Dearborn County IN Archives History - Books .....Contents 1915 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Ann Anderson May 12, 2006, 12:13 am Book Title: History Of Dearborn County Indiana CONTENTS CHAPTER 1—RELATED STATE HISTORY 33 First White Man in Northwest Territory—English and French Claims— Three Successive Sovereign Flags Over Present Indiana Territory—Passing of the Indians—Battle of Fallen Timbers—Northwest Territory—Early Settlements—Activities of the Traders—French and Indian War—Pontiac's Conspiracy—Northwest Territory and Quebec Act—Revolutionary Period— George Rogers Clark and His Campaign—First Surveys and Early Settlers—Ordinance of 1787—First Stage of Government Under the Ordinance —Second Stage—Organization of the Northwest Territory—Representative Stage of Government—First Counties Organized—First Territorial Legislature of Northwest Territory—Division of 1800—Census of Northwest Territory in 1800—Settlements in Indiana Territory in 1800—First Stage of Territorial Government—Changes in Boundary Lines of Indiana—Second Stage of Territorial Government—The Legislative Council—The First General Assemblies—Congressional Delegates of Indiana Territory—Efforts to Establish Slavery in Indiana—The Indian Lands—Organization of Counties—Changes in the Constitution of Indiana—Capitals of Northwest Territory and of Indiana—Military History of State—Political History—Governors of Indiana—A Century of Growth—Natural Resources. CHAPTER II—PHYSICAL PROPERTIES OF DEARBORN COUNTY 63 Location and Size—Topography—Soil—Surface Features—Streams—River Changes—Altitudes—The Rocks—Minerals—Land Slips—The Limestone Upland Soil—The Miami Clay Loam—The Waverley or Bottom Soils—Farming Methods—Chemical Analysis of Waverley Sandy Loam in the Bottom Lands of Laughery Creek—Chemical Analysis of the Upland Soils of Northern Dearborn County, Mixture of Miami Clay and Decayed Shales. CHAPTER III—INDIANS AND THE MOUND BUILDERS 73 The Mound Builders and Local Evidences of Their Existence—Signal Mounds and Other Ancient Works—Burial Grounds—Indian Claims to Lands in Dearborn County—Excursions Against the Indians—Encroachments of the Settlers Resented—Local Names. CHAPTER IV—EARLY GEOGRAPHY—CONQUEST OF THE NORTH WEST TERRITORY 73 Location and Boundaries of Dearborn County—Early History of the Territory Now Embraced Within Dearborn County—French Claims—Ordinance of 1787—Early Dearborn Boundary Lines—Conquest of the Northwest Territory—Harmer's Expedition—St. Clair's Defeat—Battle of Fallen Timbers. CHAPTER V BATTLE OF LAUGHERY AND TREATY OF FT. FINNEY.... 87 Preparations for Campaign Against Detroit in 1780—Difficulty in Raising Troops—Gen. George Rogers Clark in Command, Assisted by Col. Archibald Laughery—Ambuscade and Massacre of the Latter and His Troops— Lieut. Isaac Anderson's Journal of the Expedition—Far-reaching Result of Laughery's Defeat—Treaty of Ft. Finney—-Journal of Major Ebenezer Denny—General Clark's Control of the Situation—Failure of the Treaty to Secure Lasting Peace. CHAPTER VI—EARLY SETTLEMENT OF DEARBORN COUNTY 99 The Trend of Advancing Civilization—Indebtedness of the Present Generation to the Early Pioneers—First Settlement of Importance in the Vicinity of Dearborn County—The Symmes Purchase and Settlement Thereon—Futile Attempts of Symmes to Found a City—Shattered Dreams—Indian Protests