Brown County IN Archives Biographies.....Wise, James (Jr.) 1858 - ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Joy Fisher January 26, 2007, 10:40 pm Author: B. F. Bowen (1904) JAMES WISE, JR. A native of Brown county, and a lifelong resident of the same, the subject of this review is widely and favorably known, and as a farmer and representative citizen occupies a conspicuous place among the leading men of his community. James Wise is descended paternally from Irish ancestry, his antecedents on the mother's side being English. His grandfather Wise came from Ireland many years ago and was a soldier in the American army during the war of 1812. He moved to Indiana in an early day and settled in Decatur county, where he spent the remainder of his life, dying at the remarkable age of ninety-nine years. His wife, to whom he had been married over seventy years, also lived to a ripe old age, departing this life in her ninety-sixth year. Bennet Wise, father of the subject, was born and reared in Decatur county, Indiana, and when a young man married Miss Talitha Lane, who bore him eleven children, namely: Williamson, James W., Catherine. Ralph, Bennet, Minnie R., Elizabeth, John, Neff and Lettie. A number of years ago Bennet Wise changed his abode to Brown county where he engaged in farming, and it was here that the majority of his children were born and reared. James Wise, whose name introduces this article, was born April 14, 1855, on the family homestead in Washington township and spent the years of his childhood and youth amid the stirring scenes of a farm life, attending as he grew up the district schools near his home. Reared to agricultural pursuits, he early decided to make this useful calling his life work, and as soon as practicable after quitting school he turned his attention to the same and in due time achieved success for which he planned. Mr. Wise owns a small but well improved and highly productive farm in Washington township, and in addition to cultivating the soil he is also interested in the mercantile business, owning and personally conducting a well-stocked general store at Schooner, which has a large and lucrative patronage. In the prosecution of his business affairs, as well as in the management of his farm, he manifests commendable zeal and industry, being familiar with every detail of the mercantile trade and equally efficient in the matter of agricultural science. He is a careful buyer, a courteous and successful salesman and his relations with the public have always been mutually pleasant and agreeable, which fact accounts for the magnitude of the business which he now commands. In politics Mr. Wise is a Democrat, and for a number of years he has wielded a wide influence in his party, being one of its recognized leaders in Brown county, and a potent factor in promoting its success. He has never been a place-seeker, notwithstanding which the people of Washington township elected him to the office of trustee, which position, he held for a period of five years to the satisfaction of all concerned, proving under all circumstances a faithful, judicious and eminently honorable public servant. The domestic life of Mr. Wise dates from the year 1879, when he was united in marriage to Miss Mary O. Seitz, who was born January 15, 1859, in Ohio, the union being blessed with eight children, whose names are as follows: Katie, Lewis, Minnie, Grover, Thurman, Vernie, James M. and Gaynell, all living and doing well in their respective spheres of endeavor. The mother of these children, a woman of excellent character and many sterling qualities, departed this life March 12, 1902, leaving, besides her immediate family, a large circle of devoted friends to mourn her loss. In concluding this brief review, it is fitting to observe that Mr. Wise is a creditable representative of that class of strong-minded, energetic men to whom in great measure is committed the welfare of the state and nation. He has been untiring in his efforts to develop the resources of his county and find outlets for its products, while by example and substantial aid he has labored to confer upon his fellows the benefit of social and moral influence. Decisive judgment, business ability, executive force and integrity are the qualities that appear conspicuous in his life, and they have also made him successful in his undertakings, as is attested by the competence in his possession and the position of respectability which he holds among the leading citizens of Brown county. Additional Comments: Extracted from BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD OF BARTHOLOMEW COUNTY INDIANA INCLUDING BIOGRAPHIES OF THE GOVERNORS AND OTHER REPRESENTATIVE CITIZENS OF INDIANA ILLUSTRATED 1904 B. F. Bowen PUBLISHER File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 5.1 Kb