Bartholomew-Hendricks County IN Archives Biographies.....Arnold, John W. 1852 - ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Joy Fisher January 21, 2007, 10:05 pm Author: B. F. Bowen (1904) JOHN W. ARNOLD, M. D. From no professional man do we expect or exact so many of the cardinal virtues as from the physician. If the clergyman is austere, we imagine that his mind is absorbed with the contemplation of things beyond our ken; if our lawyer is brusque and crabbed, it is the mark of genius; but in the physician we expect not only a superior mentality and comprehensive knowledge, but sympathy as wide as the universe. Dr. Arnold in large measure meets all of these requirements and is regarded by many as an ideal physician. Certainly if patronage is any criterion of ability, he ranks high among the leading physicians and surgeons in Columbus, where he is now enjoying a large and lucrative practice. The Doctor was born in Hendricks county, Indiana, on the 17th of November, 1852, and is the elder son in the family of Richard and Sarah (McLeod) Arnold. His brother is a farmer of Hendricks county, and it was upon the home farm there that the subject of this review spent his boyhood days, working in the fields and meadows when not engaged with the duties of schoolroom. He pursued his education in the district schools until he had mastered the elementary branches of learning and later became a student in Wabash College, where he remained for one year. Becoming interested in the methods of medical practice, he determined to engage in that line of activity as a life work and entered the office of his uncle, Dr. A. J. McLeod, of Burnesville, Indiana, in the year 1881. For two years he pursued his reading under his preceptor and in 1883 he matriculated in the Central College of Physicians and Surgeons at Indianapolis, where on the completion of the prescribed course he was graduated in the spring of 1885. Being now well equipped for the practice of medicine, the Doctor sought a location in the west, establishing his home in Bluff City, Kansas, where he opened an office and practiced with success until 1896. He then returned to his native state and, locating in Columbus, entered into partnership with his uncle, Dr. A. J. McLeod, in 1896. This relation was maintained until the death of the senior partner, in June, 1898, since which time the Doctor has been alone. He has built up a large and lucrative patronage in this city and is now widely and favorably known here. On the 23d of June, 1886, occurred the marriage of Dr. Arnold and Miss Clara E. Bunker, of Topeka, Kansas, who was born in Hendricks county, Indiana. They are members of the Christian church, take an active part in its work and the Doctor is now serving as one of its deacons. He belongs to St. John's Lodge, No. 20, Free and Accepted Masons, and is also a Royal Arch Mason. The Republican party has ever received his political allegiance and while in Kansas he served as county coroner from 1892 until 1894. He has also served as medical examiner for various insurance companies and lodges. In his profession he does not consider himself bound by any set system of rules, but thinks and acts for himself and his judgment is wise and his labors beneficial. With a nature that could never content itself with mediocrity, he has so qualified that he has steadily advanced to a prominent position among the most capable members of the profession in Columbus, and the public and the medical fraternity acknowledge his worth and merit. Additional Comments: Extracted from BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD OF BARTHOLOMEW COUNTY INDIANA INCLUDING BIOGRAPHIES OF THE GOVERNORS AND OTHER REPRESENTATIVE CITIZENS OF INDIANA ILLUSTRATED 1904 B. F. Bowen PUBLISHER File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 4.1 Kb