVAN Justice of the Peace Dated at East St. Louis This 28th Day of July 1903. File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 3.2 Kb