Carroll-Miami County IN Archives Obituaries.....CUNNINGHAM, Sarah Emma [FLORA] January 22, 1904 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Janet Hall May 13, 2007, 7:00 pm Hoosier Democrat, Flora, Ind, January 1904 DEATH OF MRS. J. L. CUNNINGHAM Expired of heart Failure on Friday afternoon. Great loss to community. Found lying on the floor by little adopted son. Prominent in church and society circles. Sarah Emma FLORA was born in Miami county, Indiana, August 11, 1864, and was suddenly called to her eternal reward from her home on South Center Street January 22, 1904. All the days of her pilgrimage were 39 years, 7 months and 11 days. She was married to Jacob L. CUNNINGHAM 1885. To this union was given a son, stillborn, on March 22, 1908. She united with the Brethren church in 1883 in Miami county and remained true to her Christian profession to the end. She was in apparently good health at 3 o'clock and when their little adopted son Leslie, came from school an hour and a half later she was cold in death. Drs. Callane and Lyons were hastily summoned, but all efforts to resuscitate her were futile. The coroner's verdict was heart failure. She leaves to mourn her untimely death a devoted husband, an adopted son Leslie, an aged father, five brothers: Levi, David, Merritt, Area, and Jacob FLORA: Two sisters, Rosanna DONALDSON of Missouri and Lizzie MILLER of Mexico, Indiana. All were present except the father and the sister from Missouri. Numerous other relatives and friends were present at the funeral and the large house was filled to the annexes. She had a premonition years ago that her departure from this earth would be sudden and yet no one was ready for the sad news. Funeral services were conducted by Elder A. G. Crosswhite Sunday at 10:30 a.m. after which the body was laid to rest in Maple lawn cemetery. Additional Comments: Her parents were Noah FLORA and Anna FOUTS. The Miami co FLORA family came from Virginia later than the Carroll co group; possibly related in some way. File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 2.4 Kb