Carroll County IN Archives Obituaries.....HUFFER, Jacob January 3, 1910 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Janet Hall May 8, 2007, 5:53 pm Hoosier Democrat; Flora, Ind, Sat 7 Jan 1911 JACOB HUFFER DIES AT HIS HOME IN THIS CITY LAST TUESDAY Jacob HUFFER was born in Augusta Co., Va., November 15, 1827 and died at his home in Flora, Ind., January 3, 1910, at the age of 83 years, 1 month and 18 days. In 1853 he was married to Mary Ann DAGGY and to this union was born three children. After a happy married life of eight years the home was broken by the death of the mother. One daughter of the union survives. On April 10, 1862 he was united in marriage to Mary FLORA and this union was blessed with ten children, and again after nineteen years of married life, death claimed the mother and for the second time was left without a companion in the world. Of these ten children, five have preceded the father. Those remaining are Malinda VINEY, Lucinda MICHAEL, William, Chas. and Jacob [HUFFER] all of these children being in Carroll county. On January 26, 1884, he was married to Dorcas ENISE and after one and one-half years the father was left for the third time without a companion. On March 19, 1894, he was married to Martha Ann MASONCUT who survives him. Thus three companions and seven children have gone on before, leaving a companion, six children, eighteen grandchildren and eight great-grandchildren to mourn this their great loss. Mr. Huffer united with the Salem Brethren Church near Burlington about 25 years ago and remained loyal to the teachings of the church and uncompromising in the faith of the gospel until the last. The deceased came from Virginia to Clinton county, Indiana in 1855, where he lived three years, after which he moved onto the large farm in Burlington township where he spent the best part of his life. About five years ago he moved to Flora that he might spend his remaining days in retirement. The funeral services were conducted yesterday (Friday) morning at 10:30 o'clock from the Ball Hill M. E. church in charge of Rev. C. C. Grisso, the local pastor, and Rev. H. M. Harley of the Burlington church. Interment in Ball Hill Cemetery. Additional Comments: I have seen some members of this family use HUFFORD spelling. File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 2.7 Kb