Bartholomew County IN Archives Biographies.....Schwartzkopf, George G. 1869 - ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Joy Fisher January 21, 2007, 7:34 pm Author: B. F. Bowen (1904) GEORGE G. SCHWARTZKOPF. A well known representative of industrial interests of Columbus is George G. Schwartzkopf. The development and prosperity of every community depends upon its industrial and commercial activity, and therefore the men who are most prominent in its public affairs are they who are controling the avenues of trade. In this connection Mr. Schwartzkopf has a wide acquaintance, being the general manager and bookkeeper of the flouring mills conducted under the name of Schaefer & Schwartzkopf. The subject is one of the native born sons of Columbus, Indiana, his birth having here occurred on the 27th of January, 1869. His parents were Joseph and Susan (Horn) Schwartzkopf. The father came to Bartholomew county from Germany prior to his marriage, believing that he might have better business opportunities in the new world than could be secured in the older countries of Europe. Making his way to Columbus, he here embarked in business and remained a resident of this city until called to his final rest. It was here that he married Miss Susan Horn, whose parents were natives of Pennsylvania and were also of German lineage. Mr. Schwartzkopf died in August, 1901, and is still survived by his wife, who makes her home in Columbus. They were the parents of seven children, all of whom are yet living, namely: George G, whose name introduces this record; Barbara, the wife of George Lang; Catherine, Emma, Joseph, Edward and Lulu, all of whom are still at home with their mother. When about six years of age George G. Schwartzkopf began his education in the graded schools of Columbus and there pursued his studies until he had a good knowledge of the common branches of learning. He afterward attended a night school, in which he completed a commercial course, and was thus well qualified to take up the practical and responsible duties of a business career. In October, 1893, he entered the milling business in connection with John H. and C. F. Schaefer, having a fourth interest in the enterprise. In January, 1903, the firm was changed to Schaefer & Schwartzkopf, the equal partners being John H. Schaefer and Mr. Schwartzkopf, under the firm name of C. F. Schaefer & Co. The subject is still the manager and bookkeeper, and for ten years has been identified with this industry, which is now an important one in the city. The firm manufactures a high grade of flour and does quite an extensive business, having a large trade in the city and locality. The mill is equipped with the latest improved machinery and everything is done to facilitate the work and make the product such as will find a ready sale upon the market. The firm also operates an elevator of twenty-five thousand bushels capacity, and they handle a large quantity of grain annually. In 1893 Mr. Schwartzkopf was united in marriage to Miss Minnie Schaefer, a daughter of C. F. Schaefer, and who was born in this country. This union has been blessed with four sons: Walter, whose birth occurred in September, 1895; Clarence, born in October, 1897; Robert, born in November, 1899, and Williard, born November, 1903. The parents are members of the German Lutheran church, and in his political views Mr. Schwartzkopf is a Democrat, but never takes an active part in public affairs, preferring to give his time and energies to his business pursuits. He is yet a young man and has already attained desirable success. Energy and capability are salient features in his career, and he is at all times a gentleman in the truest and best sense of the term. Additional Comments: Extracted from BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD OF BARTHOLOMEW COUNTY INDIANA INCLUDING BIOGRAPHIES OF THE GOVERNORS AND OTHER REPRESENTATIVE CITIZENS OF INDIANA ILLUSTRATED 1904 B. F. Bowen PUBLISHER File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 4.3 Kb