Fountain County IN Archives Biographies.....Minick, Simon 1822 - ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Joy Fisher November 19, 2006, 3:27 am Author: H. W. Beckwith (1881) Simon Minick, farmer, Stone Bluff, is a native of Greene county, Ohio, born in 1822. His parents, George and Catherine (Favorite Shover) Minick, died when he was a mere child, his father in 1828, his mother in 1824. The former was a native of Maryland, the latter of Pennsylvania. Simon and a younger brother were brought to Fountain county in 1829 by John Huffer, husband of a half-sister of theirs. His education consisted principally in clearing land. When he reached manhood's years his capital was a pair of hands and a resolute will. He married, in 1842, Miss Prudence Boord, native of Warren county, Ohio, and who came to Fountain county with her parents, Elijah and Nancy Boord, in 1828; the former a native of Virginia, the latter of Ohio. By this ban he has six children: George W., Elijah B., Nancy A., Samuel F., Franklin, and Mary, all married but one. As a result of many years of hard toil and close economy he has a fine farm of 434 acres, in a good state of cultivation and well improved. Mr. Minick and his wife are long-time members of the New Light Christians at Osborn's prairie. He is a republican of the first rank, and a generous man to his neighbors and friends. Additional Comments: Van Buren Township Extracted from: HISTORY OF FOUNTAIN COUNTY, TOGETHER WITH HISTORIC NOTES ON THE WABASH VALLEY, GLEANED FROM EARLY AUTHORS, OLD MAPS AND MANUSCRIPTS PRIVATE AND OFFICIAL CORRESPONDENCE, AND OTHER AUTHENTIC, THOUGH, FOR THE MOST PART, OUT-OF-THE-WAY SOURCES. BY H. W. BECKWITH, OF THE DANVILLE BAR; CORRESPONDING MEMBER OF THE HISTORICAL SOCIETIES OF WISCONSIN AND CHICAGO. WITH MAP AND ILLUSTRATIONS. CHICAGO: H. H. HILL AND N. IDDINGS, PUBLISHERS. 1881. File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 2.3 Kb