Decatur County IN Archives Obituaries.....Mendenhall, Noah August 24, 1897 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Lois Johnson February 3, 2016, 10:47 pm The Franklin Democrat, Friday, August 27, 1897, Volume XXXVIII, Number 7, page 1, column 6 LOCAL and PERSONAL. Noah Mendenhall, a former well-known resident of this city, died Monday at his home in Greensburg. Deceased was a man of sterling integrity and held in the highest respect by all who knew him. His son, Rush Mendenhall, resides in this city. Noah Mendenhall died Tuesday morning at 11:20 o’clock after an illness of ten days with stomach and bowel trouble. Mr. Mendenhall was one of the oldest and most respected residents of this county, he being 77 years of age. He was also a prominent Mason, being one of the oldest in the county. The funeral services will be held from his late residence on north Ireland street Thursday afternoon at 3:30 o’clock under the auspices of the Masons, conducted by Rev. J. W. Dashiel of the First M. E. church. Interment in South Park cemetery – Greensburg New Era. Rush Mendenhall was called to Greensburg this week by the death of his father, Noah Mendenhall. Additional Comments: [Submitted by Mark McCrady and Cathea Curry] Link to Noah Mendenhall's grave: File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 1.7 Kb