Carroll County IN Archives Obituaries.....KINGERY, John April 29, 1926 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Janet Hall May 13, 2007, 5:05 pm The Hoosier Democrat, Flora, Ind: Sat 1 May 1926 JOHN KINGERY, ONE OF CITY'S OLDEST RESIDENTS, DIES Following a lengthy illness with old age and its complications, John F. KINGERY died at 3"30 o'clock Thursday afternoon of last week at the old Kingery homestead, one and one half miles west of Bringhurst at the home of a son, county commissioner J. M. KINGERY. At his demise he was 89 years, 11 months and 23 days of age. Funeral services were held at the Old Order church on East Columbia street last Saturday morning at 10:30, being conducted by Elder John F. FLORA of east of the city, assisted by Elder Joe FISHER of Howard county and elder Abram FISHER of Camden. Interment was made in the Moss Cemetery. John F. KINGERY, a son of Joseph and Elizabeth KINGERY and one of 15 children, was born in Union county, Indiana, May 6, 1836. Most of his life had been spent in Carroll county and the last 34 years he had been a resident of Flora. Fifteen years he lived on the old homestead. He was one of this city's oldest residents. He was united in marriage to Lydia FLORA who departed this life December 31, 1919. The wife was the daughter of Jacob and Mahala FLORA of near Bringhurst, early residents of Monroe township. To this union seven children were born, two of whom died in infancy,and a daughter, Mrs. Sarah CRIPE, who died at her home here on April 19, 1925. He leaves two sons and two daughters: Joseph F. and Jacob M. of Bringhurst; Mrs. Lenna BOWERMAN of this city,and Mrs. Mahala BRUBAKER of Kenosha, Wis, one brother, David, of Chasley N.D., two sisters, Mrs. Jemima STOMS of Middlefork,and Mrs. Lydia PARKER, of Flora; sixteen grandchildren and 26 great grandchildren, besides a host of friends who mourn his departure. He with his wife was baptized into the Old German Baptist Brethren Church about 65 years ago and had always lived a consistent faithful life and had always had a great love for his church. He was elected to the office of Deacon about 1878 and to the ministry in 1888. He was ordained to the eldership in [Year Illegible] Additional Comments: From the Flora Ind Centennial book, this quote: (Old Order Brethren frown on dancing, and tapping one's toe during hymn singing was getting close to dancing!) John F. Kingery was a singing teacher. His voice was beautiful, but sorry to say, he couldn't keep his foot from tapping in time to the music. He was often admonished by the brethren to keep his foot firmly on the floor while leading songs. He led singing at the German Baptist for many years and was always invited to the "singin's" File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 3.1 Kb