Carroll-Orange County IN Archives Biographies.....Sibbitt, William B. 1855 - ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Joy Fisher March 27, 2006, 10:25 pm Author: John C. Odell (1916) WILLIAM B. SIBBITT. Those by whom great epochal changes have been made in the political, industrial and agricultural world, began early in life to prepare themselves for their peculiar duties and responsibilities. It was only by the most persevering and continuous endeavor that they succeeded in rising superior to the obstacles in their way and reaching the goal of their ambition. Such lives are an inspiration to others who are less courageous and more prone to give up the fight before their ideal is reached. William B. Sibbitt, an honorable citizen and farmer of Democrat township, this county, who is the owner of three hundred and forty-seven acres of fine farming land, began early in life to save his money and, at the time of his marriage, had savings amounting to practically one thousand dollars. From year to year, he has added to this original nest egg, each year spending a little less than he made until now he is one of the well-to-do citizens of his community. William B. Sibbitt was born in Burlington township, January 19, 1855, the son of Alva and Elza J. (Jennings) Sibbitt, both of whom were born in Ohio and there grew to maturity and were married. After their marriage, they came to Indiana and located in Carroll county, where the father lived until the time of his death. He was a member of the Methodist church and active in church work. He was a Republican in politics. Alva and Elza J. (Jennings) Sibbitt had three children, of whom George is deceased. The two living children are William B., the subject of this sketch, and Lydia, the wife of William Unger, a farmer of Burlington township. William B. Sibbitt was reared on a farm in Burlington township and was educated in the common schools of the township. Having remained at home until he reached his majority, he worked diligently during the next three years and saved about one thousand dollars. On August 28, 1879, William B. Sibbitt was married to Emma McDonald, who was born on July 23, 1862, and who is the daughter of David and Eliza J. (Gant) McDonald. David McDonald was born and reared in the Old Dominion state, as were also his parents. They were of Scotch-Irish descent When a young man, David McDonald immigrated to Indiana and located in Clinton county, where he learned the blacksmith's trade. He worked at this trade until his death, with the exception of the period he fought to preserve his country, in the great Civil War. David and Eliza J. McDonald were the parents of six children, of whom five are now living, Virginia, the widow of Charles Hamilton; Emma, the wife of Mr. Sibbitt; Mary J., the wife of George Pyle; Berdie, who married Steve Eads; Meddie, the wife of Frank Corns. Edward, the fourth child, died when about thirty-five years of age. Mrs. Sibbitt was educated in the common schools of Clinton county and reared at Colfax, Indiana. To Mr. and Mrs. William B. Sibbitt have been born nine children, Vera, the wife of J. C. Shanklin; Alva, who married Emma Tenbrook; Blanche, a graduate of the common schools, who married Charles Mann; Edward, also a graduate of the common schools; Fern, a graduate of the common schools, who married Dr. O. V. Kingery; Ethel, a graduate of the high school, who is the wife of Closs Cleaver; Guy, who is a graduate of the common schools; Carl, who is a graduate of the high school, and Elmer R. Mr. Sibbitt owns three hundred and forty-seven acres of land of which two hundred and seven acres are located in Democrat township, this county, and the balance in Orange county, Indiana. There is not a dollar's worth of property which Mr. Sibbitt now has, which he has not made by his own personal exertion. Both Mr. and Mrs. Sibbitt and family are members of the Methodist Episcopal church at Ball Hill. Mr. Sibbitt votes the Republican ticket, but takes no active part in politics. Additional Comments: Extracted from: HISTORY OF CARROLL COUNTY INDIANA ITS PEOPLE, INDUSTRIES AND INSTITUTIONS BY JOHN C ODELL With Biographical Sketches of Representative Citizens and Genealogical Records of Many of the Old Families ILLUSTRATED 1916 B. F. BOWEN & COMPANY, Inc. Indianapolis, Indiana File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 4.7 Kb