Clinton County, Indiana Biographies Contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by Connie Rushing and Tonya Martin ********************************************************************* **USGENWEB ARCHIVES NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization or persons. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material, must obtain the written consent of the contributor, or the legal representative of the submitter, and contact the listed USGenWeb archivist with proof of this consent. The submitter has given permission to the USGenWeb Archives to store the file permanently for free access. ********************************************************************* ** CALLOWAY, Lewis F. CAMPBELL, A. S. CAMPBELL, Elias CAPLINGER, John CARTER, Epaminonadas CARTER, Joseph B. CARTER, Marion A. CARTER, R. C. CASEY, J. B. CASSEL, F. C. CAST, James R. CATRON, Dessie A. CATRON, M. R. CATTERLIN, Col. Noah T. CHITTICK, Charles (M.D.) CLAPPER, Jonathan K. CLARK, Frances Milton CLARK, Jerome CLARK, Martin L. CLARK, N. W. (M.D.) CLARK, Russell B. CLARK, Stephen Slipher CLAYBAUGH, Judge Joseph ********************************************************************* ** CALLOWAY, Lewis F. Agriculture has been the true source of man's dominion on earth ever since the primal existence of labor and has been the pivotal industry that has controlled for the most part all the fields of action to which his intelligence and energy have been devoted. In a civilized community no calling is so certain of yielding a compensatory return as that which is culled from a kindly soil albeit the husbandman at times is sorely taxed in coaxing from mother earth all he desires or even expects; yet she is a kind mother and seldom chastens with disappointment the child whose diligence and frugality she deems it but just should be rewarded. One of those who have found a benefactress in mother earth is Lewis F. Callaway (sic), a leading farmer of Owen township, Clinton county, proprietor of "Eastview Farm." Mr. Calloway was born in Ross township, Clinton county, September 24, 1852. He is a son of Wingate CALLOWAY, who was born in Pennsylvania, of English ancestors, some of whom fought in the old wars of Great Britain. The father of our subject grew up in his native state and there received a common school education, and upon reaching manhood he married Elizabeth LEWIS, a daughter of Henry LEWIS, one of the well known early settlers of Ross township having come here from Butler county, Ohio. He was of English and Welsh descent. To Wingate Calloway and wife nine children were born, three of whom are now living, named as follows: Lucinda( died when twelve years old; Lewis F., of this sketch; Mary A., is the wife of Walter TROXEL, in Mulberry, this county. The death of Wingate Calloway occurred in 1865, at the age of fifty-two years, his birth having occurred in 1814. He devoted his life to general farming. Lewis F. Calloway was reared on the home farm and there he worked when a boy. He received his education in the common schools. In 1886 he married Thersa BIBLE, who was born in Wisconsin October 18, 1861, a daughter of Rufus BIBLE of German ancestry. The death of Mrs. Calloway's mother occurred at the age of forty-one years. Her father is still living. Twelve children were born to Rufus Bible and wife named as follows: Everett, Emma Amelia, Thersa, who married Mr. Calloway, of this sketch; Delilah, Sarah, Gilbert, Elmira, Sylva, Lucy, Lester and Sylvester, the latter deceased. The following children have been born to Mr. and Mrs. Calloway: Manson E., who married Pearl STINBAUGH, lives in Ross township, this county, and they have two children, Jesse James and Troy Lewis; Willard C., second child of our subject, is now twenty years old; John L. is eighteen years old; Guy C., is thirteen years old; Gladys died at the age of five years. Mr. Calloway began farming when a young man and this has continued to be his vocation. He is now owner of a finely improved and productive farm of about one hundred and twenty-four acres of valuable land, where he carries on general farming and stock raising. He has a good ten roomed house and substantial outbuildings, including a barn, forty by ninety feet. He is well fixed about his place in every way and is one of our best farmers. Mr. Calloway affiliates with the Democratic party. Source: Pages 923-924 History of Clinton County, Indiana.... With Historical Sketches of Representative Citizens and Genealogical Records of Many of the Old Families. By Hon. Joseph Claybaugh. Published 1913 by A. W. Bowen & Company - Indianapolis, Indiana ******************* CAMPBELL, A. S. The biographer has learned that a great number of Owen township's farmers were born and reared within the boundaries, and we are glad to note that this is the case because it shows stability, a trait that all people must possess who would win in the battle of life in any vocation, farming being not by any means the only one. It also shows that this is a fine township from every standpoint, else her sons would not have cared to remain here, but would have sought more promising fields elsewhere. Among the number of progressive native born citizens of this township who are devoting their brawn and brain to tilling the soil the name of A. S. Campbell should be included, as all who know him well will readily acquiesce in such a statement, the reasons being too obvious to need comment here. Suffice it to say that he came of one of our excellent pioneer families, who redeemed he county of Clinton from the virgin wilderness. Mr. Campbell was born in the above named township and county on September 22, 1850. His is the son of Mark and Agnes (BARCLAY) CAMPBELL. The father was born in January, 1818, in Pennsylvania, and there also the mother was born in 1822. There they grew to maturity, receiving limited educational advantages in the old-time schools, and there they were married, removing soon thereafter to Clinton county and establishing the future home of the family in Owen township. Here they worked hard, economized and left a good property for their children, and here they spent the remainder of their lives, the father dying in 1894, the good wife surviving sixteen years, dying in 1910. They were the parents of five children: Elias A., our subject; Mrs. Sarah BOYLE, William and Oliver, the last two deceased. A. S. Campbell grew to manhood on the old homestead, doing his share of general work there when he was old enough. He received a common school education. On June 5, 1882, he married Laura FRANKLIN, who was born in Carroll county, Indiana, April 16, 1862. She was the daughter of Nelson and Mary (THOMPSON) FRANKLIN. She grew to womanhood in her native locality and received a common school education. Her death occurred on September 1, 1902, after a mutually happy and helpful married life of twenty years. She was a woman of many commendable traits and was beloved by a wide circle of friends. Two children were born to our subject and wife: Mrs. Ethel WHITE, born October 18, 1883, and Mrs. Blanche DOUGLASS, born July 11, 1888. They grew up in Owen township and received common school educations here. Mr. Campbell went to farming for himself early in life and has made a success beyond the average person in that exacting field of endeavor. He is owner of a valuable and productive farm of two hundred acres, all under cultivation but fifty acres. It is well tiled and otherwise properly improved, and he has a large house and barn. He carries on general farming and stock raising on an extensive scale and is regarded as one of the county's best agriculturists. He built his own home and made the present improvements, for the most part. He is a Republican, but not active in politics. Source: Pages 621 & 622. History of Clinton County, Indiana.... With Historical Sketches of Representative Citizens and Genealogical Records of Many of the Old Families. By Hon. Joseph Claybaugh. Published 1913 by A. W. Bowen & Company - Indianapolis, Indiana ******************* CAMPBELL, Elias The life of a man whose successful career is accomplished through achievements in the business world is not so replete with stirring, dramatic qualities as that of the man whose deeds Have been the outcome of a military career. However, it is fully as commendable. Very fortunate is the man who may boast of a highly successful business career in addition to a career in the field. Such is the man we treat of in this sketch. He joined the ranks of the brave fellows who went to the front in '61, and he returned to civilian life to valiantly serve the interests of the public as loyally as he did the flag of his country. Mr. Campbell has been in public office several times and has always acquitted himself well by reason of his integrity, altruism, and his delightful personality. Elias Campbell was born May 24, 1848, in Clinton county, the son of Mark and Agnes S. (BARKLEY) CAMPBELL. His parents came to this county in 1848 from Franklin county, Pennslyvania, (sic) and found here a wilderness which they, undaunted, cleared for the making of their farm. Mark Campbell remained on this estate all of his life and brought up a family of five children there: Elias, Andrew, Sarah, William and Oliver, the last two named being dead at this writing. Elias Campbell attended the Clinton county public schools and soon. mastered everything they had to offer, then turned to the business of farming. Eighteen hundred and sixty-one and 1862 passed and the country was at a fever heat. Mr. Campbell resisted the temptation to drop his plow and at don the blue uniform until May 7, 1863. Then, a lad of only fifteen years, he enlisted in Company B, One Hundred and Thirty-fifth Indiana Volunteer Infantry, which company was attached to the Army of Tennessee. He was discharged from this first service at Indianapolis in 1864, but immediately reenlisted in Company G. One Hundred and Fiftieth Indiana Volunteer Infantry, Army of the Potomac. This time he served until the end of the war, being mustered out at Indianapolis in November, 1865. Until 1879, Mr. Campbell farmed and worked at the trade of carpentering, then went to Sedalia, Ind., where he entered the mercantile business. He continued here until 1888. While in this town he won the esteem and respect of everyone. He was recognized as a leader and he justified every confidence placed in him. For ten years he held the position of postmaster there. After moving to the city of Frankfort Mr. Campbell quickly became idenitfied (sic) with the commercial and civic interests of that place. He served for