Carroll-Cass County IN Archives Obituaries.....QUINN, JULIA [nee HALL] December 11, 1912 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Janet Hall May 8, 2007, 5:01 pm Hoosier Democrat, Flora, Ind, sat 14 Dec 1912 HEART DISEASE IS CAUSE OF DEATH MRS. W. J. QUINN The community was greatly shocked Wednesday morning when it was learned that Mrs. Jasper QUINN of Carrollton township was dead, having passed away very suddenly during the night. Mrs. Quinn had been afflicted with heart trouble for several years, but the family never realized that her condition was so serious. They had a heart stimulant which was used when the attacks came on and the heart action was soon restored. Tuesday night the family had retired, Mrs. Quinn being as well as usual. About half past ten she awakened her husband who had fallen asleep, and asked him to get her medicine as her heart action as very bad. This Mrs. Quinn hastened to do but it failed to give relief on this occasion and she died within a few minutes before a physician or even the neighbors could read the Quinn home. Miss Julia HALL was born in the vicinity of Galveston and lived there and at Logansport until she was united in marriage to W. J. QUINN, September 30, 1886, when they came to Carrollton township, where they have resided during the happy years of their married life. She is survived by the husband, one daughter, Mrs. Walter WHARTON, and one son, Lester, who was yet at home. The funeral was held at the Presbyterian church in Wheeling yesterday, Friday, at 11 o'clock by her pastor, Rev. N. W. Clark. Interment was made in Sharon cemetery. File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 2.0 Kb