Carroll County IN Archives Obituaries.....OVERHOLSER, Aaron June 4, 1898 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Janet Hall May 13, 2007, 7:13 pm The Hoosier Democrat, Flora, Ind Sat 11 June 1898 AARON OVERHOLSER AT REST AFTER A USEFUL LIFE. Aaron OVERHOLSER, an aged and respected resident of this place, died at the home of his son, J. W. OVERHOLSER last Saturday evening at 9 o'clock after an illness of several months. Mr. Overholser was one of the old settlers of this neighborhood, having been born on a farm, part of which now constitutes our city, on January 4, 1830. He attended school in the first schoolhouse built in this township which was one of those old fashioned log structures with greased paper for windows. He liked farm life and followed this until a few days ago when he retired and settled down in town to enjoy the competence he had acquired by hard work through a period of perhaps 50 years. He retired too late, however, as his health as well as that of Mrs. OVERHOLSER had been broken by the incessant toil of a lifetime. His health has been such that life was no real pleasure for the last ten years, while the last year has been one of almost constant pain and sickness; in fact he has prayed that his sufferings might cease and that his eyes might be closed to open again in that land which he believed existed, in which pain and sickness never come. His prayers were answered at last and he lives only in memory. He was one of the staunchest men in building up this town and will live in its history as long as time shall last. He was united in marriage in early life to Mary TRENT and to the union three children were born. John W. and Lewis survive their father but the only daughter, Mrs. Lewis EIKENBERRY, preceded him some ten years ago. Mrs. OVERHOLSER is left an ample fortune to live in luxury the few years yet allotted to her but as she is entirely blind, life will be made doubly dreary by the loss of her lifetime companion. The funeral was held from the conservative church Monday at 10 o clock, Rev. Crosswhite officiating after which the mortal part of what made up this man was laid to rest in Maple Lawn, but the good he done [sic] and the many kind acts of his life will live on and will yield its influence on many a boy of this generation whose ideal of life was this good man. The bereft family especially this old mother who is left to pass the rest of her days in utter darkness, has the sympathy of a united community in this hour of terrible trial. File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 2.9 Kb