four years as street commissioner in that city, and in 1898 he took the office of deputy revenue collector for the United States in charge of a division of the seventh district of Indiana. He was appointed to this position under D. W. Henry of Terre Haute, and is still active in the furtherance of his duties. Mr. Campbell has been married twice, and each time he has been compelled to undergo the loss of his wife by the hand of death. His first wife was Mary YOUNG, the daughter of Dr. R. 0. Young and Margaret (ROBISON) YOUNG. Her father was one of the oldest practitioners in the county and was one of the earlier pioneers of Geetingsville, Ind. Mr. Campbell married Miss Young in 1879, and ten years after, 1889, she was called to her Maker. Mr. Campbell's second wife was Kate DeCamp, the daughter of Capt. Edward Reed DeCamp and Maria (DARR) DeCAMP, early settlers of Clinton county, who traveled there from the state of Ohio. Mr. Campbell's second wife died May 23, 1910. Mr. Campbell has no children of his own, but has one adopted daughter, Grace TITUS, who is now Mrs. Herman NELSON of Chicago. Before her marriage she graduated as a trained nurse from the Home Hospital at Lafayette, Ind., and then took a post-graduate course at Chicago. April 8, 1911, she married Mr. NELSON, who is an adjustor for the Hart, Shaffner & Marx Company, clothiers of Chicago. Mr. Campbell is a Republican by politics, sticking to the G. 0. P. when the split came in 1912. Fraternally, he is connected with the Free and Accepted Order of Masons, Knights of Pythias, and Benevolent Protective Order of Elks, all chapters at Frankfort, were he resides. Source: Pages 717 - 719. History of Clinton County, Indiana.... With Historical Sketches of Representative Citizens and Genealogical Records of Many of the Old Families. By Hon. Joseph Claybaugh. Published 1913 by A. W. Bowen & Company - Indianapolis, Indiana ******************* CAPLINGER, John Nature's remedies and methods for curing the ills of man, beast or soil are always the best and most economical. Every farmer must sooner or later learn, if he would succeed, that simple lesson that wherever the necessary mineral elements of plant food are deficient, he must not only return them in their natural form, but must make them available for plant food by supplying organic matter in abundance. This was well understood at the outset of his farming career by John Caplinger, now living retired, after a successful life as a farmer, in his pleasant home in Forest township, Clinton county. In fact, he has always been a man who carefully noted things, and built up a splendid system of general farming which brought ample returns, enabling him to retire and spend his old age in quiet. He is one of our honored veterans of the great Civil war and a man who has done his full share in the work of general improvement in his community and county. Mr. Caplinger was born on August 13, 1843, in Adams county, Ohio, and there he spent his boyhood years and received such educational advantages is the old-time schools afforded. When twenty-six years old he arrived at Middle Fork, Clinton county, March 25, 1869, and he has continued to reside in this county, engaging in general farming and stock raising and for a period of ten years operated a saw-mill. He is a son of Moses and Martha (DILLON) CAPLINGER. The father was born in Highland county, Ohio, and he spent his life in that state, dying there on March 4, 1886, a highly respected citizen. The mother of our subject was born in Adams county, Ohio, and her death occurred on November18, 1865. They spent their lives on a farm, and eight children were born to them: John, of this review; George, Susanna, Christopher and Cornelius, the others being deceased. John Caplinger received a common school education and this has been supplemented in after years by extensive home reading and careful observation. He often recalls with interest the scenes of the old log house which was the school room for the neighborhood. John Caplinger has been thrice married, first, on October 24, 1866, to Frances E. Morrison, who was born in Adams county, Ohio, a daughter of Joseph and Elizabeth (BALDWIN) MORRISON, both her parents being natives of that state, where they spent their lives on a farm. Our subject's first wife died on September 13, 1867, leaving one child, Frances E., who was born on July 7, 1867. She married John CHAMBLIN, and they live in Ohio. On August 8, 1872, Mr. Caplinger married Laura E. Wright, who was born in Clinton county, Indiana. She is a daughter of Stanton and Martha (GOODHART) WRIGHT, both natives of Indiana. Our subject's second wife died April 16, 1874. Of this union one child was born -- Martha E., whose birth occurred on May 8, 1873. She married James BEAUCHAMP, of Kansas City, Missouri. In November, 1903, our subject was again married, his last wife being Mary CONOVER, who was born in Jefferson county, Indiana, May 2, 1844. Mr. Caplinger began farming when a young man and this was his chief life work up to his retirement from active work some time ago, though he ran a saw mill for some time in Warren township. Fraternally, Mr. Caplinger is a Mason, belonging to the Forest Blue lodge and the Commandery and Royal Arch at Frankfort. Politically he is a Democrat, and in religion belongs to the Universalist church. He was at one time constable of Warren township, also township assessor, filling these offices to the entire satisfaction of the people. In 1864 Mr. Caplinger proved his patriotism to the government by en-ll,,tiiig for service in the Federal army at Cincinnati, Ohio, in Company G, One Hundred and Eighty-first Ohio Volunteer Infantry, under Capt. George Kountz, and although he saw some considerable service he was in but one battle, but that was a pretty hot one, that of Murphreysboro, Tennesee, during Hood's campaign, and, was fought on December 7, 1864. In this our subject was wounded by a minie ball which passed through his right shoulder. He was honorably discharged on June 2, 1865, at Jeffersonville, Indiana. He formerly belonged to the Grand Army of the Republic. Source: Pages 549 - 551 History of Clinton County, Indiana.... With Historical Sketches of Representative Citizens and Genealogical Records of Many of the Old Families. By Hon. Joseph Claybaugh. Published 1913 by A. W. Bowen & Company - Indianapolis, Indiana ******************* EPAMINONADAS CARTER - The gentleman for whom this biographical sketch is prepared is a native -born son of Clinton county, Ind., and dates his birth from the first day of October, 1841. He is the son of Richard and Eleanor (BYERS) CARTER, and a grandson of Jesse Carter and Ephraim Byers, the former of English and the latter of Irish descent. His paternal great-grandfather, William Carter, was a pioneer of Clinton county and died at an advanced age of ninety-two years. His grandfather Carter died at the age of eighty-eight, and his maternal grandfather departed this life in Missouri at a good old age. It will thus be seen that E. Carter is descended from long-lived ancestry, and, inheriting, as he does, many of their virtues and characteristics, he bids fair to live for many years to come. Mr. Carter was reared to manhood in his native county, became familiar with the rugged usages of the farm at an early age, and received a good education, attending school at intervals until attaining his majority. He made substantial progress in his various studies, which he pursued assiduously, and for a period of about sixteen years was one of the successful teachers of Clinton county. On the first day of January, 1861, Sarah A. HUTCHINSON, became his wife, and the marriage thus consummated resulted in the birth of three children --- Geneva, born February 8, 1861; William H., born August 11, 1862, and Julia E., born September 20, 1864. The mother of these children died October 24, 1865, and on the twenty-fifth of December, 1868, Mr. Carter was united in marriage to Amy A. Morris, daughter of G. W. and Abia MORRIS. To this marriage eight children were born, five of which are deceased, all dying in infancy except Allie May a very interesting little girl, whose death occurred at the age of nine years. The following are the names of those living: Jennie, born June 15, 1870; Roy, born May 19, 1876, and Bert, born November 1, 1878. In 1882 Mr. Carter's home was again visited by the death angel, Mrs. Carter dying September 11 of that year. Mr. Carter married his present wife, Retta C. Lipp, daughter of Andrew J. and Margaret A. LIPP, on the fourteenth day May, 1889 - a union blessed with the birth of two children: Ella, born March 10, 1890, and Levi, whose birth occurred on the fourteenth day of May, 1892. Mr. Carter is a successful farmer of Washington township and a gentleman in whom his neighbors and fellow-citizens repose the utmost confidence. He subscribes to the creed of the United Brethren church, and in politics is an earnest supporter of the prohibition party. Source: Page 606 A Portrait And Biographical Record of Boone and Clinton Counties, Ind., ... Containing Biographical Sketches of Many Prominent and Representative Citizens, Together with Biographies and Portraits of all the Presidents of the United States, and Biographies of the Governors of Indiana. Published 1895 by A.W. Bowen & Co. in Chicago. ******************* CARTER, Joseph B. Whether interested personally in farming or not no one could view the well kept, clean fields, good buildings and general thrifty appearance of a place that is farmed by Joseph B. Carter of Perry township, Clinton county without admiring the same. He is one of our best general agriculturists and stock raisers and believes in doing well whatever he attempts. He keeps things in ship-shape, never waiting for someone else to do what he himself should perform, nor for others to lay his plans. Mr. Carter was born in 1856 in Franklin county, Ind., the son of William CARTER, who was born in England, from which country he came with his parents, when a child, to Franklin county, this state, where they established a good home through their industry. The long voyage across the Atlantic was made in an old-time sailing vessel and the trip required thirty days. The paternal grandfather spent the rest of his life in Franklin county, Ind., and there his son, William, grew to manhood and married Rebecca BEASLEY, who was also born in England, from which country she came with her parents when a child settled in Franklin county, Ind. There she grew to womanhood and she and William Carter were married, later coming to Clinton county to make their