Carroll County IN Archives Obituaries.....STUDEBAKER, Isaac July 12, 1912 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Janet Hall May 8, 2007, 2:32 pm Hoosier Democrat, Flora, Ind, Sat 20 July 1912 ISAAC STUDEBAKER DEAD AS A RESULT FALL FROM WAGON WHILE MAKING HAY Isaac STUDEBAKER, one of the prominent farmers of the Young America community, died at his home about three miles northeast of that place last Friday after a week's illness, his death being due directly to a fall which he sustained the first of the same week. As mentioned in our last issue Mr. STUDEBAKER was badly injured while at work putting away some hay. he was standing upon the wagon load of hay and was pulling the hay rope that operated the pulley. the rope broke and he was thrown heavily to the barn floor. When he alighted he fell upon a cultivator and sustained bruises which caused his sad end. Mr. STUDEBAKER, son of John S. and Mrs. STUDEBAKER, was born upon the Old Studebaker farm in the community of Young America in October 1847 and was at the time of his death 64 years, 8 months and 21 days of age. All of his life had been spent in the vicinity in which he died. He was united in marriage about forty years ago to Mary RINEHART, the union ever proving a happy one and to them was born four children, all surviving and present at the funeral. The son, Bert, resides on the Case farm near Camden. He united with the Upper Deer Creek church of the Brethren at an early age and ever remained faithful. He leaves to survive him the sorrowing widow, the four children, four brothers: Joseph of this city, John of Emporium, Kansas; David and Amos of Logansport; one sister, Mrs. Ed WELLS of Jackson township, and many other relatives and friends. Mr. STUDEBAKER had been a farmer all his life and by the dint of hard work hd accumulated a good deal of this world's goods. he had recently built a new home in which to spend the erst of his declining years, which have just now been cut short by the Grim Reaper. He was a man well liked by all, and his smile will henceforth be missed in his community. The funeral services were held at the Upper Deer Creek church last Sunday morning at 11 o'clock, Elder L. T. HOLSINGER, of Muncie, assisted by Elder J. T. STINEBAUGH of Camden, officiating. All the children and brothers, except John of Kansas, were in attendance at the last sad rites. Interment was made in the HOOVER cemetery near the Studebaker homestead. File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 2.8 Kb