Carroll County IN Archives Obituaries.....RITCHEY, John February 2, 1904 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Janet Hall May 13, 2007, 6:06 pm Hoosier Democrat, Flora, Ind, Sat 6 Feb 1904 ANOTHER GOOD MAN CALLED TO HIS REWARD John RITCHEY was born in Bedford county, Pa., May 7, 1838, and departed this life after a brief illness, Feb 2, 1904, aged 65 years, 8 months and 25 days. At the age of 24 years he was married to Rosan [sic] SNOEBERGER Soon afterwards they removed to Indiana, where they have remained ever since. This union was blessed with seven children, all living. They are: Mary Jane HUGHES, Sarah Ann LEDMAN, Lizzie A. BOUGHER, Aaron F. RITCHEY, Andrew A. RITCHEY, Eli C. RITCHEY, and Arthur S. RITCHEY. Other near relatives who survive him are a loving wife, one brother, four sisters, twenty-two grandchildren. He united with the German Baptist Brethren church in the fall of 1863 and remained faithful to his profession until death. He was a devoted husband and father and was much respected wherever known for his strict integrity and honest business principles. he leaves a beautiful home on south Center street and other valuable real estate, consisting of several good farms in this county. The funeral was conducted by Eld. A. G. Crosswhite at the church on South Center street, Thursday morning at 10:15, after which the body was laid to rest in Maple Lawn cemetery. File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 1.8 Kb