Against Impositions of the Whites—Security After the Wayne Treaty— Early Settlements and Pioneers—The Ohio Company—Extract from Journal of General Butler—The First Actual Settlers—Citations from Early Authorities—A Contested Honor—Murder of Redskins. CHAPTER VII—PIONEER DAYS IN DEARBORN 114 Effect of the Ordinance of 1787—Influx of Settlers to the Ohio Valley-First Families of Dearborn—Early Surveys—First Formal Land Entries— Hardships of the Pioneers—The Early Circuit Rider—A Primitive Domicile— The Pioneer's Evening at Home—Progress of the Pioneers—Difficulties of Early Husbandry—Tribute to the Early Settler—Little Time for Study-Sidelights on the Pioneers—Early Hunters—Capt. Joseph Hayes—Col. Zebulon Pike. CHAPTER VIII—ORGANIZATION OF DEARBORN COUNTY 132 Governor Harrison's Proclamation Creating Dearborn County—First Officers of the County—The Militia—First Sessions of the Courts—Court Houses and Jails—Question of County Division—Legislative Enactments Relating Thereto. CHAPTER IX—COUNTY OFFICERS 139 Dearborn County Fortunate in Its Choice of Officers—Territorial Judges— Common Pleas Judges—Associate Judges—Probate Judges—The Territorial Legislature—State Legislature—Representatives in the Legislature—County Commissioners—County Treasurers, Auditors, Clerks, Recorders, Sheriffs, Assessors and Superintendents of Schools—Prosecuting Attorneys—Coroners and Surveyors. CHAPTER X—CAESAR CREEK TOWNSHIP 147 First Boundaries—Original Land Sales and Entries—The Earliest Settlers— McGuire and Watts Families—Some Other of the Pioneers—Pioneer Churches—Earliest Burial—Farmers' Retreat. CHAPTER XI—CENTER TOWNSHIP 154 Organization—Boundaries—Land Entries—Early Settlers—The Griffin Family—Humble Homes of the Pioneers—Town of Cochran. CHAPTER XII—CLAY TOWNSHIP 159 Organization and Description—Settlement and First Land Entries—The First Settler—Experiences of a Pioneer—Experiences of Ebenezer Harbert— Beauty of Clay Township's Location—Dillsboro—Sanitarium—Business Directory. CHAPTER XIII—HARRISON TOWNSHIP 167 Location—Organization—First Land Entries—Story of William McClure— A Pioneer Minister—Some Early Settlers—West Harrison. CHAPTER XIV—HOGAN TOWNSHIP 172 Organization—Original Boundaries—Changes in Territory—Land Entries— First Settlers—The First Boom—Pioneer Families—Story of a Country Town—Wilmington. CHAPTER XV—JACKSON TOWNSHIP 177 Location—Boundaries—First Settlement—Land Entries—The Lawrence Families—Rival Villages—Lawrenceville and Morgantown—Weisburg—Hubbell's Cross Roads. CHAPTER XVI—KELSO TOWNSHIP 181 One of the Original Townships of the County—Its Name—Early Settlers— Dover—New Alsace—St. Leon. CHAPTER XVII—LAWRENCEBURG TOWNSHIP 183 Earliest Land Entries—Early Pioneer History—First Settlers—Hardinsburg —The Ferris' Family—A Description of Farm Life and Work in the Early Days—Many Changes With the Years—Greendale—Patrons' Mutual Fire Insurance Company. CHAPTER XVIII—LOGAN TOWNSHIP 195 One of the Original Townships—Area—Boundaries—First Land Entries and Early Settlers—Mills—Logan's Cross Roads. CHAPTER XIX—MANCHESTER TOWNSHIP 198 Original Area and Changes in Boundaries—Earliest Land Entries—Early History of the Township—Emigrants from Maine—Stories of the Early Settlers—A Worthy Judge—Early Temperance Advocate—Ben Tibbetts and Other Pioneers—Noted Members of the Old Debating Club. CHAPTER XX—MILLER TOWNSHIP 