Bartholomew County IN Archives Biographies.....Hartman, A. E. 1846 - ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Joy Fisher January 21, 2007, 8:03 pm Author: B. F. Bowen (1904) A. E. HARTMAN. Among the most energetic, enterprising and progressive business men of Columbus, Indiana, is A. E. Hartman, who is now engaged in buying and shipping butter, eggs and poultry. He has established a business of considerable size, indicative of his own enterprise and capable management and now annually receives a good income as the reward of his labor. Mr. Hartman is a native of Pennsylvania, his birth having occurred on the 25th of November, 1846, near the historic town of Gettysburg, where some seventeen years later was to occur one of the most sanguinary conflicts of the entire Civil war. He was a lad of twelve years when his mother died and he then went to live with an uncle at Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, where he was engaged in the boot and shoe business. His father owned an interest in that business and Mr. Hartman of this review represented him in the store. He afterward served in the capacity of assistant baggage master at the depot of the Philadelphia & Reading Railroad Company at Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. After the inauguration of the Civil war his work seemed to grow monotonous and at length Mr. Hartman could no longer content himself to remain at home while his country was in danger. He offered his services to the government, enlisting as a member of Company K, One Hundred and First Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry, and with his regiment he went to the seat of war, serving faithfully and loyally until after the close of hostilities, when he received an honorable discharge in July, 1865. At that time he returned to Pennsylvania, but after a number of months came to Indiana. It was in April, 1867, that Mr. Hartman arrived in Columbus as agent for Dr. Mishler, of Lancaster, Pennsylvania. Here he embarked in his present business in 1869 as a dealer in butter, eggs and poultry. He makes extensive purchases and thus his business furnishes an excellent market to the producers in these lines in the surrounding country. He ships to different cities and has developed a business of considerable magnitude, which annually returns to him a good income. A work which Mr. Hartman has performed during his residence in Columbus is certainly worthy of note. He saw that a certain oil company was working their horses on a scant half ration of feed to such an extent that the animals would reel with weakness under the heavy loads they were compelled to draw. He instituted investigation and inquiries and found that his opinions concerning various companies were correct, not only in Columbus but also in other cities in which the oil company had an agency. He then, with untiring zeal, began the task of suppressing this cruelty, and after about a year devoted to the work had the satisfaction of knowing that his labors were attended with good results. He feels fully repaid for what he did. He is a man of sympathetic nature who cannot bear to see any person or animal suffer and he certainly deserves great credit for what he did in this way. Mr. Hartman has been twice married. On the 24th of December, 1868, he was joined in wedlock to Miss Josephine Sheffield and they traveled life's journey happily together for about sixteen years and were separated by death in October, 1884, Mrs. Hartman being called to her final rest. Two children were born to this union: Oliver H., who is now associated with his father in the produce business, and Jessie, at home. On the 24th of December, 1894, Mr. Hartman was again married, his second union being with Hattie B. Taylor, who is a kind and devoted wife and a most estimable lady, having many friends in the community. Both Mr. and Mrs. Hartman enjoy the hospitality of the best homes in this city, being widely and favorably known. In his political views Mr. Hartman is a stalwart Republican, having always given his support to the principles of the party. He served for four years during President Harrison's administration as postmaster of Columbus and in 1899 he was elected trustee of Columbus township, which position he is filling at the present time, discharging his duties in a prompt and capable manner. Always courteous and genial, he possesses a social disposition that well qualifies him for the important part that he has taken in political affairs. His success has been by no means the result of fortunate circumstances, but has come to him through energy, labor and perseverance, directed by an evenly balanced mind and by honorable business principles. Additional Comments: Extracted from BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD OF BARTHOLOMEW COUNTY INDIANA INCLUDING BIOGRAPHIES OF THE GOVERNORS AND OTHER REPRESENTATIVE CITIZENS OF INDIANA ILLUSTRATED 1904 B. F. Bowen PUBLISHER File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 5.2 Kb