Delaware County IN Archives Obituaries.....Jackson, William Nelson November 1902 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Beverly Telf May 6, 2008, 10:13 pm Muncie Star, 21 Nov 1902 FLAG HE SO GALLANTLY DEFENDED DRAPED THE CHAMBER OF DEATH A Patriot and Honored Citizen Passes From Earth William N. Jackson, the Father of Williams Post, G.A.R., Died Thursday Morning in This City After constant suffering for more than a year, death at last came to the relief of the venerable William N. Jackson at 8:20 o'clock Thursday morning at the home of his daughter, Mrs. J. D. Mock, 1100 East Main street, with whom he had made his home for the past two years. During the last nine days the end had been expected at almost any moment. Paralysis of some of the internal organs supplemented by his old age, was the cause of his death. Peacefully he sank away into the rest for which he had often asked during the months of suffering. The funeral of Mr. Jackson will be conducted from the Mock residence in East Main street at 2:30 o'clock Sunday afternoon. The members of Williams post, G.A.R. will attend in a body. The last services will be conducted by the Rev. Henry Marsh and the Rev. Oliver Carmichael, life long friends of the deceased. Interment will be made in Beech Grove cemetery. An Eventful Career William Nelson Jackson was the son of Thomas and Amelia Jackson. He was born in Greenup county, Ky., December 22, 1827, while his parents were enroute from Louden county, Va., to Licking county, O. He remained with his parents in Licking county until 1844 when they immigrated to Delaware county, Ind. For a number of years Mr. Jackson taught school. He later became a cabinet maker, and was with H. and I. Meeks funiture dealers. He was married to Sarah I. Collins, also of Delaware county in 1850. To them were born eight children, six of whom survive. They are: Mrs. J. D. Mock, Mrs. Laura Fennell, Dr. F. G. Jackson, H. Marah Jackson, Warren A. Jackson and Charles H. Jackson. A Gallant Soldier In 1862 he enlisted in the Nineteenth Indiana Infantry which was formed in Muncie. He participated in all the general engagements of the regiment. It is said that Mr. Jackson was the only man who enlisted with the regiment and remained with it until it was mustered out in 1865. His conduct during the war is worthy of special praise. He was at all times gallant, courteous, and sympathetic. In recognition of his gallantry during the war, Williams Post, G.A.R., of this city, selected him for "Father of their Post." His patriotism and his love of the flag for which he fought, never waned.... File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 3.1 Kb