205 Organization—Boundaries—Early Land Purchases—The First Settlers—Influential Men of Early Days—Experience of a Pioneer Girl—A Family of Patriots—An Early Advertisement—Unwelcome Neighbors—John Ewbank— Cherry Bottoms. CHAPTER XXI—SPARTA TOWNSHIP 216 Description of—Land Entries—Pioneer Settlers—Early Mills—Moores Hill —Its Name—Sparta—Cold Springs—Chesterville. CHAPTER XXII—WASHINGTON TOWNSHIP 222 Location—Description—Early Land Entries—Settlers—Story of Benjamin Walker—Some of the Pioneers—A Convenient Houseboat—One of the First Churches. CHAPTER XXIII—YORK TOWNSHIP 226 Name—Creation of the Township—Land Entries—Area—The Stockade Near Guilford—First Settlers—The First Cabin—The Old Burying Ground—Guilford—Yorkville. CHAPTER XXIV—CITY OF LAWRENCEBURG 230 Entry of the Land by Capt. Samuel C. Vance—Survey and Platting of the Town Site—Situation—First Houses—Slow Growth at First—First Events— Some Early Citizens—Early Real Estate Values—Stringent Boat Regulations—The First Newspaper—First Bank—Physicians—Prices of Merchandise—First Sunday School—Local Improvements—The New Orleans Trade— Character of the Early Population—River Exportations—Floods Regarded as Beneficial—Burning of the Court House—Fourth of July Celebrations— County Finances in 1826—Hard Times in 1830-40—Whitewater Canal as an Aid to Industry—Growth of Lawrenceburg as a Trading Point—Early Easiness and Professional Men—Coming of the Railway—Fire Department— Business Directory of 1860—Old Landmarks—The Town Council—Donation to the Railway Company—Additions to the City—Earlier Industries—Manufacturing Plants—Cemeteries—Present Business Directory. CHAPTER XXV—CITY OF AURORA 265 Beauty of Situation—Original Plat—Entry of the Land—Sale of Lots— Grounds Set Apart for Public Purposes—First Councilmen—First Magistrate—Extracts from the Docket—Early Business Directory—Aurora Reminiscences—Changes in Business Firms—City Officials—Riverview Cemetery Association—Present Business Directory. CHAPTER XXVI—MILITARY HISTORY 282 Revolutionary Soldiers and Their Part in the Settlement of Dearborn County—Dearborn's Revolutionary Honor List—The War of 1812—Roster of Home Defenders—The War With Mexico—Efficient Service, Regardless of Pay—Dearborn County Volunteers—Banks Come to Rescue—Soldiers Inadequately Drilled—Roster of Dearborn County Soldiers and the Commands in Which They Served—Schooling for Civil War—Response to First Call to Arms—Loyalty to the Government—Equipping Early Companies—List of Volunteers and the Commands in Which They Served—Summary of County's Service—Closing Days of the War—Lincoln's Assassination—The Morgan Raid—Village of Harrison Invaded—Fired on Own Comrades—War With Spain. CHAPTER XXVII—BENCH AND BAR 340 Early Conditions in Legal Matters—Pioneer Lawyers—Judge Burnet's Reminiscences—Oliver H. Smith on Early Indiana Lawyers—Roster of the Pioneer Bar—Gen. James Dill—An Anti-Slavery Victory—Constitution Creates Confusion—Jesse B. Thomas—Judge Elijah Sparks—Horace Bassett—The Lane Family—Judge Jesse L. and William S. Holman—James T. Brown— George H. Dunn—Daniel S. Major—Ebenezer Dumont—Col. Benjamin J. Spooner—John Schwartz—George M. Roberts—Reminiscences by O. H. Smith—Trial of Fuller—Present Members of the Bar. CHAPTER XXVIII—THE MEDICAL PROFESSION 356 Early Medical Practice—Epidemics in Southeastern Indiana—Physicians' Fees—Legal