Carroll County IN Archives Obituaries.....HOFF, Solomon February 14, 1905 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Janet Hall May 8, 2007, 1:57 pm Hoosier Democrat, Flora Ind, Sat 18 Feb 1905 SOLOMON HOFF PASSES AWAY: Death Occurred at His Home North of Town Early Tuesday Morning. Deceased Came to Carroll county in 1824. Brief History of the Life of One of Carroll County's Early Pioneers. Solomon HOFF, one of the early pioneers of Carroll county and one of the most widely known men to this community, passed to his reward Tuesday morning at 4 o'clock at his home north of this city of old age and a complication of diseases, aged 86 years, 6 months and 18 days. Deceased as born in Ohio, July 27, 1818. In 1824 he immigrated to Carroll county with his parents, settling in Jackson township where he resided continuously up to the time of his death, being a resident of that township for 80 years. He had resided on the farm where he died for 61 years. He was thrice married. His first wife was Hannah LESH to which union 12 children were born, 7 of whom survive. They are: John HOFF, Grass Creek, Ind.; Martin HOFF, Camden, Ind.; Emanuel HOFF, Peru, Ind.; Jacob HOFF, Cutler, Ind.; Anna DILLON, Peru, Ind.; Mary KINGERY, Bowden, N. D., and Elizabeth FLORA, Kappa, Ind. Mrs. HOFF died many years ago and on Dec 27, 1877, Mr. HOFF was married to Sophia BRUBAKER. No children came to bless this union, Mrs. HOFF passing away a number of years ago. Three years ago he was united in marriage to Angeline MAISH [sic] who still survives. Deceased leaves 40 grandchildren and 47 great grandchildren, besides a large number of other relatives and friends to mourn his departure. In his early days Mr. HOFF was one of the thrifty progressive farmers of the county and by his enterprise, industry and business foresight succeeded in accumulating a competency, being one of the well to do farmers of the county, at his death leaving quite a large estate. One of Mr. HOFF's characteristics was his perfect system of conducting his farm. Years ago he drew a map of his lands, locating all the ditches, fences, buildings, etc., and in his old age he found the map a great convenience. Deceased was a member of the conservative Dunkard church and was an honored Christian citizen. the funeral was conducted Friday at 10 o'clock at the Old Order Dunkard church on East Main Street, Elders John LEEDY and John FLORA, assisted by Eld. A. G. CROSSWHITE, officiating. Interment in the MOSS cemetery. Additional Comments: SOLOMON HOFF b Montgomery Co,Ohio 27 Jul 1818, son of Pa natives JOHN HOFF (b 20 Mar 1789; d 19 Feb 1867 Carroll Co) and NANCY BAIR (27 Jan 1788-8 Feb 1860, Carroll co) Their children were Lewis, Samuel, Jacob, Eli, Daniel, Catherine, Sarah and SOLOMON. Solomon's first marriage to Hannah LESH dau of John LESH and Hannah HARTER was 25 Feb 1837; their 12 children were John, Martin, Anna, Emanuel, Sarah, Mary, Elizabeth, Isaac & Nancy: Lovina and Louisa died young. Hannah d 7 Oct 1875 @ 59. His 2nd m was 25 Dec 1877 to SOPHIA SHOCK BRUBAKER widow of Israel BRUBAKER; she d 13 Aug 1892. third m to Margaret Angeline MARSH, a widow, in 1905. File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 3.6 Kb