future home. A fuller history of these families is found on another page of this volume. Joseph B. Carter grew to manhood on the home farm and there did his share of the work when a boy. He received a good education in the common schools. Mr. Carter was married when he reached young manhood to Katie PEEK, who was born, reared and educated in Shelby county, Ind. She is a daughter of William PEEK, a prosperous farmer, now deceased. His widow is still living, making her home in New Mexico, she and Mr. Peek having lived for some time in Kansas. He was a soldier in the Union army during the Civil war. Our subject had a half brother. William GARDNER, who was also a soldier for the Union. He died in Frankfort, Ind., some time ago. Three children have been born to Mr. and Mrs. Carter: Clinton E., married to Zora POLLARD, living in Perry township on a farm; Myrtle, now nineteen years of age and Alta May (deceased). The son was born February to, 1888, received a good common school education, and was married in 1909. His wife is a daughter of Sheridan POLLARD and wife. She was reared and educated in Boone county. Clinton E. CARTER and wife have one child, a son, Earl Clifton, whose birth occurred in August, 1910. Mr. Carter and his son are both members of the Woodmen of the World and the son belongs to the Knights of Pythias. Source: Pages 836-837 History of Clinton County, Indiana.... With Historical Sketches of Representative Citizens and Genealogical Records of Many of the Old Families. By Hon. Joseph Claybaugh. Published 1913 by A. W. Bowen & Company - Indianapolis, Indiana ******************* MARION A. CARTER is a native of Clinton county, Ind., was born May 4, 1859, and is a son of Richard J. Carter, a pioneer of the county, whose biography appears in the paragraph above, Marion A., when he became of age, was placed in charge of his father's farm, which he now owns and which comprises 200 acres. On this farm he still lives, in the house in which he was born. Mr. Carter has, since the year 1892, carried on a dairy on his farm, keeping only Jersey cows and selling cream only. He has, also, large business interests elsewhere, being a heavy stockholder in the Frankfort Handle manufactory, of which he has been vice-president since its organization. The marriage of Mr. Carter took place May 20, 1880, to Miss Lenora B. Douglas, daughter of Thomas S. and Lucy (HUGHES) DOUGLAS. This lady was born July 28, 1860, and has borne her husband eight children, in the following order: Walter R., November 26, 1880; Lucy A., May 10, 1883; Frank M., May 10, 1885; Ella, March 28, 1887 (died August 9 of the same year); Richard, July 10, 1888 (died January 1, 1892); Essa, Nov. 17, 1890 (died April 13, 1891); Floyd R., April 27, 1892; Ross M., September 20, 1894. Mr. Carter is a remarkably good business man, and besides holding a high position in the commercial world, is an honored member of the K, of P. lodge, No. 71, and of Dakota lodge of Red Men. In politics he is a republican, and, although not an office-seeker, gives his substantial support to his party. Source: Pages 609 A Portrait And Biographical Record of Boone and Clinton Counties, Ind., ... Containing Biographical Sketches of Many Prominent and Representative Citizens, Together with Biographies and Portraits of all the Presidents of the United States, and Biographies of the Governors of Indiana. Published 1895 by A.W. Bowen & Co. in Chicago. ******************* CARTER, R. C. The subject of this sketch is one of the progressive agriculturists of Perry township, whose fine farm, known as Sunny Side, the name the great author, Washington Irving, gave his estate on the banks of the picturesque Hudson, ranks with the best in this locality, this attractive place having been unproved by Mr. Carter to its present high state of excellency by years of patient toil and skillful management. His success has been won entirely along the lines of old and time-tried maxims, "honesty is the best policy," and "there is no excellence without labor," being among the ones he has sought to follow. His place consists of one hundred and twenty acres, well located in section 24, one of the best agricultural districts in Clinton county. R. C. Carter was born in Franklin county, Indiana, May 31, 1868. He is a son of William Carter, who was born in England near the world's greatest city, London. He came of a sterling old Anglo-Saxon family, noted alike for its industry and honesty. The date of his birth was 1832, and his death occurred in 1897 at the age of sixty-five years. He emigrated to the United States in early life and here became well established and was respected by all who knew him, for he was industrious and honorable at all times. He was accompanied to this country by his parents, the family settling in Franklin county, Indiana, and there occurred the death of the grandfather of our subject. The mother of our subject was Rebecca BEASLEY before her marriage, and she, too, was a native of England, and her family brought her to Franklin county, Indiana, when she was a young girl and there established their new home, and there she grew to womanhood and received her education. Only her mother came to America, her father having died in England. Her mother lived to be sixty-three years of age. Eight children were born to William Carter and wife, five of whom are living, four sons and one daughter: John, Joseph of Perry township; Richard, of this review; Susanna, who lives in Jackson township, and Thomas, also of that township. The father of the above named children followed farming all his life. Politically he was a Republican, and he and his wife belonged to the United Brethren church. Richard C. Carter grew to manhood on the home farm and there worked when a boy. He received a good common school education, and he has devoted his life to farming and raising live stock. His excellent farm lies three-quarters of a mile north of Manson. He keeps his place in a high state of improvement and cultivation. He has a cozy home in the midst of attractive surroundings and has substantial outbuildings. He handles at all seasons a good grade of live stock. Mr. Carter was married when twenty-two years of age, in Jackson township, to Flora Goode, who was born in Boone county, this state, where she was reared and educated. She is a daughter of Philip GOODE and wife, who finally removed to Jackson township, this county, and established a good home there. Mr. Goode was killed by accident at the age of fifty-three years in 1896. Politically he was a Democrat, and he belonged to the United Brethren church, in which he was a deacon and a steward. His family consisted of the following children: Levina, Flora, who married Mr. Carter of this sketch; Lew Wallace, Lula, Ora, who was a soldier in the Philippines; America, Birdie and Clifford. The mother of the above named children is still living, making her home in Jackson township, where she has a host of warm friends. To our subject and wife one child, a son, Guy, has been born, his birth having occurred in 1894. He is attending school in Frankfort, taking a business course. Mr. and Mrs. Carter are members of the Christian church and are liberal supporters of the same. Source: Pages 483 - 485. History of Clinton County, Indiana.... With Historical Sketches of Representative Citizens and Genealogical Records of Many of the Old Families. By Hon. Joseph Claybaugh. Published 1913 by A. W. Bowen & Company - Indianapolis, Indiana ******************* CASEY, J. B. In a country like Indiana the manufacture of draining tile is a large and important industry and gives employment to thousands of men, and innumerable families are supported by reason of this industry. This state, it will be remembered, was originally a semi swamp, over, at least, a great part of its area, but the pioneers who settled here less than a century ago knew that as rich soil as could be found on the continent was lying beneath the shallow water. The problem which confronted them was to drain the land and get it ready for the seed. Thus in working out this problem enormous work has been performed and vast money expended, but the results have certainly been gratifying and warranted the outlay. Most of the farms in Clinton county have had to be tiles and the work is still going on. Colfax has become a tile manufacturing center. Perhaps no individual here has a more expert knowledge of the proper manufacture of draining tile than J. B. Casey, manager of the M. J. Lee Drain Tile Company. Mr. Casey was born in Crawfordsville, Ind., some thirty-six years ago. He is a son of T. J. CASEY, who was a pioneer brick manufacturer of Crawfordsville. His family consisted of five children. J. B. Casey grew to manhood in his native city and received his education there, attending the common schools and Wabash College. During the Spanish-American war he enlisted in the One Hundred and Fifty-eighth Indiana Volunteer Infantry, under Capt. F. Alexander, and this regiment was mustered in and sent to Chickamauga Park, Tenn., where it camped, not being needed in Cuba, much to the regret of the regiment, which longed for active service against the Dons. Mr. Casey returned home with the regiment in the summer of 1898 and was discharged. He at once turned his attention to a business career, and, having learned the manufacture of tile as a boy under his father he quite naturally decided to continue in that field of endeavor. He came to Colfax in 1902, and erected the tile plant mentioned above, and which he has since managed, and he has given every satisfaction in this connection, doing much to increase the efficiency and prestige of the same. The Lee company has a large tile plant at Crawfordsville and New Richmond, Ind., also. Their plant in Colfax is adjacent to both the Vandalia and Big Four railways. M. J. Lee is president; H. K. Lee, vice-president; Neil Casey, secretary; J. B. Casey, treasurer and manager. The Colfax plant was built in 1902, at a cost of seventy-two thousand dollars. It enjoys the distinction of being the second largest tile factory in Indiana, and very large local business is carried on, and the products of the plant are shipped to all parts of the country. Fifty skilled employes (sic) are on the payroll all the year round. The size of the tile manufactured here is from four to thirty inches in diameter. Large contracts are taken by the Lees for county ditching in this and adjoining counties. All the machinery and appliances are modern and off the most approved type, insuring high grade work and rapid service. The plant is a model in every