Regulation of the Practice—State Medical Society—Cholera in 1833—Malignant Malarial Fever—Scarlet Fever—Heroic Remedies—Old-time Ailments—The Making of a Doctor—Early Physicians—Some Early Announcements—Present Physicians. CHAPTER XXIX—NEWSPAPERS IN DEARBORN COUNTY 373 First Newspapers in Dearborn County—Personal Reminiscences—Characteristics of Early Journalism—Lawrenceburg Papers—Newspapers at Aurora—Changed Conditions—A Typical Pioneer Newspaper—A Pauper for Sale—Some Interesting Items Concerning the Newspapers of the County. CHAPTER XXX—CHURCHES OF DEARBORN COUNTY 385 Methodist Episcopal Churches—Growth of Methodism—First Sermon in Aurora—Baptist Churches—Open-air Baptism—Presbyterian Churches—Lutheran Churches—The Christian Church—German Methodist Church—Catholic Churches. CHAPTER XXXI—SECRET SOCIETIES 410 Free and Accepted Masons—Independent Order of Odd Fellows—Knights of Pythias—Improved Order of Red Men—Grand Army of the Republic—Junior Order of United American Mechanics. CHAPTER XXXII—BANKS AND BANKING 410 Little Need of Banks in Pioneer Days—Early Banks in Lawrenceburg—Brief Mention of Banks Now in Operation—Building and Loan Associations. CHAPTER XXXIII—AGRICULTURE 429 Original Condition of the Soil—Bountiful Harvests Secured by the Pioneers—Early Market Conditions—A Land of Plenty—Pioneer Farming Conditions—Early Crops—Hogs, Cattle and Horses—County Fairs—Lawrenceburg Agricultural Association—Pioneer Conditions—Early Harvest Operations. CHAPTER XXXIV—EARLY TRANSPORTATION AND HIGHWAYS 437 Pioneer Trails and Bridle Paths—The First Permanent Road—Highways Established—Stage and Mail Routes—Aurora at a Disadvantage in Its Early History—The State Road—Lawrenceburg a Center of Trade—Bridges— Canals—Railroads—River Transportation—Flatboating—Variety of Cargoes —Ferries—Changed Conditions. CHAPTER XXXV—EDUCATION 452 Early Problem of Education—Legislative Enactments as to Schools—Loss of Early Records—School Fund Loans—County Seminary—Early Legislation—Some of the First Teachers—Wilmington Seminary—Early Schools— Payment of Teachers—Contrast of Former Years—Lawrenceburg Schools— Lawrenceburg Academy—Modern School System Introduced—Enumeration of Children—Tradition of an Early College—Aurora Schools—County Organization. CHAPTER XXXVI—MOORE'S HILL COLLEGE 472 John C. Moore's Generous Donation for a Collegiate Institution—A Summary of the Presidents of the Institution—Leading Events in the History of the College—Dr. Harry A. King, Recently President—Dr. Andrew J. Bigney —Faculty—Chronology. CHAPTER XXXVII—WOMEN'S CLUBS OF LAWRENCEBURG AND AURORA 482 Erthstane History Club—St. Cecelia Musicale—Review Club—Orpheus Club —Aurora Woman's Research Club. CHAPTER XXXVIII—FLOODS IN THE OHIO VALLEY 486 Topographical Reasons for the Annual Overflow of the Ohio River—Climatic Conditions—Floods More Severe in Recent Years—Civilization an Aid to Floods—Record of Early Floods—Floods of More Recent Date—Graphic Account of the Flood of 1884—Comparative Stages of High Water—The Great Flood of 1913—Relief Work. CHAPTER XXXIX—SIDELIGHTS ON DEARBORN COUNTY HISTORY.... 505 Visit of Abraham Lincoln—The Ill-Fated "Redstone"—Story of an Anxious Father—Dog Leg Society of Lawrenceburg—A Runaway Slave Story—Game Hunting Stories—In a Wolf Den—Stories of Morgan's Raid. File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 13.8 Kb