Carroll County IN Archives Obituaries.....FLORA, Jacob H. May 14, 1905 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Janet Hall May 8, 2007, 2:08 pm Hoosier Democrat, Flora Ind Sat 20 May 1905 DEATH OF JACOB H. FLORA TUESDAY. End Came After an Illness Extending Over a Period of Three Years. His Near Relatives Act as Pall-Bearers. Brief Sketch of the Life of a Good Man, Identified with Flora's Early History. Jacob H. FLORA died at his home in this city Sunday evening at 10 o'clock after an illness extending over a period of three years. Aged 65 years, 3 months and 12 days. Three years ago deceased became afflicted with locomotor ataxia, the case puzzling the physicians and the treatment given him was only temporary. Each attack rendered him more helpless and finally he lost the use of his limbs and eventually his vocal organs became affected so that it was a great effort for him to converse with friends. Several weeks ago he took [to] his bed and gradually grew worse until the final summons came. Deceased was born in Carroll co., January 27, 1840. In 1862 he was married to Elizabeth HUNT to which union twelve children were born, none of whom survive. All were present at the funeral except Frank, who resides at Valley City, N.D. The others are: Ellis, of Crawfordsville, Charley, Indianapolis; Edward, Pyrmont; Mrs. Clara KEYES, Kokomo; Mrs. Norman SIMS, Mulberry; Nora, William and Ursell, at home. Besides the above he leaves one brother, Jonas, and one sister, Mrs. Nancy LESH EIKENBERRY, both of this city, to mourn his departure. Over forty years ago deceased united with the German Baptist Dunkards, at the time of his death being a member of the Old Order branch of the church. He was a consistent Christian and a man of unquestionable honor and integrity and was widely known and highly respected in this community where he spent the greater part of his life. He was a farmer by occupation. Seven years ago he moved with his family to Texas, but after a seven weeks' residence they returned and later located in Missouri where they lived for seven months. Not being pleased with the southwest they returned to Bringhurst and later located at Pyrmont where Mr. Flora conducted a flouring mill from 1900 to 1903. Two years ago they returned to Flora for permanent residence. Deceased was closely identified with the early history and development of Flora, the town of Flora being names for his father JOHN FLORA, one of the early pioneers of Carroll county. The funeral was conducted at the Old Order Dunkard church on East Columbia street Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Elders John LEEDY and John MUSSELMAN officiating. The four sons and two sons in law acted as pall bearers. Interment in the Flora cemetery. File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 3.1 Kb