Carroll County IN Archives Obituaries.....SCHENCK, Elizabeth [nee SPANGLER] December 8, 1912 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Janet Hall May 8, 2007, 5:11 pm Hoosier Democrat, Flora, Ind, Sat 14 Dec 1912. RESIDENT CAMDEN FOR 56 YEARS DIES AT AGE 93 YEARS Mrs. Elizabeth SCHENCK died at the home of her son W. SCHENCK in Camden last Sunday evening from ailments incident to old age after a continuous residence of 56 years in that place. She was an exceptionally well loved old person, being of a kind disposition which endeared her to all. She was one of those good old souls who shared the joys and pleasures of her friends as well as deeply sympathetic to their sorrows. She even had something in common with her little friends and the children of Camden all knew her as a real friend. The funeral was held at the Lutheran church, Tuesday afternoon at 1:30 by her pastor Rev. Morgan L. Webb. Interment in the Camden cemetery. Four grandsons and two great grandsons acted as pall bearers. Elizabeth SPANGLER was born in Butler county, Ohio June 4, 1818. On April 14, 1842, she was married to Michael SCHENCK. In 1856 they came to Camden where they lived happily together, raising a family of ten children, six of whom are living, although some are growing old in years themselves. Mr. SCHENCK was a plasterer and stone mason and much of his work is standing today as a monument to his honesty and business integrity. it is said he never slighted a job of work for any cause. He passed away about 12 years ago. Those pioneer citizens of Camden were always known for their uprightness, their word being absolutely dependable, their lives being a worthy example of the religion they embraced in their early lives. Mrs. SCHENCK had been a member of the Lutheran church for over 60 years and was a worker in many of its auxiliaries. She was the primary Sunday school teacher for 25 years. She has lived a life that will be a shining ideality in the years to come. She is survived by six children, 12 grandchildren, 19 great-grandchildren, and 3 great-great grandchildren, besides one brother, Daniel SPANGLER of Washington township, and Mrs. John M. GRANT of Burlington township, both of whom are well up in their eighties. File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 2.6 Kb