particular and is one of the most important industries in Colfax and this section of the state. Mr. Casey is a member of the Sons of the American League, a charter member of the local post. He has remained unmarried. He is a good mixer among business men and stands high with all circles in which he chooses to move. Source: Pages 544-545 History of Clinton County, Indiana.... With Historical Sketches of Representative Citizens and Genealogical Records of Many of the Old Families. By Hon. Joseph Claybaugh. Published 1913 by A. W. Bowen & Company - Indianapolis, Indiana ******************* CASSEL, F. C. Clinton county is the home of many valiant veterans of the great army that saved the disruption of the nation in the early sixties. Many of them lived here when the conflict began, while many others have moved within our borders since the close of the struggle. And we are proud of all of them and glad to accord them the honor that is justly due. One of this number is F. C. Cassel, of Rossville, who has lived here since 1892 and since has advent each successive year has gained for him more friends than the preceding knew. This is not hard to account for in view of his public spirit, industry and good character. Mr. Cassel was born in Fountain county, Indiana, October 3, 1842. He is a son of Jacob CASSEL, born near Dayton, Ohio, who was a son of Job CASSEL, who lived to be eighty years old. This family is of English ancestry. The first of the family to emigrate to the New World settled in Virginia, and took part in the early wars of the nation. In the frontier days of Indiana. Job Cassel settled in Fountain county, established through hard work the future home of the family there. There the father of our subject grew to manhood and learned the saddler's trade, which he followed for a number of years. Upon reaching manhood he married Mary Malinda YOUNG, a daughter of Thomas YOUNG, a native of Kentucky. Four children were born to the parents of our subject: One, who died in early life; Rev. H. Clay, of Boswell, Indiana, a minister in the Christian church; F. C. of this sketch; and J. M., of Danville, Illinois. The father died at the age of eighty-four years, and the mother died at the age of sixty-four years. F. C. Cassel was reared on the farm and received a common school education. He also attended Butler College, graduating in 1867. When the Civil war broke out he enlisted in the One Hundred and Sixteenth Indiana Volunteer Infantry, in which he served seven months. He was honorably discharged from the Army of the Cumberland, in which he had served in Tennessee. He began life for himself as a school teacher, which he followed with success for several years. He was a superintendent of schools in Benton county, and was school examiner for a period of thirteen years. He then became cashier of the Rossville Bank, serving in a manner that made him a host of friends in that community, his honesty, promptness and courtesy appealing to all who patronized the bank. Mr. Cassel was married in 1869 to Barbara BLOUNT, who was born in Tipton county, Indiana, a daughter of Salas and Barbara (MILLER) BLOUNT, who came to this state from Ohio. Mrs. Cassel was liberally educated and has proven to be a most faithful helpmeet. To this union five children have been born: Georgia C., married to Dale SMITH; Miller Young, living in Dayton, Indiana; Kate, the wife of F. S. KREBS, of Frankfort, Indiana; Beulah, single; and Myrtle, of Lafayette, a stenographer, also single. Politically, Mr. Cassel is a Republican. He is a member of the Grand Army of the Republic, Post 390. He and his wife are members of the Christian church. Mr. Cassel was engaged in the banking business in Monon, Indiana, for a number of years. His son, Miller Young Cassel, was also engaged in the banking business in Clark's Hill and Lafayette. He has been very successful in a business way and is one of the substantial men of Rossville. Source: Pages 863-865 History of Clinton County, Indiana.... With Historical Sketches of Representative Citizens and Genealogical Records of Many of the Old Families. By Hon. Joseph Claybaugh. Published 1913 by A. W. Bowen & Company - Indianapolis, Indiana ******************* JAMES R. CAST, farmer and ex-soldier of Michigantown, Clinton county, Ind., is a native of Clinton county, Ohio, born December 2, 1840. His father, Horacio Cast, was born near Lexington, Ky., whence he move to Clinton county, Ohio, where he was a school teacher by profession for many years. He was married in Ohio to Jane MOUNTS, who bore him the following children: Amos, William, Hezekiah, Thomas, Alvin, George, John, Mary E., James R. and Elizabeth. In 1852 he and family came to Clinton county, Ind., and bought 160 acres of land in Kirklin township. He was elected justice of the peace in Ohio, and in Indiana was elected township trustee, when the law required three. In February, 1865, Mrs. Jane Cast passed from earth and Horacio Cast died October 17, 1874. James R. Cast was reared on a farm, and August 2, 1861, enlisted in company C, Tenth Indiana volunteer infantry, and served under Gens. Thomas, Halleck, Buell and Rosecrans. Beside the pursuit of John Morgan and the Atlanta campaign, he took part in many skirmishes and the following regular battles: Perryville, Corinth, Tullahoma, Chickamauga, Missionary Ridge, Ringold, Buzzard's Roost, Big Shanty, Kenesaw Mountain, Resaca, Peach Tree Creek, Chattahoochee river and others. At Chickamauga a bullet passed between his fingers, inflicting a slight wound; he was also dangerously sick at one time with typhoid pneumonia, and at another with pneumonia uncomplicated. For his services the government now allows him a pension of seventeen dollars per month. Mr. Cast was married, December 25, 1866, to Miss Lydia Parker, who was born May 10, 1843. She is a daughter of Richard and Elizabeth (BENBOW) PARKER, the former of whom was a blacksmith by trade, but is now a farmer. Mr. Parker was reared in Henry county, Ind., came to Clinton county in 1852, and bought 200 acres of land. His children are named: Ann, Eliza, Warren, Jackson, Lydia, Sarah and Marion. The children born to Mr. and Mrs. Cast were named Helda, Omer, both died in infancy; Oris born July 17, 1873, and Bert, born November 5, 1876. Bert Cast is a natural draftsman, and has been able since childhood to draw accurately whatever he desired, and will doubtless, in course of time, make a famous name as an artist. Both Mr. and Mrs. Cast are members of the christian church, of which he is an elder. Mr. Cast is also a dormant member of the G. A. R. at Frankfort. His farm comprises forty acres of fertile land, and is well improved. Source: Pages 610-611 A Portrait And Biographical Record of Boone and Clinton Counties, Ind., ... Containing Biographical Sketches of Many Prominent and Representative Citizens, Together with Biographies and Portraits of all the Presidents of the United States, and Biographies of the Governors of Indiana. Published 1895 by A.W. Bowen & Co. in Chicago. ******************* CATRON, Dessie A. Clinton county, Indiana, was especially fortunate in the character of her pioneers, who, save in rare instances, possessed the pluck, fortitude and courage of the true Anglo-Saxon -- That race which, apparently, delights in difficulties, because thereby opportunities are afforded to conquer them, and these people seem to have been born conquerers (sic), subduing whatever lies in their pathway to a broader and better civilization. The founders of this county were brave, strong-armed, far-seeing, law-abiding, God-fearing citizens, patriotic and true to their native land, and condescending in the discharge of their every duty toward their fellow men. One of our worthiest pioneer families was the Catrons, of which Dessie A. Catron, farmer of Warren township, is a worthy descendant. He was born in the above named township and county, on October 3, 1869. He is a son of Jacob L. and Helen A. (THOMAS) CATRON. The father was born July 20, 1845, in Warren township, Clinton county, and here he grew to manhood and attended the early-day schools. When a young man he began farming and is still active, owning a good farm in his native township. His wife was born February 25, 1830, also in this county and she too, is still living, having spent her life here and attended, in her girlhood, the common schools of her vicinity. Andrew CATRON, our subject's paternal grandfather, was born in Greene county, Tennessee in 1822 and there he spent his earlier years, finally removing to Clinton county, Indiana, where he was an early settler and where he worked hard developing the home farm. His death occurred in April, 1897. His wife was born in eastern Tennessee in 1828 and her death occurred in October, 1903. Our subject's maternal grandfather, P. K. THOMAS, married Eliza MERRICK. Six children were born to Jacob L. Catron and wife, four of whom are still living, namely: Dessie A., of this sketch; Bessie A., married a Mr. STEWARD: Luella M., Sarah C., Ora, and Thomas A. Dessie A. Catron grew up on the home farm, and, being the eldest child he found all the work his hands could do as soon as he became old enough. Lois M. KELLY, who was born in Michigan township, this county, October 22, 1869, and here she grew to womanhood and received a public school education. She is a daughter of William and Eunice (LAYTON) KELLY, both natives of Clinton county, where they grew to maturity, were educated in the early schools and were married and here established their home. Mr. Kelly is still living, but his wife is deceased. She was a sister of William LAYTON, a sketch of whom and the Layton family appears on another page of this volume. Two children have been born to our subject and wife, Basil O., born June 3, 1894; and Bernice M., born August 3, 1896. Mr. Catron has always been engaged in farming, starting for himself in 1893, and he has been very successful as a general farmer and stock raiser. He is owner of a finely improved and productive farm in Warren township, which consists of Two hundred and twenty-nine acres. On this well situated land stands a good set of buildings, including a substantial dwelling which Mr. Catron built himself. He handles a great deal of live stock from year to year, making a specialty of shorthorn cattle. Duroc hogs and draft horses. Politically, he is a Democrat, and he is at present a member of the advisory board of Warren township. He has been a member of the board for two terms and has served most faithfully, looking well to the best interests of the township. Source: Pages 803-804 History of Clinton