Allen County IN Archives News.....Aged Woman Breaks Shoulder in Fall 1919 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Elizabeth Tilton October 19, 2007, 6:30 pm Danville, Illinois, Commercial News 1919 Aged Woman Breaks Shoulder in Fall Mrs. Sophia Tilton Playing with her Grandchildren when She Fell Mrs. Sophia Tilton, 91 years old, residing with her daughter-in-law Mrs. Sarah Tilton, 929 North Hazel Street, is crippled in the left shoulder for life as the result of a fall off the steps of the back porch of the Tilton residence (Easter) Sunday afternoon. The shoulder was broken squarely in two, and on account of the extreme age of the woman no anaesthetic could be given. The member was set as well as possible under the circumstances and the bones permitted to knit as best they can. Mrs. Tilton was on the back porch steps watching her grandchildren and great grandchildren at play and enjoying the beautiful day. Although 91 she has always insisted that she was young in activities, but was compelled to admit that she had a weakening spell and felt dizzy when she started to get up, then fell to the ground. Mrs. Tilton came to Danville two years ago from Fort Wayne, Indiana, where she lived alone, refusing to make her home with her children or retire from active duties because of her age. She is the widow of Josiah Tilton, one of the pioneer engineers on the Wabash railway, the mother of the late Edgar Josiah Tilton, another well known engineer, and the grandmother of Leroy Tilton, an extra passenger engineer on the Chicago & Eastern Illinois Railway. File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 2.0 Kb