Bartholomew County IN Archives Biographies.....May, Arthur ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Joy Fisher January 24, 2007, 5:04 pm Author: B. F. Bowen (1904) ARTHUR MAY. Arthur May, who resides in Haw Creek township, is acting as administrator of the estate of his father, who was one of the most prominent and prosperous agriculturists of this locality. His parents were Thomas and Jane (Lortz) May. The former was born in Warren county, Ohio, on the 3d of November, 1827. and was brought by his parents to Bartholomew county, Indiana, in the year 1835, the family home being established in Clay township. There the grandfather entered land from the government. It was all wild and unimproved, but the task of developing and cultivating it did not appall him and with resolute good will he set to work to make his land cultivable and productive, with the result that his labors produced one of the fine farms of the county. Both he and his wife resided thereon for many years and there his death occurred January 28, 1903. From the time of his arrival in the county, more than sixty-eight years ago, the family has been prominent and influential and has done much for the general progress and material upbuilding. Thomas May was reared upon the old home farm and attended the public schools. He was fond of books, read extensively throughout his entire life and became a man of broad learning and general information. At the age of seventeen he started out upon his business career, being employed as a farm hand for seven dollars per month by Mr. McCullough, in Columbus township. Later he was given eight dollars per month in compensation for his services and regarded this as a good wage. He was employed as a farm hand for a long period and he gave a part of his earnings to his parents after he was seventeen years of age, and previous to that time they received all that he earned. When he was about twenty-one years of age he purchased the old homestead of eighty acres, having saved nine hundred dollars, which he used to make a payment upon the land. Thus he became a landholder, but his efforts to acquire property did not cease here. He worked energetically and carefully and as his financial resources increased he made judicious investments until he was the owner of eight hundred and sixty acres of fine land. Thomas May was first married on the 1st of March, 1855,to Miss Martha Seward, who was born in Ohio, January 1, 1825, a daughter of John Seward, a native of Virginia, who died in this county, April 10, 1873. Mrs. May passed away December 16, 1862. Their daughter, Callie, is the wife of C. M. Handley, of Columbus, Indiana. On the 16th of March, 1865, Mr. May was again married, his second union being with Miss Jennie Lortz, a daughter of George and Sarah Lortz, who were natives of Virginia and became pioneer settlers of this county. Mrs. May was born September 8, 1845, and by her marriage became the mother of eight children, as follows: Frank, Maudie, Arthur, Ralph, Bertha, Edwin, Charles and Ray. In his political views the father of this family was a Democrat and was twice elected county commissioner, the first time in 1862 and again in 1898, thus serving for six years. Fraternally he was connected with the Independent Order of Odd Fellows at Columbus. He was generous in his contribution to churches and charitable affairs and was a man of broad sympathy and kindly nature. His business record was unassailable, for he won his splendid success through honorable methods and by reason of his consecutive endeavor and sound judgment. He passed away January 28, 1903, leaving to his family not only a handsome estate, but also the priceless heritage of an untarnished name. The old home farm upon which Arthur May now lives is endeared to him through the associations of his boyhood as well as of his manhood, for his youth was here passed. In 1896 was celebrated the marriage of Mr. May and Miss Anna Sidener, a daughter of Joseph D. and Martha Sidener. Mrs. May was born in Haw Creek township and has a wide acquaintance in this part of the county. Unto this marriage has been born a son, Robert, whose birth occurred in September, 1899. Mr. May votes with the Democracy, but is not active in political affairs. Additional Comments: Extracted from BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD OF BARTHOLOMEW COUNTY INDIANA INCLUDING BIOGRAPHIES OF THE GOVERNORS AND OTHER REPRESENTATIVE CITIZENS OF INDIANA ILLUSTRATED 1904 B. F. Bowen PUBLISHER File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 4.9 Kb