Floyd County IN Archives Biographies.....Clary, Timothy August 1840 - ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. http://www.usgwarchives.net/copyright.htm http://www.usgwarchives.net/in/infiles.htm ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Sharon Pike spike00@earthlink.net January 14, 2008, 12:40 am Author: Unknown Presidents, Soldiers, Statesmen Vol. II H.H. Hardesty, Publisher N.Y., Toledo, Chicago 1893 Timothy Clary Timothy Clary, a native of Ireland, was born in County Queens, Aug., 1840 and became a resident of Floyd Co., Ind., in 1869. He was a son of Timothy and Mary (Reed) Clary, both of whom have gone to their reward. He was joined in wedlock to Alice T. McGinn, Feb. 18, 1873 in New Albany, Ind. His wife was a daughter of Joseph and Sarah (Deen) McGinn, deceased, and was born in New York City, May 10, 1850. Mr. and Mrs. Clary’s family consists of six children, their births occurring in the order here given: Mary A., Joseph T., James J., Anna S., Cornelia R. and Francis C. Comrade Clary was engaged in farming when he decided to take up arms in defence of his adopted country. He was enrolled under the first call, April 1861 at Centreville, Wayne Co., Ind., at the age of 20 years, becoming a member of Co. K, 10th Ind. V.I. His term having expired, he was honorably discharged Aug. 1861, and re-enlisted Dec. 2, 1861 at Richmond, Ind. in Co. D, 19th U.S. Inf., 14th A.C. He was wounded by fragment of shell in right side at Shiloh; he was again wounded at Hoovers Gap by gunshot on nose and left ear; at the battle of Chickamauga, he received a third wound in right knee; in the summer of 1864, he entered hospital where he was treated four weeks for scurvy. His battle record is: Rich. Mt. Siege of Corinth, Stone River, Hoovers Gap, Chickamauga, Missionary Ridge, Atlanta Campaign, Resaca and several minor engagements. He was honorably discharged Dec. 18, 1864, at Lookout Mt., at end of time. His Capt. Edwards says on his discharge that Timothy Clary was a good and faithful soldier. His wife’s brother, John served in Marine Brigade. Comrade Clary belongs to Sanderson Post, 191, and Encampment, U.V.L., No. 101, he is a line repairer and his address is New Albany, Ind. Additional Comments: I came across the photocopied pages in a file at the public library in New Albany. I have never been able to locate an original copy of the book. File at: http://files.usgwarchives.net/in/floyd/bios/clary960nbs.txt This file has been created by a form at http://www.genrecords.net/infiles/ File size: 2.6 Kb