Fountain County IN Archives Biographies.....Mayer, Michael 1825 - ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Joy Fisher November 7, 2006, 6:12 am Author: H. W. Beckwith (1881) Michael Mayer, retired, Covington, a man in whom the people of Covington may be excused for taking a justifiable pride, as when pointing to him as a thoroughly self-made man, and one who has done much toward building up the business interests of the place. He is a native of Wurtemburg, Germany, where he was born in the year 1825. He received a good education, and had nearly completed learning the trade of a baker when, in 1847, he emigrated to the United States. He came without the company of any members of his family. His people were wealthy, and had he remained his success would probably have been assured. But, being possessed of a fair share of self-reliance, and a determination to do for himself, he came to America, and the result of his business career is proof of his ability and determination. After reaching this country he first settled in the city of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, and began working at his trade. He remained there but a few months, and then went to Cincinnati, where he remained till 1851; then to La Fayette, and from thence to Delphi, where he worked for about two years, and then, in 1856, came to, Covington. Here he began business for himself on a capital of about $1,500. In his business transactions he has been more generous and liberal than is usual with merchants, yet he has accumulated a large fortune, which he is now, at the age of fifty-five years, settling down to enjoy. He sold out his extensive business August 9, 1880. Mr. Mayer is a member of the order of Odd-Fellows, and also of the order of A. F. and A. M. Additional Comments: Extracted from: HISTORY OF FOUNTAIN COUNTY, TOGETHER WITH HISTORIC NOTES ON THE WABASH VALLEY, GLEANED FROM EARLY AUTHORS, OLD MAPS AND MANUSCRIPTS PRIVATE AND OFFICIAL CORRESPONDENCE, AND OTHER AUTHENTIC, THOUGH, FOR THE MOST PART, OUT-OF-THE-WAY SOURCES. BY H. W. BECKWITH, OF THE DANVILLE BAR; CORRESPONDING MEMBER OF THE HISTORICAL SOCIETIES OF WISCONSIN AND CHICAGO. WITH MAP AND ILLUSTRATIONS. CHICAGO: H. H. HILL AND N. IDDINGS, PUBLISHERS. 1881. File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 2.6 Kb