Fountain County IN Archives Biographies.....Sullivan, James 1852 - ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Joy Fisher September 23, 2007, 6:44 pm Author: H. W. Beckwith (1881) James Sullivan, grocer, Veedersburg, the subject of this sketch, is a native of Maine, born in 1852. His parents, Patrick and Mary Sullivan, both of whom were natives of Ireland, emigrated to America in 1850, locating in Maine. James Sullivan received no education outside the district school. He came to Veedersburg in 1872, among the first business men who located here, and began the grocery business, where he has since remained, building up a good trade as the business of the town increased. He was married in 1878, to Kate Ragon, by whom he has one child, John F. He and his wife are members of the Roman Catholic church. He is a member of the St. Joseph Society. Mr. Sullivan made his own beginning in business life through his own energy and tact. Additional Comments: Van Buren Township HISTORY OF FOUNTAIN COUNTY, TOGETHER WITH HISTORIC NOTES ON THE WABASH VALLEY, GLEANED FROM EARLY AUTHORS, OLD MAPS AND MANUSCRIPTS PRIVATE AND OFFICIAL CORRESPONDENCE, AND OTHER AUTHENTIC, THOUGH, FOR THE MOST PART, OUT-OF-THE-WAY SOURCES. BY H. W. BECKWITH, OF THE DANVILLE BAR; CORRESPONDING MEMBER OF THE HISTORICAL SOCIETIES OF WISCONSIN AND CHICAGO. WITH MAP AND ILLUSTRATIONS. CHICAGO: H. H. HILL AND N. IDDINGS, PUBLISHERS. 1881. File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 1.8 Kb