County, Indiana.... With Historical Sketches of Representative Citizens and Genealogical Records of Many of the Old Families. By Hon. Joseph Claybaugh. Published 1913 by A. W. Bowen & Company - Indianapolis, Indiana ******************* CATRON, M. R. The farming interest of Warren township, Clinton county, are carried on by an active and intelligent class of men who are thus performing their share in maintaining and extending the agricultural interests of this locality. Among them is the gentleman whose name is at the head of this sketch, and who is a member of one of the pioneer families of this section. Mr. Catron has wrought great improvements on his farm whereby it has become one of the best ordered farms in the western part of the county the soil being adaptable for full cultivation and valuable improvements on every hand adding to its worth and attractiveness. Mr. Catron is endowed with strength of mind and ability, and his sensible and practical views give him much prestige in his home community. He has achieved universal success and the esteem and respect of all. M. R. Catron was born on September 16, 1858, in Warren township, Clinton county, and was the son of Andrew and Sarah (PROFFIT) CATRON. Andrew Catron was a native of Tennessee, having been born there in 1822, and moved to Indiana after his marriage. He bought land in this county, and led the life of a farmer, passing from this earth in April, 1896. The mother was born in 1828, in Tennessee, and died in October, 1903. These parents received, in their youth, the best education that the pioneer schools afforded. Ten children came to bless the union: one who died in infancy; Jacob L., Louisa I., John T., Sarah C., Adam, Henry Douglas, N. R., and Emma. M. R. Catron has followed farming all of his life, and has been singularly successful at it. He owns one hundred and thirty-seven acres of good land, all tillable but twenty acres. The estate is well tiled, and is otherwise improved. Mr. Catron, himself, cleared part of the land, and built fencing. He raises Shorthorn cattle, a general breed of hogs, and general purpose horses. His stock is well cared for, and ranks high among the stock dealers of the county and state. Mr. Catron was united in marriage with Sarah RIDNOUR on April 9, 1884. She was born in Warren township, Clinton county, on October 9, 1859. Her parents were natives of Maryland, farmers, and the father was a supporter of the Democratic party. Mrs. Catron was given the benefits of a good common school education. Of the union of Mr. and Mrs. Catron eight children have been born: Ella, Lora, Fern, Curtis, Jesse, Cleo, William Bryan, and Arnold. In the political circles of Clinton county, Mr. Catron has always taken an active part. He is a staunch Democrat, and was once supervisor in Warren township. He is at present on the advisory board and his services in this capacity are very acceptable to everyone. Fraternally, he is a member of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows at Middlefork, and is treasurer of the lodge. In religious affairs, Mr. Catron belongs to the Universalist church. Source: Pages 656-657 History of Clinton County, Indiana.... With Historical Sketches of Representative Citizens and Genealogical Records of Many of the Old Families. By Hon. Joseph Claybaugh. Published 1913 by A. W. Bowen & Company - Indianapolis, Indiana ******************* COL. NOAH T. CATTERLIN, deceased, was probably one of the most enterprising, energetic and successful of the early business men of Frankfort, Ind., but the narrow scope to which our pages are now limited precludes any thing more than a brief mention of the chief facts in his eventful life. He was born in Butler county, Ohio, September 20, 1806, and with his father, in I823, came to Indiana and established a home in Montgomery county. He assisted his father on the farm some two or three years, working at intervals at brick laying, and then entered upon a career of trade, beginning as a peddler in I827. He passed through Tippecanoe county, up Lauramie creek, through the region where Dayton was subsequently located, down Wild Cat creek to the Wabash and to La Fayette, then a mere village, and for a few months there ran a store. Selling out, he went to Logansport, trading for furs on the way, with the Indians, and these furs he disposed of at Terre Haute. He continued peddling until the summer of 1828, when he opened a store in Edinburg, Ind., in connection with Patrick COWAN; then built two flat boats, loaded them with corn and provisions, and pushed his way to New Orleans, making a successful speculation. At Crawfordsville, he opened a store in the spring of 1830, but in July of the same year sold out and purchased a number of lots in Frankfort. Here he erected, on one of these lots, on the west side of the public square, a hewn log house of two rooms -- one for business purposes and one for family occupation. This was the first store in Frankfort, and here he established himself in business in September, 1830. In 1833 he connected himself with his brother-in-law, Samuel SHIP, which business was continued until 1836. In 1837, Mr. Catterlin began the transportation of live stock and provisions to the south, and conducted a most successful trade until the Civil war broke out, having connected with it, for fifteen years, an extensive pork packing enterprise, and during the war carrying on a general store. In 1835 he erected the first grist and saw-mill in Frankfort. In 1837 he erected the first brick building, which still stands on the north side of the square. The marriage of Col. Catterlin took place at Edinburg, Ind., August 27, 1829, with Miss Malinda PEOPLES, who was born in Kentucky, February 28, 1810. Several children were born to this union, and of these Noah Catterlin, Jr., was promoted from the ranks in the Tenth Indiana infantry to a captaincy in the One Hundreth regiment, and two other sons took an active part in the defense of the Union during the late Civil war. Mr. Catterlin gained his military title by being honored with a commission, in the early part of the history of the county, as a reward for raising a military regiment, of which he was given the command; he was also honored, afterward, with the positions of sheriff of the county, justice of the peace and probate judge. The death of the colonel took place September 6, 1883; his wife died a few years later at her residence in Frankfort. Source: Pages 904 - 905. A Portrait And Biographical Record of Boone and Clinton Counties, Ind., ... Containing Biographical Sketches of Many Prominent and Representative Citizens, Together with Biographies and Portraits of all the Presidents of the United States, and Biographies of the Governors of Indiana. Published 1895 by A.W. Bowen & Co. in Chicago. ******************* CHITTICK, Charles (M.D.) Perhaps in no profession or science in the world has advancement been so rapid as in that of the medicine. It has not been many years since the doctor was a man who employed the simplest remedies for our ills, nature's tonics were the antidote for everything, but he depended largely on the theory of suggestive therapeutics for his success. And so does the doctor of today, but science has greatly enlarged the elds of his knowledge; specialization (sic) has been necessary; expert research and investigation is constantly discovering sources of disease, and it is indeed the wide-awake doctor who can keep abreast of the times in his science. This is the age of vaccines, specifics, and anti-toxins, and the man who desires to be modern in the practice of the profession must carefully master their proper use, and must be always a student to keep in view the ever advancing horizon of medical science. Dr. Chittick is one of the best known of the medical fraternity in Clinton county. He has succeeded in keeping to the front in all that pertains to his profession, and today is recognized as one of the most dependable and successful doctors of Clinton county. Charles Chittick was born in Clinton county, Indiana, February 14, 1849, and is the son of Archibald and Hannah J. (COMPTON) CHITTICK. Archibald Chittick was a native of the state of New York, and was born there February 19, 1812. His parents were Archibald and Rachel (MILLER) CHITTICK. The elder Archibald having been born in the south part of Ireland, in 1806, when about twenty-one years of age, came alone to this country. He resided in the state of New York until 1819, when he moved to Butler county, Ohio, and from there came to Indiana in 1834, and farmed in Carroll county until his death, in the year of 1855. His wife departed this life in 1847. Archibald Chittick, the father of our immediate subject, was reared on his father's farm, and resided on the old homestead until after he has passed his twenty-first year of age. In 1847 he married Hannah J. Compton and they settled in Warren township, this county, and he died here on July 2, 1894. In 1853 he made a trip to California, by way of the Isthmus of Panama, and on the way he fell a victim to the dreaded yellow fever, but recovered, and finally reached his destination in the Golden state. Being shrewd and energetic, he made a success in mining. Of the union of Archibald and Hannah Chittick there were born seven children, in the following order: Charles, our subject; James, of Starke county, Indiana; Rachael, married to John BROOKIE, of Carroll county, Indiana, died March, 1913; Rebecca (deceased), Pauline, married to S. WEIDA (deceased), now living on a farm near Bringhurst, Indiana; A. A., of Carroll county, and William, of Clinton county. The mother of this family was born in Virginia, July 22, 1822, and was the daughter of Arthur and Susanna COMPTON, natives, respectively, of Ireland and Virginia. Arthur Compton first located in Virginia on his arrival in America, thence moved to Wayne county, Indiana, and in 1833 came to Clinton county. He lost his wife in 1858. In 1860 he removed to Delphi, Carroll county, Indiana, where he was noted as a thriving farmer and as a prominent Mason and politician. He died in the year 1865. Dr. Charles Chittick was reared on his father's farm, received his preliminary education in the district schools, and then for three years attended the Frankfort Seminary. He then taught for one year in the same school, and the next year attended the high school at Ann Arbor, Michigan, also taking a partial course in medicine, preparatory to the study for his chosen profession. After six months additional study at home, he entered the Ohio Medical College at Cincinnati in 1873, and was graduated