Early Life and Times of Boone County, Indiana, published May 1877, republished 1974 A.C.DAILY    It is pleasure we present our patrons with a brief biography of A.C. DAILY, together with his portrait.  Mr. DAILY was born at New Carlisle, Clark County, Ohio, and being one of the oldest of a large family of children, whose parents were in rather humble circumstances, and of an ambitious disposition, he, at the tender age of ten years, began life for himself.  A good education was his first purpose in life, and to this end, after completing the course laid down in the public schools, he gained admission as a student in Linden Hill Academy, of his native place.  Here he preserved in his studies until the course was almost completed, when he was tendered a position in the office of John C. DAILY (Old Cal. as he was known), treasurer of this -- Boone -- county, which position he accepted, but had barely entered upon the discharge of its duties, when James A. NUNN, auditor of this county, appointed him deputy in that office, where he remained for eight years, and was then honored by the voters of this county by election as auditor, which office he filled for the term of four years. March 11, 1858, Mr. DAILY was united in marriage to Miss Henrietta BLUE, of Mechanicsburg, Ohio, who only survived until November 23, 1863, when occurred the first great sorrow of his life, the loss of his young and devoted wife.  Mr. DAILY's second marriage occurred December 19, 1867, when he held to the alter Miss Maggie MCCORKLE, of Mechanicsburg, Ohio.  The latter marriage has been blessed by the birth of four interesting children, two of whom only survive.  In the spring of 1860, the county commissioners appointed Mr. DAILY as clerk of the Boone Circuit Court, to fill a vacancy caused by the death of Henry SHANNON, and his party, the Democracy, nominated him for its candidate for that office at the election of that year, but numbers were against the success of the party at the election and his competitor, Mr. S.A. LEE, was elected.  In 1862 Mr. DAILY was nominated by the Republicans as their candidate for auditor of the county and he was triumphantly elected, which office he filled for four years in such a manner as to reflect great credit to the people of his county. In March, 1867, Mr. DAILY, the late Major H.G. HAZELRIGG, and the late Judge L.C. DOUGHERTY formed a stock company and organized the Lebanon Bank, which name and organization were maintained until the year 1882, when it organized under the national banking laws as the Lebanon National Bank, with Mr. DAILY as president, and his brother, SS DAILY, as cashier. Mr. DAILY is an honored member of the Masonic fraternity, being a Past Master of Boone Lodge, No. 9; a companion of Lebanon Chapter, No. 39, R.A.M.; also of Boone Council No. 45, R. and S.M.; is a Knight Templar of Frankfort Commandery, and has attained to the 32o in the Scottish Rite.  He is also a member of the I.O.O.F. of long standing, and has since the year 1861 been a member of the finance committee at almost every meeting of the Grand Lodge of that noble order, which shows in what esteem he is held by his brothers and fellows. Mr. DAILY was a stockholder at the reorganization of the Boone County Agricultural Society, and was the first secretary of that society, serving in that capacity for five consecutive years.  He was at one time a director in what is now known as the Midland Railroad Company, and labored hard to have that road completed to Lebanon.  He is at present one of the directors of the natural gas company, and is thoroughly in earnest in the matter of developing the resources of our country. Mr. DAILY represented this district as a delegate to the National Republican convention, at Chicago, that nominated the Hon. James G. BLAINE for the presidency in 1884, and worked hard to carry out the wishes of his constituency.  That he succeeded they all bear testimony. Mr. DAILY's political friends presented his name before the Republican state convention last year for nomination for the office of Auditor of State, but Mr. Bruce CARR was the recipient of that honor. Mr. DAILY has never formally connected himself with any church, but is at present a member of the board of trustees of the M.E. Church, in Lebanon, his aged mother's church, and greatly assisted that body in the erection of its beautiful new house of worship in the summer of 1886. Mr. DAILY is a great admirer of blooded stock, and as such has a number of fine horses and Jersey cattle that are the pride of his leisure hours.  He is also the treasurer and a member of the executive committee of the Indiana Trotting and Pacing Horse Breeders' Association. The life of Mr. DAILY as been a successful one, and is due to the resolution formed in boyhood to "act well his part," and in the various positions which he has been called upon to fill we find that unfaltering devotion to principles of honesty that characterize the lives of our successful men. Personally Mr. DAILY is rather a heavy set, square shouldered man, with dark hair and eyes, an open countenance.  His convictions are plain and are not easily transformed. DAILY  NUNN  BLUE  MCCORKLE  SHANNON  LEE  HAZELRIGG DOUGHERTY  BLAINE  CARR Submitted by Jane A Heine jaheine@in-motion.net Part of the Indiana Biographies Project --------------------------------------------------------------------- USGENWEB NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by other organization or persons. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material, must obtain the written consent of the contributor, or the legal representative of the submitter, and contact the listed USGenWeb archivist with proof of this consent. --------------------------------------------------------------------- File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by Jane A Heine (© 1999 Jane A Heine)