Clay County Indiana Civil War Soliders ======================================================================================================= 33rd REGIMENT. Surname Given Name Enlisted Co. Discharged Comments ======================================================================================================= BUGLER Benj. F. June 2, 1862 July 21, 1865. ======================================================================================================= 35th REGIMENT. Surname Given Name Enlisted Co. Discharged Comments ======================================================================================================= DUNLAVY John Dec. 11. 1861 C Dec. 10, 1861 deserted. HARRIS Isaiah Oct. 7, 1864 A Sept. 30, 1865. HOWARD Legrand Dec. 16, 1864 A Sept. 30, 1865. KENNEDY Thomas Dec. 12, 1861 B missing in action at Chickamauga. MCCAMMON Daniel Dec. 13, 1864 A Sept. 30, 1865. RILEY James Dec. 11, 1861 C Sept. 30, 1865. ======================================================================================================= 38th REGIMENT. Surname Given Name Enlisted Co. Discharged Comments ======================================================================================================= JOHNSON Elias Nov. 12, 1864 A June, 1865. HOLLAND Thomas Nov. 12, 1864 A June, 1865. HOLLAND Anthony Nov. 12, 1864 A June, 1865. ODLE Silas Nov. 10, 1864 A June 1865. ======================================================================================================= 41st REGIMENT. Surname Given Name Enlisted Co. Discharged Comments ======================================================================================================= BARBER Aaron G. Dec. 24, 1861 K April 1, 1863. BEMIS Wm. H. Oct. 22, 1862 K transferred to 2d Cavalry. BOHREN John Dec. 24, 1861 K Feb. 6, 1863. CAMPBELL Richard C. Dec. 24, 1861 K Jan. 12, 1865. CAMPBELL Dudley Dec. 24, 1861 K Feb. 7, 1863 discharged,disability. DILLON John B. Dec. 24, 1861 K May 24, 1864 captured at Varnell`s Station, Ga. DUNHAM Joseph Dec. 24, 1861 K Sept. 30, 1862 discharged. ELLIS John Dec. 24, 1861 K Feb. 7, 1863 discharged,disability. FORTNER Samuel Dec. 24, 1861 K Dec. 23, 1862 discharged,disability. GILBRECB Henry A. Dec. 24, 1861 K May 9, 1864 captured at Varnell`s Station, Ga. GOLUB Hernice Dec. 24, 1861 K Oct. 10, 1862 discharged,as corporal,disability. GRINSLADE Benjamin Dec. 24, 1861 K May 9, 1864 captured at Varnell's Station, Ga. GUY John G. Dec. 24, 1861 K Oct. 20, 1865. HINOTE Zaloss Dec. 24, 1861 K Jan. 1, 1862 deserted. HOLLINGSWORTH John H. Dec. 24, 1861 K Feb. 19, 1864 discharged,disability. HOOKER Riley Dec. 24, 1861 K Feb. 9, 1863 discharged,disability. HORTON John Dec. 24. 1861 K March 27, 1864 deserted. JACKSON John B. Dec. 24, 1861 K Feb. 25,1862 died Camp Wickliffe, Ky. JEFFRIES Andrew J. Dec. 24, 1861 K Oct. 4, 1864. LOVELL Wm. W. Dec. 24 1861 K transferred to 5th U. S. Cavalry. LOVELL James M. Dec. 24, 1861 K June 20, 1863 died Quincy, Ill. LUCAS Wm. H. Dec. 24, 1861 K Oct. 4, 1864. MARSH Thomas Dec. 24, 1861 K Feb. 16, 1863 discharged,disability. MEYERS John Dec. 24, 1861 K Oct. 4, 1864. MEYERS David S. Dec. 24, 1861 K Feb. 5, 1862 died Bardstown, Ky. MILLER Chas. Sept. 13, 1862 K June 11, 1863 killed at Triune, Tenn. MILLER Isaac Oct. 22, 1862 K transferred to 2d Cavalry. NANCE Henry Dec. 24, 1861 K Feb. 13, 1862 died Camp Wickliffe, Ky. NELSON Wm. Dec. 24, 1861 K March 27, 1862 died Bowling Green, Ky. OWENS Samuel Dec. 24, 1861 K Oct. 4, 1864. PALMER Milton Dec. 24, 1861 K April 20, 1862 died Franklin, Tenn. SERVICE James M. Dec. 24, 1861 K March 27, 1864 deserted. TILLEY Henry H. Dec. 24, 1861 K transferred to 2d Cavalry. TILLEY William Aug. 25, 1862 K transferred to 2d Cavalry. TILLEY Burley E. Aug. 25, 1862 K transferred to 2d Cavalry. WILDRICK Jacob Dec. 24, 1862 K March 24,1864 died Bowling Green, Ind. WILLIAMS Henry D. Dec. 24, 1861 K Oct. 4, 1864. WILLIAMS Thomas Dec. 24, 1861 K Aug. 5, 1862 discharged,disability. WINESTOCK Adam Dec. 24, 1861 K May 9, 1864 captured at Varnell`s Station, Ga. WYATT Alfred Dec. 24, 1861 K Dec. 3, 1863 discharged,disability. ======================================================================================================= 42nd REGIMENT. Surname Given Name Enlisted Co. Discharged Comments ======================================================================================================= FRESHOUR Thomas Sept. 29, 1864 A June 18, 1865. GILBERT Darlington Oct. 20, 1864 A July 21, 1865. MECURLEY Stephen Nov. 17, 1864 B July 21, 1865. STEWARD David Sept. 28, 1864 B June 18, 1865. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- USGENWEB NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by other organization or persons. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material, must obtain the written consent of the contributor, or the legal representative of the submitter, and contact the listed USGenWeb archivist with proof of this consent. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by Richard ( Fred) Finkbiner (© 1997 Richard ( Fred) Finkbiner)