from that institution on March 2, 1876. He at once began his practice at Burlington, Carroll county, Indiana, where he soon established a reputation for skill and built up a good practice. In November, 1890, he went into partnership with Dr. Young, of Frankfort, making a specialty of the eye and nose, diseases of women and surgery. He was president of the county and district medical societies, vice-president of the state society for two terms and has been local surgeon for the Monon railroad for the past twenty years. He is also a member of the American Medical Association and National Association of Railway Surgeons. On July 3, 1878, at Crestline, Ohio, Doctor Chittick was united in marriage to Henrietta THOMAN, who was born October 9, 1851, a daughter of John and Susan THOMAN. To this happy union have been born three children: William (deceased), Golding, and Fred (deceased). The doctor and Mrs. Chittick are members of the Methodist Episcopal church, and fraternally, the Doctor is a third degree Mason and a member of the Knights of Pythias. In business life he has several interests. He owns a fertile and well improved farm in Carroll county, and also the Chittick block, a business building of Frankfort. Dr. Golding Chittick, son of Dr. Charles Chittick, received his education in the schools of Frankfort and DePauw, and was graduated from the medical department of Purdue University in May, 1907. Since his graduation, he has been actively engaged in the practice of medicine at Frankfort, in partnership with his father. On September 15, 1906, he was united in marriage to Neva L. PILKINGTON, of Greenfield, Indiana. Of this union two children have been born: Mary Annette and Louise. Dr. Chittick is a member of the Episcopalian church and of the Masonic order, captain of the Medical Department of the Indiana National Guard, and a member of the International Association of Military Surgeons. Source: Pages 898-899 History of Clinton County, Indiana.... With Historical Sketches of Representative Citizens and Genealogical Records of Many of the Old Families. By Hon. Joseph Claybaugh. Published 1913 by A. W. Bowen & Company - Indianapolis, Indiana ******************* JONATHAN K. CLAPPER, one of the old settlers of Ross township, Clinton county, Ind., and a prominent farmer, springs from sturdy German ancestors. His great-grandfather was born in Germany but was one of the pioneer settlers in the wilderness of Huntington county, Pa. The names of his children were: John, Susan, Harvey, George, Daniel, Jacob and Tobias. Mr. Clapper lived to be a very aged man, and was seen but once by our subject, when the latter was a small boy. He died in Huntington county, Pa. Daniel Clapper, grandfather of our subject, was born in Huntington county, Pa., and married there a Miss LOUER. To them were born the following children: Henry, Daniel, Jacob, George, Emanuel, Sallie, Katie, Susan, Betsy, Polly and Peggy. Mr. Clapper passed his earlier days in Huntington county, but finally settled near Altoona, where he had a good farm, and where he died when about seventy years of age. He and wife are members of the Lutheran church, were highly respected and reared a large family of children. The old homestead is still in the hands of his sons. Henry Clapper, son of above and father of our subject, was born in Huntington county, Pa., September 22, 1797, was reared a farmer and married September 5, 1820, in that county, Catherine KEPHART. To Mr. and Mrs. Henry Clapper were born eleven children: Jonathan K., George, Henry, Samuel (died at ten years), Susan, Mary, Sarah, Rebecca, and three that died as infants. Mr. Clapper lived in Huntington county, Pa., some time after marriage, when, the county line changed, his land fell to Blair, a new county. In 1851 he moved with his family to Tippecanoe county, Ind., settled on eighty acres, and here passed the remainder of his days, dying, aged seventy-six years, on his farm, September 27, 1873. His wife died on the homestead July 8, 1882, aged seventy-nine years. Both were members of the Lutheran church, in which he was a deacon many years. He was industrious, hard-working and much respected, and, like his father, reared a large family of children. Jonathan K. Clapper was born July 7, 1821, in Huntington county, Pa., received a common education and became a farmer. He married, in Pennsylvania, Susan, daughter of Philip EVERS, and to them were born one child - William H. Mr. Clapper came to Indiana with the family in 1851 and settled in Clinton county, Ross township, where his wife died in 1856; he next married a widow, Matilda PETER, March 9, 1858. She was the daughter of Jacob and Susannah (BOYER) NEYHARD. Jacob Neyhard was from Lehigh county, Pa., near Allentown, and was the father of twelve children, eleven of whom reached maturity: Hannah, William, Mary, Moses, Edward, Levi, Owen, Magdalena, Elizabeth, Matilda and William. Mr. Neyhard was a prosperous farmer and came to Indiana in 1836, bringing his family and settling in Carroll county. Mr. Neyhard died aged seventy-three years, a member of the German Reformed church, in which he was and elder, at home with his daughter, Mrs. Clapper, who was first married to Joseph Peter, son of William and Julia (KERN) PETER. William Peter came from Butler county, Ohio, but was formerly from Pennsylvania, and settled in Indiana in 1833. He entered a large tract of land -- 2,880 acres - and was one of the original pioneers. In 1836 he built a substantial brick house where our subject lives, which was one of the first brick houses in Clinton county, and was a fine residence for those days. Mrs. Clapper was born July 20, 1820, In Lehigh county, Pa., and was five years old when her father first settled in Butler county, Ohio, and in her sixteenth year when he came to Indiana (in1836), and can well remember the journey through the wilderness, by means of horse and covered wagon, and also remembers that there were but few houses in LaFayette when she rode through. She was twenty-three years of age when she married Mr. Peter, and by him had two children, both of whom died in infancy. She can well remember the old pioneer days when the deer and wolves and wild turkey were plentiful and the streams were full of large fine fish. To Mr. and Mrs. Clapper has been born one son, Joseph E. After marriage Mr. and Mrs. Clapper settled on the old Peter homestead and have since resided there. The farm now consists of 163 acres of fine fertile land, and in a high state of cultivation, and the fine old homestead had been improved with a new roof in modern style, neat and substantial farm buildings have been erected and a large part of the farm cleared. Both Mr. and Mrs. Clapper are members of the Presbyterian church, of which he was a deacon for many years. Mr. Clapper was one of the original republicans of the county, but, having been previously a whig, cast his first vote for William H. Harrison in the famous log-cabin hard-cider campaign. Mr. Clapper is one of the substantial farmers of Ross township, is well known for his integrity of character, and has frequently been on the grand jury. His son, Joseph E., married, May 12, 1886, Carrie J., daughter of Jacob and Caroline (KURTZ) BOWERS. Two children have blessed this union - Eugene E. and Mabel J. Joseph Clapper is a practical farmer and manages the home farm. As a republican he is active in politics, was a member of the republican central committee two terms, also a member of the election board of Ross township. He is a K. of P., Imperial lodge, No. 240, at Mulberry, and he and wife are members of the Presbyterian church. He graduated from Union Business college, LaFayette, attended Purdue University, LaFayette, three years, and was superintendent of the shop in the mechanical department the last year. He is a young man of practical business experience, and is also a practical engineer. Source: Pages 612 & 617 A Portrait And Biographical Record of Boone and Clinton Counties, Ind., ... Containing Biographical Sketches of Many Prominent and Representative Citizens, Together with Biographies and Portraits of all the Presidents of the United States, and Biographies of the Governors of Indiana. Published 1895 by A.W. Bowen & Co. in Chicago. ******************* CLARK, Frances Milton Much has been written in history and literature extolling the brave deeds of the "boys in blue"; it is eminently fitting that much more should be written, and it should be inscribed on records that are permanent. When we think of the bright-faced boys of the early sixties who left home, mothers, sweethearts, wives, everything, to fight for a great cause, we feel that each one should have an individual record to perpetuate his share in the struggle for a union. It is with pleasure that the biographer seizes the opportunity to place in print the life of one of the veterans who stands for the true type of soldier, besides being a successful man of the world. Francis Milton Clark was born in Tippecanoe county, Indiana, November 3, 1843, the son of Daniel D. and Julia A. (BELNAP) CLARK. His father was a native of Connecticut, who in 1839 moved to Tippecanoe county and settled down to farming and stock raising. Three children added joy to his home: Anna A. (deceased), Frances M., and John (deceased). Politically, Daniel Clark was not active, but took great interest in the welfare of the county, practically securing the first railroad through the locality. In his early life, Francis Clark attended a log cabin school in Tippecanoe county, then, as was the custom for young men of his day, he took up the pursuit of agriculture. In this occupation he was engaged at the outbreak of the Civil war. On August 8, 1862, Mr. Clark entered the Northern army, casting his lot with Company G, Seventy-second Indiana Volunteer Infantry, which regiment later was changed to a mounted troop, Col. C. O. Miller in command. The troop formed a unit in the famous Wilder's Brigade, Army of the Cumberland. With this troop, Mr. Clark served through the entire war, participating in the sanguinary battle of Chickamauga. Mr. Clark was mustered out July 7, 1865, at Indianapolis. For a short time after the war he worked upon his farm, and on October 30, 1867, he married Sarah Elizabeth BUNTIN, the daughter of Elihue and Margaret (MADDUX) BUNTIN. The bride's parents were very early settlers in Clinton county, coming from Kentucky. Five children were born to Mr. and Mrs. Clark: Lunetta, married to Walter PARIS, now dead; Roberta C., married to Flinton CRULL; Russell B. (deceased), married to Gertrude MAISH, had two children, Marjory