Fountain County IN Archives Biographies.....Bennett, Abraham 1823 - ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Joy Fisher November 16, 2006, 7:29 am Author: H. W. Beckwith (1881) Abraham Bennett, farmer, Newtown, was born in Warren county, Ohio, April 26, 1823. He is the son of William and Mary (Good) Bennett, and was the tenth child in a family of twelve children, nine of whom are at present living. When he was five weeks old his parents moved to Montgomery county, Ohio, and his father died there July 6, 1836, aged fifty-six years. Early in 1842 Mr. Bennett removed with his mother to Boone county, Indiana. A few months elapsed and he returned to Ohio on an affectionate errand, bringing back Miss Deborah Braddock, with whom he was united in marriage in October 1844. About 1850 he settled in Tippecanoe county, and in 1861 came to his present home in Fountain. During all these years he had had the advantage of but slight means. His beginning had been made without the aid of material resources of any kind, but now his efforts began to yield a steadily augmenting success, and the property which he possesses has been accumulated principally since that time. He has 200 acres in his homestead, 145 acres of which he cultivates. Since he has been on the place he has cleared seventy acres of heavily timbered around, and done nearly all of the work himself. He had previously cleared twenty or more. In point of labor this is good enough showing for one man. On May 1, 1859, Mrs. Bennett went to her rest. She left six daughters, who are now all living within ten miles of their father's home. Their names and dates of birth are as follows: Julia Ann, September 5, 1845, wife of Henry Crumley; Amanda Ellen, June 6, 1847, wife of Henry H. Huff; Sarah Margaret, May 2, 1849, wife of David W. Dove; Martha Jane, October 7, 1851, wife of Tillson Wheeler; Eliza Maria, November 24, 1853; and Hannah Emeline, February 26, 1857. Mr. Bennett's second marriage was with Mahala Yeazel, widow of Leroy Foxworthy, on March 6, 1861. They have one child, Ira Alvin, born November 25, 1868. Mrs. Bennett's children by her first marriage were Charles W., George, Arthur {deceased), Freeman and Emma (deceased). Mr. Bennett and his first wife joined the United Brethren church forty-nine years ago. He is still a member, and his present wife also belongs to the same church. He has been class-leader seven years, and is now steward. His politics are republican. A word about his ancestors. His grandfather Bennett was a soldier of the revolution, and received a wound in his ankle. His father was drafted in the war of 1812, and was on his way to the army when peace was proclaimed. He was born in New Jersey, and Mr. Bennett's mother in Pennsylvania, in which last state his parents were married, and lived some years near Greensburg, in Westmoreland county. His father worked a number of years building flat-boats and boating iron ore down the Monongahela and Ohio rivers to Cincinnati. Mr. Bennett's mother died in 1876, aged ninety-four years. Additional Comments: Richland Township Extracted from: HISTORY OF FOUNTAIN COUNTY, TOGETHER WITH HISTORIC NOTES ON THE WABASH VALLEY, GLEANED FROM EARLY AUTHORS, OLD MAPS AND MANUSCRIPTS PRIVATE AND OFFICIAL CORRESPONDENCE, AND OTHER AUTHENTIC, THOUGH, FOR THE MOST PART, OUT-OF-THE-WAY SOURCES. BY H. W. BECKWITH, OF THE DANVILLE BAR; CORRESPONDING MEMBER OF THE HISTORICAL SOCIETIES OF WISCONSIN AND CHICAGO. WITH MAP AND ILLUSTRATIONS. CHICAGO: H. H. HILL AND N. IDDINGS, PUBLISHERS. 1881. File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 3.9 Kb