St. Clair County IL Archives Marriages.....TOUCHETTE, Sophia Selina - POWERS, Edward April 24, 1893 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Kim ROSS November 19, 2009, 4:19 am State of Illinois County of St. Clair Certificate No.: 1970 MARRIAGE LICENSE STATE OF ILLINOIS COUNTY OF ST. CLAIR THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS To any person legally authorized to solemnize Marriage GREETINGS Marriage may be celebrated Between Mr. Edward Powers of French Village in the County of St. Clair and the State of Illinois of the age of twenty two years and Miss Sophia Selina TOUCHETTE of Centerville Station in the County of St. Clair and the State of Illinois of the age of eighteen years. Witness Phillip RHEIN County Clerk and the seal of said County at his office in Belleville in said County this 24th day of April AD 1893. Phillip RHEIN County Clerk by Fred SUNKEL Deputy State of Illinois St. Clair County I John Ferd. MEIFUSS a Roman Catholic Priest hereby certify that Mr. Ed POWERS and Miss Selina TOUCHETTE were united in Marriage by me at Centerville Station in the County of St. Clair and the State of Illinois on the 25th day of April A. D. 1893. (Signed & unreadable) Rector Additional Comments: It is the duty of the person celebrating the Marriage to fill out and sign the above Certificate and to return the same together with the License to the County Clerk within 30 days after the Marriage is solemnized. ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS PENALTY FOR FAILING TO DO SO. 1. Full Name of GROOM Edward POWERS 2. Place of Residence French Village 3. Occupation Farmer 4. Age next Birthday 22 years Color white Race Caucasion 5. Place of Birth French Village 6. Father's Name Edward POWERS 7. Mother's Maiden Name Virginia BERKYM 8. Number of Groom's Marriage 1 9. Full Name of BRIDE Sophia Selina TOUCHETTE Maiden Name if a Widow 10. Place of Residence Centerville Station 11. Age at next Birthday 18 years Color White Race Caucasion 12. Place of Birth Centerville Station 13. Father's Name John TOUCHETTE 14. Mother's Maiden Name Josephine LOISEAU 15. Number of Bride's Marriage 1 16. Married at Centerville Station in the County of St. Clair, and the Sate of Illinois, the 25th day of April 1893. 17. Witness to Marriage Victor HAGEN and Maggie TROTTIER NB-At Nos. 8 and 15 state whether 1st, 2d, 3d, & c., Marriage of each. At 17 give names of subscribing witnesses to the Marriage Certificate. If no subscribing witnesses, give names of two persons who witnessed the ceremony. Centerville Station, 25th April 1893 We hereby certify that the information above given is correct, to the best of our knowledge and belief. Edward POWERS (Signature)(Groom) Selina POWERS (Signature) (Bride) I Hereby certify that the above is correct return of a marriage solemnized by me. J. F. MEIFUSS Dated at Centerville Station this 25th day of April 1893. Note: John F. MEIFUSS was pastor of Immaculate Conception Church in Centerville Station from 1883 to 1909. File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 3.3 Kb