and Frances Willard; Julia D. (deceased), and one that died in infancy. Mr. Clark has the reputation of being one of the largest land owners in the county, having six hundred acres in Clinton county and nine hundred acres in other places. In every way he is the typical self-made man, persistent, severe, but kindly, and always ready to extend a helping hand to a neighbor. He is an enthusiastic member of the Methodist church at Frankfort, being president of the official board. In politics, Mr. Clark takes an interest, though he does not proclaim his views. He is a Republican. Source: Pages 719-720 History of Clinton County, Indiana.... With Historical Sketches of Representative Citizens and Genealogical Records of Many of the Old Families. By Hon. Joseph Claybaugh. Published 1913 by A. W. Bowen & Company - Indianapolis, Indiana ******************* JEROME CLARK, a farmer of more than local note in Johnson township, was born in Clinton county, Ind., March 4, 1855, and still retains his residence here, and has always engaged in farming. October 7, 1875, he married Miss Martha E. Jackson who was born February 10, 1854, and who is the daughter of Henry and Mary E. (STINSON) JACKSON. Henry Jackson was an early settler of Johnson township, was a prominent farmer, owning 140 acres, was a leading member of the Baptist church, in polotics was a stanch republican, and his death took place in the army in March, 1864. When married, Mr. and Mrs. Clark settled on their present farm, which now contains ninety acres of choice land, improved with one of the best barns in the county. The residence is modern in construction and convenient in all its details. His marriage has been blessed by the birth of one child - Herschel L. In politics Mr. Clark is a democrat; fraternally, he is a member of Hillisburg lodge, No. 550, F & A. M. , and has passed all chairs of his lodge; he is also a dormant-member of the I. O. R. M., and his wife is a member of the New Light church. Mr. Clark takes great pride in the appearance of his farm and buildings, and their tidiness and beauty are the admiration of all who view them -- be they neighbors or strangers. Source: Page 619. A Portrait And Biographical Record of Boone and Clinton Counties, Ind., ... Containing Biographical Sketches of Many Prominent and Representative Citizens, Together with Biographies and Portraits of all the Presidents of the United States, and Biographies of the Governors of Indiana. Published 1895 by A.W. Bowen & Co. in Chicago. ******************* MARTIN L. CLARK, a very successful and progressive and young farmer who was born in Johnson township, Clinton county, and is the son of Lewis and Julia (COLE) CLARK, and has always been a farmer. His great-grandfather, Abraham Clark, was born in Chester county, Pa. William, the son of Abraham, was born in Chester county, and by trade was a steam- fitter and miller; he married Sidney WOODARD, and he and his wife were early settlers of Fayette county, Ind., and were members of the Christian church. Mrs. Sidney Clark died in January, 1839, and William Clark died in October 1867. Lewis Clark, the father of Martin L., was fourteen years of age when his father settled in Fayette county, Ind., coming by way of Cincinnati, and then by hired team, to convey their household goods, and the father, after paying the teamster, had fifty cents with which to begin the life in hte new country. Lewis Clark first married Irena Vickery, daughter of Martin and Margaret (GALBRETH) VICKERY. She is a member of the Christian church and died April 22, 1862. Mr. Clark then married November 1, 1865, Julia COLE, daughter of Jacob and Mary Ann (MILLER) COLE. Lewis came to Miller county in 1850, has continuously resided in Johnship township, and now at the age of seventy-four is hale and hearty. Martin L. Clark was married, August 28, 1873, to Miss Maggie DUNN [see biographies of the DUNN family elsewhere ], to which union the following children have been born: James R., Marshall E., Gillie Bell. After his marriage Mr. Clark settled on his present farm, which now comprises 100 acres of land. This is a very fertile farm and is well improved with an elegant residence and a good modern barn, and is also under a high state of cultivation. Mr. Clark has given much attention, the past five years, to breeding Chester White hogs, which he considers to be more hardy and prolific than ony other breed. He sold, the last spring, 114 pigs from fifteen brood sows. He is a democrat in politics, and has filled the office of township trustee to the full satisfaction of the people. He is a member of Hillsburg lodge, No. 550, F. and A. M. and has passed all chairs; he is a dormant member of the I. O. R. M. Mr. and Mrs. Clark are consistent members of the New Light church, to which he is a liberal contributor, and the family is much esteemed. Source: Page 621. A Portrait And Biographical Record of Boone and Clinton Counties, Ind., ... Containing Biographical Sketches of Many Prominent and Representative Citizens, Together with Biographies and Portraits of all the Presidents of the United States, and Biographies of the Governors of Indiana. Published 1895 by A.W. Bowen & Co. in Chicago. ******************* CLARK, N. W. (M.D.) The medical profession of Clinton county has an able and very promising representative in the person of Dr. N. W. Clark, physician and surgeon, of Rossville, a man yet young in years but who has practiced in this locality long enough to prove himself to be the possessor of the necessary qualifications to make a success in this particular field of endeavor. Not only was he seemingly singled out by Mother Nature for this special vocation, but he has put forth every effort to advance himself, is a profound student and is enamored of his work, deeming it a privilege to bring succor to the diseased and the sick in general. Dr. Clark was born August 29, 1870, in Carroll county, Indiana, a son of Joseph B. CLARK, a well known citizen of that section of the Hoosier state, now living in retirement in the town of Flora. He was born in Union county, Indiana, where he was reared and educated. During the Civil war he served as a member of the One Hundred and Fifty-fourth Indiana Volunteer Infantry. He married Mary EIKENBURY, who is now deceased. To them four children were born, two sons and two daughters; Dr. N. W., of this sketch; Albert M., a farmer living near Flora; Mrs. Nellie HODSON, of Moreland, Indiana, and Fanny (deceased). Mr. Clark married for his second wife Anna EATON and had one child, Scott, who is a farmer near Flora, Indiana. The Clark family came to Indiana in 1830 and entered government land in Union county, beginning life there like the other pioneers of the state. Joseph B. Clark went to Carroll county in early manhood and there became a highly respected and successful man. He belonged to the Grand Army of the Republic, and the United Brethren church. Dr. Clark was reared on the farm in his native county and received a common school education, later attending the State Normal, after which he followed teaching for several years in Carroll county. He began the study of medicine while still teaching, and in order to properly qualify for practice he spent three years in the Indiana Medical College at Indianapolis, where he made an excellent record, and from which institution he was graduated in 1904. He had also spent one year in a medical college in Chicago. He located in Rossville in 1906 and has since been engaged here as a physician and surgeon, building up a large, lucrative and constantly growing practice and taking his place in the front rank of his professional brethren in this county. He is a close student of new methods of treatment. Dr. Clark was married December 25, 1909, at Flora, Indiana, to Rose CLINE, of that city, where she grew to womanhood and was educated. She is a daughter of Henry CLINE, a well known citizen there. Dr. Clark is a Republican and has been active in party affairs. He is a member of the Masonic Order and the Knights of Pythias. He is a member of the Clinton County Medical Society and the Indiana State Medical Society. Source: Pages 862-863 History of Clinton County, Indiana.... With Historical Sketches of Representative Citizens and Genealogical Records of Many of the Old Families. By Hon. Joseph Claybaugh. Published 1913 by A. W. Bowen & Company - Indianapolis, Indiana ******************* CLARK, Russell B. One of the sterling young citizens of Frankfort and Clinton county was Russell B. Clark, who on May 8, 1913, when only thirty-nine years of age, was stricken by the hand of Death, thus reversing the proper order of things as we have been taught to believe. It seems to us sometimes, that destiny has gone wrong, or that divine power has forgotten, when a young and promising man, in the prime of the life should be snatched away. We do not declare in the words of the fool that "there is no God," but we wonder whether or not there is an explanation yet unrevealed to the knowledge of humanity, a reason why the logical should not happen, and the illogical should occur. It oversteps the bounds of nature. Mr. Clark was a man who had begun to make a mark in the city of Frankfort, and he had won the esteem and respect of everyone with whom he had become acquainted. Russell B. Clark was born on the old homestead five miles southeast of Frankfort, February 24, 1874, the son of Francis Milton and Sarah Elizabeth (BUNTIN) CLARK, sketches of whom occupy other pages of this volume. Francis Milton Clark was born in Tippecanoe county, Ind., November 3, 1843, and was the son of Daniel D. and Julia A. (BELKNAP) CLARK. Our subject's grandfather was a native of Connecticut, and came to Tippecanoe county to farm. Francis M. Clark received his education in the log schools of his home county, and took up farming with his father until the outbreak of the Civil war, whereupon he enlisted in Company G, Seventy-second Indiana Volunteer Infantry, of the army of the Cumberland, and later was a part of Wilder's Brigade and participated in the Confederate victory at Chickamauga. Mr. Clark was married to Sarah Elizabeth Buntin, October 30, 1867, and of this happy union there were born: Lunetta, Russell B., and Roberta C. Russell B. Clark lived his early life on his father's farm, and during the winters attended the common schools. His education was also continued in Wabash College where he spent a few years. Upon completing his education he took up farming as a vocation and continued the same very successfully until August, 1912, when he came to Frankfort, Ind., and purchased a