Vermilion County IL Archives Obituaries.....Orton Ward, Phoebe Adaline April 23, 1912 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Bonnie Dickson Stickney April 26, 2007, 10:08 pm Fithian, Illinois Fithian, Ill. April 26. The funeral services over the remains of Mrs. Charles Ward were held this afternoon at the M.E. church. The services were conducted by Rev. S.S. Jones of Danville. The funeral was largely attended. Burial followed in the Stearns Cemetery near this place. OBITUARY Phoebe Adaline Orton was born in Oneida county, New York, August 26, 1833, and departed this life April 23, 1912, at her home in Fithian, Ill., age 78 years, eight months and twenty seven days. She was united in marriage to Charles C. Ward, February 28, 1850. To this union thirteen children were born, four preceeding her in death. Lizzie Orton, Dollie Dickson, Chas. Ward, also Hope who died in infancy. She is survived by her husband, Charles Ward and nine children. Anna Helmer of St. Joseph, Mo.; John C. Ward, Redland, Fla.; Elwood Ward of Lewis, Iowa; Myriam Shutt, of Fithian, Ill.; Augusta Ward, Alameda, Canada; Rose Gauss, of Peoria, Ill.; Malcolm C. Ward, of Red Oak, Iowa, and Grace DeKay and Lillie Doney of Danville, Ill. At the age of thirteen the deceased united with the Christian church and ever since until the time of her death has lived that faith. The bereaved ones have lost a devoted wife and a loving mother and they have the sympathy of the entire community in their great bereavement. Additional Comments: Obit typed as was in newspaper. The name Augusta should have read Augustus Ward/ File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 2.0 Kb