Carroll County IN Archives Obituaries.....LENON, Robert S. December 18, 1911 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Janet Hall May 8, 2007, 3:33 pm Hoosier Democrat, Flora, Ind, Sat 23 Dec 1911 ROBERT S. LENON, PIONEER JACKSON TOWNSHIP, DEAD A cloud of sorrow for the citizens of Jackson township and an hour of great sadness to the immediate family was occasioned last Monday morning when Robert S. LENON, one of the grand old men of that township, passed away at his home just east of Camden after a lingering illness with heart disease and kidney trouble. Although he had been suffering for the past four years it was not until last Friday that he was forced to his bed. He gradually grew worse until Monday he closed his eyes and passed quietly to his heavenly home. He was 81 years and 5 months of age and was the oldest living resident of Jackson township that was born within its borders. He was an uncle of William LENON of this city. Rober T. LENON son of John and Elizabeth LENON, was born in Jackson township on a farm near that on which he died on July 18, 1830, when the land was yet a wilderness and almost unsettled. He was united in marriage in 1857 to Sarah jane CALDWELL, which union was blessed with ten children, all girls. Eight of them survive him as follows: Mrs. Monroe MARTIN, Mrs. Newton YERKES, Mrs. Art SHANKS, Mrs. B. L. TRUESDALE, Mrs. Howard HEILAND, residing either at Camden or near proximity, and Misses Margaret and Belle, at home. Besides these children he also leaves to mourn his death two brothers, Levi and Samuel, also residents of Jackson township. shortly after his marriage he took his young bride to Cass county where they rented a farm and started out to make success in this world and their efforts were so highly successful that he afterwards, in 1872, moved back to Carroll county and settled on the farm where he died and which he acquired as his own, free from debt. All of his life, with the exception of the few years spent in Cass county, was lived in Jackson township near the farm on which he passed away. Being one of the pioneer residents of the township, he had lived to see it grow from a wilderness and swamps into one of the richest and most productive townships in the entire country. He himself owned one of these farms, consisting of 114 1/2 acres, which he had acquired by the dint of honest effort and much work. On March 2, 1877, he united with the Primitive Baptist church of Paint Creek and had ever remained loyal to that faith until the end. He lived a religious life and in Christ he believed. He always had as his motto, "Do unto others as you would be done by," and the comparison of the palm tree in the scriptures might be readily applied to his case. He still brought forth fruit in old age. It is granted by those who knew him that but few men have lived a more exemplary life than that just closed. His life covered a period of extraordinary activity and progress throughout his county and he was a factor in both and especially in the activity and progress of his own township. His life was indeed a busy one and will be long remembered for the good it has occasioned for mankind. The funeral was held Thursday morning at 10 o clock at the Paint Creek Baptist church, Rev. J. I. Wilson of Indianapolis, assisted by the Rev. W. H. Oliphant, of Crawfordsville, officiating. Interment was made in the Paint Creek Cemetery. File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 3.8 Kb