beautiful home on South Clay street. His first business venture in this city was in the automobile line, when he bought out the Kernodle Automobile Company on South Main street. In this line of endeavor, Mr. Clark immediately began to have success, and his trade was constantly increasing. He acted for the Studebaker Company of South Bend, and placed many of their cars in this and surrounding counties. Besides this business, Mr. Clark owned and operated a fine farm of two hundred and forty acres southeast of the city and at one time owned land in the state of Texas and in Randolph county, Indiana. Among his financial enterprises he was a stockholder in the People's Life Insurance Company and the American National Bank. In politics, Mr. Clark always supported the Republican party, even through the crisis of 1912, when the split came. Religiously, he was a member of the Methodist Episcopal church, and in fraternal affairs was a loyal member of the Masonic order. In 1899 Mr. Clark was united in marriage to Gertrude MAISH, daughter of ex-County Treasurer W. P. MAISH. Mrs. Clark was one of seven children, namely: David B., of Frankfort; Gertrude, John W. and Walter S., both Clinton county farmers; Altha J., a trained nurse, and graduate of the Portsmouth Training School, Ohio; Homer C., a time keeper for the McDougal Cabinet Works; and Mary Lavone, a school teacher. Mrs. Clark's parents were among the early settlers of this county, her grandfather entering land in this section of the state from the government. Both her father and mother are natives of this county. Her father is a farmer, and at one time filled the position of county treasurer, to which he had been elected. To Mr. and Mrs. Clark there were born two children: Marjorie and Francis Willard. Both Children are now living with their widowed mother. Source: Pages 684-686 History of Clinton County, Indiana.... With Historical Sketches of Representative Citizens and Genealogical Records of Many of the Old Families. By Hon. Joseph Claybaugh. Published 1913 by A. W. Bowen & Company - Indianapolis, Indiana ******************* CLARK, Stephen Slipher One of the most versatile men in Clinton county, a man who had many interests in life and who was equally successful in all of them, is the subject of this sketch. He was descended from one of the hardiest of the pioneer families, and inherited a great deal of their aptitude for unceasing and capable labor. Mr. Clark was well equipped mentally and physically for a life of unusual activity, and he made the most of his advantages. As a teacher, farmer, and minister of the gospel, he won a high esteem and affection from his fellow citizens, and he well deserved their respect, for in every undertaking with which he was identified he employed the most honest and commendable methods of procedure. Stephen S. Clark was born in Butler county, Ohio, December 2, 1831, and was the son of David C. and Mary Magdalene (SLIPHER) CLARK. David C. Clark was born January 13, 1804, in the state of New Jersey and came to Ohio, accompanied by his parents when he was but an infant. He was raised on a farm, later becoming a farmer himself, also a bricklayer and plasterer. He obtained his early education in the common schools of his home county. He came to Indiana in 1832, settling on the farm now owned by William Rose in Ross township, Clinton county, and entered several hundred acres of land from the government. His wife possessed an excellent estate, inherited from her father, and Mr. Clark also entered a fourth section five miles east of his main holdings. He moved to the quarter section in Ross township, and later came to Frankfort, dying there on December 31, 1873. Mr. Clark cleared the land and prepared it for division among his children. He built his log home here, and during the first winter was compelled to live without doors, windows, or floor. Blankets were used to keep the cold out, and every hardship experienced by the pioneer was included in their life. Wolves and others (sic) animals prowled about the cabin at nights (sic) and added their mournful cries to the lonely hours. Mr. Clark was once a trustee of Ross township, and was a county commissioner in the early days. He was a member of the Missionary Baptist chruch (sic), as were all of his family. David Clark was first married to Mary M. Slipher, the daughter of Stephen and Elizabeth (FLENARD) SLIPHER, who were of German descent, and who settled in Ohio in 1804. Ten children were born to this union: Elizabeth, Augustus F., Stephen S., Issaac Newton, Eliza J., Jonas D. Tilghman A. Howard, William Allen and David Austin (twins), and George W. William A. was a soldier in the Union army, and served faithfully throughout the whole Civil war. He and his brother, Isaac Newton, were ministers. Mrs. Clark died in 1865. Mr. Clark was married the second time to Rebecca WHITE, whose maiden name was IVINS. No children were born to this second union, and the wife died on August 10, 1896. To say a word more of our subject's ancestry, his great-great-great-grandparents on his father's side were English, while those of his mother were Germans. His great-great-grandfather, John CLARK, was born in Long Island, New York, in 1710, and he died on May 12, 1794. His great-grandfather, Samuel CLARK, was born in New Jersey, December 9, 1752, and his grandfather, Stephen CLARK, was born in New Jersey, June 6, 1778. Stephen S. Clark spent his early life on the farm. He received a good common school education, attended a private school, and was a student in Franklin College until small-pox broke out there, whereupon he quit, never to return. At this time Mr. Clark treasured the ambition to be a teacher, thinking that in this vocation his training and excellent education might be put to the best advantage. He was actuated in this resolve by more than pecuniary compensation; he was intensely interested in the educational development of his state, and believed that more rapid progress could be made. Accordingly, he entered the pedadogic profession, and continued for the long period of twenty years, during which time he built for himself a lasting reputation as a successful and efficient instructor. Not only was he capable in the class room, but in the development of a definite system of teaching educators of the county and state. Many of his old pupils are among the influential people of Clinton county today, and their respect and admiration for their former teacher has never diminished, and remains one of the pleasantest memories of the days gone by. During the years in which he taught, Mr. Clark kept himself in perfect physical condition by work on the farm, with consequent greater vocational capacity and endurance. At the age of twenty, Mr. Clark's whole family became members of the Missionary Baptist church, and in the year of 1855 he himself was ordained a minister of this church. His vocation were then teaching, farming and preaching, and he was equally successful in all of them. None of these occupations could be called an avocation, for Mr. Clark's heart and soul were in everything he undertook to do, and his versatility was only an aid to his efficiency. He belonged to the Judson Association, and preached in a number of churches. He devoted a great deal of his time and efforts to the church in Frankfort, and helped liberally in the building of the same. He was also a large contributor to the new church being built at this writing. The first church was damaged by a wind storm and rendered unfit for further use. On November, 7, 1860, he was married to Mary Jane AYERS, of Frankfort, the daughter of Albert G. and Abigail (BUNNELL) AYRES, farmers. Two children were born of this union: Julia Magdalene, who died in infancy; and Elizabeth STARK, now living at Cleveland, Ohio, where her husband is pastor of the Glenville Baptist church. Mr. and Mrs. Stark had two children: Stephen Stevens, died in infancy, and Stephen Weeks, born November 22, 1906. Stephen Slipher Clark, our subject, departed from this life on May 24, 1913, after a career of usefulness and good deeds. As a teacher, primarily, he won an imperishable reputation in the county, and as a farmer and preacher, he added to the respect that is paid him. Source: Pages 690-693 History of Clinton County, Indiana.... With Historical Sketches of Representative Citizens and Genealogical Records of Many of the Old Families. By Hon. Joseph Claybaugh. Published 1913 by A. W. Bowen & Company - Indianapolis, Indiana ******************* CLAYBAUGH, Judge Joseph Judge Joseph Claybaugh, supervising editor of this history, was born in Chillicothe, O., June 9, 1839. He was the son of Joseph Claybaugh, a distinguished minister and scholar, under whose tutelage he was prepared for Miami University. Judge Claybaugh began the study of law in the office of the Hon. R. P. Davidson, his brother-in-law, with whom he formed a partnership after his admission to the bar in 1861. Judge Claybaugh has been actively engaged in his chosen profession for fifty-two years, with the exception of six years, 1902 to 1908, when he was judge of the Clinton circuit court. After this half century of practice, Judge Claybaugh is now the senior member of the bar of this county. While on the bench, Judge Claybaugh sought to give force to that provision of the Indiana Constitution, that "The Penal Code shall be founded on the principles of reformation rather than on punishment for crime." Whenever a person accused of crime was brought before him and there seemed any reasonable chance of reform, he would continue the case or suspend the sentence and give the accused a chance. Out of more than fifty cases thus disposed of by him, only three or four offenders failed to take the opportunity offered and as a consequence became law-abiding and useful citizens. It is this feature of his official life that Judge Claybaugh recalls with the greatest satisfaction. In politics, Judge Claybaugh is a Republican, and an ardent admirer of Abraham Lincoln. For years he has been a member of the Presbyterian church. In 1861, Judge Claybaugh was married to Miss Anna Valeria FETERMAN, a daughter of Hon. Nathaniel P. Feterman, of Pittsburgh, Pa. Mrs. Claybaugh died March 10, 1909. Source: Pages 367-368 History of Clinton County, Indiana.... With Historical Sketches of Representative Citizens and Genealogical Records of Many of the Old Families. By Hon. Joseph Claybaugh. Published 1913 by A. W. Bowen & Company - Indianapolis, Indiana ********************************************************************* ** (c) Connie Rushing and Tonya Martin1998 - 2001