Floyd County IN Archives Biographies.....Denny, Lieut. George 1841 - ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. http://www.usgwarchives.net/copyright.htm http://www.usgwarchives.net/in/infiles.htm ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Sharon Pike spike00@earthlink.net January 19, 2008, 11:38 pm Author: Unknown Presidents, Soldiers, Statesmen Vol. II H.H. Hardesty, Publisher N.Y., Toledo, Chicago 1893 Lieut. George Denny was born on the Atlantic Ocean, in 1841, and was a son of Michael and Sarah Denny, long ago deceased. His wife, Clara Dewees, to whom he was married in Floyd Co., Ind., in August, 1865, was born in Harrison Co., Ind., in 1856. [sic] Her father, Chas. L. Dewees served during the late war in Co. B., 38th Ind. V.I., ranking as Capt., and fell at the battle of Bentonville, in 1865. Her mother, Mary (Sands) is also dead. Of this union were born: Cora, Charles, Willard, Bettie, Carrie, Agnes, George W., Jessie and Jennie. Our subject was a blacksmith when he enlisted in the fall of 1861 at Joe Holt, Ind., when 21 years of age. He was enrolled in Co. C., 49th Ind. V.I., as 5th Serg., and won successive promotions to Ord. Serg., and 1st. Lieut. He was ill about three weeks on account of disability. April, 1862, he was furloughed for twenty days from Cumberland Ford and reported for duty at the end of time. He was honorably discharged to re-enlist as a veteran in winter of 1863-64 in old command. In 1865 he was detailed as military conductor on Lexington and Covington R.R., he also had charge of hospital at Barracks at Lexington, about two months. He fought with his command at Cumberland Gap, Haines Bluff, Arkansas Post, Vicksburg, Pt. Gibson, Thompsons Hill, Champion Hill, Black River Bridge, Siege of Vicksburg, Jackson, Raymond, Red River Campaign, Big Creek Gap and was honorably discharged August, 1865, at Indianapolis, Ind. After the Vicksburg Campaign he was sent to N. O., under Gen. Lawler as far a Matagorda Bay, Corpus Christi and to Old Town Tex., returned to N.O., and then joined the Red River Campaign under Gen. McClernand. He had two brothers in the service, John in Co. C, 49th Ind. V.I., and William in Co. C, 38th Ind. V.I., was fatally wounded. His wife’s brother, John belonged to Co. K, 91st Ind. V. I. Comrade Denny is a blacksmith and his address is New Albany, Ind. Additional Comments: I came across the photocopied pages in a file at the public library in New Albany. I have never been able to locate an original copy of the book. File at: http://files.usgwarchives.net/in/floyd/bios/denny964nbs.txt This file has been created by a form at http://www.genrecords.net/infiles/ File size: 2.8 Kb