Will of Asa B SNIDER, Vermilion County, Illinois Contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives Copyright 1999 Steve Hodson WILL OF ASA B. SNIDER, SR. (SNYDER) Submitted by: Stephen Brian Hodson Patricia Lee Linaman Ruth (Adams) Herrmann Gloria LeSage Will of Asa B. Snider, Sr. Dated: 13 August 1862 Filed and recorded: 9/10 April 1868; Folio 284 Vermilion County, Illinois In the name of God Amen, I, Asa B. Snider, Sr., farmer of the town of Blount, in Vermilion County, Illinois, being weak in body, but of sound mind and memory, do make ordain publish and declare this to be my last will and testament, in manner and form following, to wit: Item, First, I give devise and bequeath unto my beloved wife Mary Snider a certain black mare and a certain brown mare, also one twohorse [sic] wagon and harness and all other articles of personal property about the house or farm which she may need to carry on the farming and to live comfortably, to be selected by her, after my decease; also, the following described lands, together with the buildings, privileges and appurtenances thereunto belonging, during her natural life, to wit: The East half of the South East quarter of Section No. Thirty three (33) in Township No. Twenty (20) North, Range Twelve (12) West, and also a part of the West half of the South East qr. of Said Section, Town and Range, bounded as follows: beginning at that point on the East side of said last mentioned tract, Where a cross fence running nearly East & West crosses or intersects the west line of said East half of the South East qr. near the center, (north & south) of said two eighty acre lots; thence West along said fence to the west side of the woods pasture thence South along said woods pasture fence to the South West corner of said pasture; thence a South Easterly course along the East side of the Spring branch to the township line between Townships 19 & 20; thence East to the South East corner of said West half of the South East quarter of section 33; thence North to the place of begin- ning, containing about one hundred & twenty acres, to be held, possessed and controlled by her during her natural life as aforesaid. Item, Second. I give devise and bequeath unto my son William Snider in fee the East Half of the South West quarter of section No. Thirty three (33) in township No. Twenty (20) North, Range Twelve (12) West, and all that part of the West half of the South East quarter of said section township and range not herein bequeathed or disposed of otherwise, also one bay mare which he claims as his own and a two year old colt of said mare’s, also a cow and calf to be selected by him (after his mother has taken such as she may desire to keep). Item, Third. To my son Davis Snider in fee, Subject to the life Estate and use of my said wife Mary Snider, The East half of the South East quarter of Section No. Thirty three (33) in Township No. Twenty (20) North, Range Twelve (12) West, also that part of the West half of the South East quarter of said section, township and Range, more fully and particularly hereinbefore described in my bequest to my said wife Mary Snider during her natural life, Also a certain Bay yearling colt now owned by me; also a cow and calf to be selected by him after his mother & his brother William have taken such as are herein bequeathed to them. Item, Fourth. I give devise and bequeath unto my beloved daughter Rachel A. Snider in fee the North half of the South West quarter of the North East quarter and South East quarter of the North West quarter of Section No. Thirty three (33) in Township Twenty (20) North, Range Twelve (12) West, Except four acres off of the North side of said tract of land; also a spring colt, and a cow and calf. Item, Fifth. To my beloved daughter Margaret Snider, in fee, the South half of the South West quarter of the South East quarter & South East quarter of the North West qr. of Section No. Thirty three (33) in Township No. Twenty (20) North, Range No. Twelve (12) West, except four acres off of the North side of said tracts of land. Also one cow and calf and a spring colt. Item, Sixth. I give devise and bequeath unto my Son Barton Snyder the set of blacksmith tools in the shop on the South East corner of my farm; and I also give said Barton Snider the privilege of moving said blacksmith shop & the dwelling house near said shop, now occupied by him, at any time he may think proper after my death, also one two year old filley more particularly known as the stump sucker also one Red Cow and Calf that he has in his possession. I also give and devise unto my said son Barton Snider, in fee, twenty acres of land to be selected by him out of the East half of the North East quarter of section Thirty three (33) in Township Twenty (20) North, Range Twelve (12) West - provided said tract of land shall not be redeemed from me by any person authorised so to do, as judgement creditors of Thomas Osborn, or subsequent incumbrancers [sic] of said land - such selection by him of twenty acres to be made so as to lie East and West across said Eighty acre lot. Item, Seventh. I will and direct that my executor hereinafter named, shall sell at private or public sale (if the same shall not have been redeemed as indicated in item sixth) and convey by warranty deed, the remaining Sixty acres of the East half of the North East quarter of Section No. Thirty three in Township No. Twenty (20) North, Range Twelve (12) West, on reasonable time, and the proceeds of Said Sale as well as of the sale of all personal property which I may own at the time of my decease, not herein devised or otherwise disposed of, be equally divided among all my heirs and I further direct that as Soon as practicable after my decease the special bequests of personal property herein made be delivered to said legatees & receipts taken for the same, and that my Executor thereupon proceed to sell the remainder of my personal estate under the laws of this state in cases of administration, & that he pay out of any money on hand or arising from said sale all my lawful debts and funeral expenses. And finally I hereby nominate, constitute and appoint my son in law William H. Allen, Sole Executor of this my last will and testament. In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 13th day of August, A.D. 1862. (signed) Asa B. Snider (seal) The foregoing written instrument was signed by said testator in our presence and acknowledged by him to each of us as and for his last will and testament, and we, at his request & in his presence, hereunto signed our names as witnesses to the same. (signed) Geo. Hilliary Sr. George K. Hilliary Addendum on blue paper: I further Direct that I hold a Note of land one on Wm. H. Allen one on Thomas Snider also one on Barton Snider and at my decease I want said notes handed to them and not collected nor any account made of them (unsigned) State of Illinois Vermilion County SS In the County Court of said County In Probate, March Term, A.D. 1868, Personally appeared in open court, George Hilliary, Sen’r and George K. Hilleary [sic], subscribing witnesses to the annexed Instrument of writing, purporting to be the Last Will and Testament of Asa B. Snider, deceased, late of this county, who, being duly sworn according to law, do depose and say, each for himself, that he was present and saw the said Asa B. Snider sign said will in their presence, and that they believe that the said testator was of sound Mind and Memory, of lawful age, and under no restraint when he signed said will, [blank space], They further depose and say, each for himself, that the blue piece of paper attached to said will by wafers and which purports to be a part of said will was signed by said Testator; that the writing on said blue piece of paper was done by George Hilliary, Sen’r, one of said deponents, at the request of said testator, and at his request attached to said will, as a part of the same, and after said paper was thus attached, said Testator signed said will, in their presence [blank space] And that they then each subscribed his name as a witness to said instrument, at the request of said Testator, and in his presence and in the presence of each other Subscribed and sworn to (signed) Geo. Hilliary Sr. in open Court, this 10th (signed) Geo. K. Hilleary day of April A.D. 1868 John C. Short, Clk. for J.W. Lowell, Dept. ------------------------------------------------------------------ USGENWEB NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by other organiza- tions or persons. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material, must obtain the written consent of the contri- butor, or the legal representative of the submitter, and contact the listed USGenWeb archivist with proof of this consent. ----------------------------------------------------------------- File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Steve Hodson