Fulton County IN Archives Photo Tombstone.....Sebring, Clement K ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. http://www.usgwarchives.net/copyright.htm http://www.usgwarchives.net/in/infiles.htm ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Laurie Lewis lewishouse@rtcol.com November 9, 2011, 8:47 am Cemetery: Akron IOOF/Akron Cemetery Name: Clement K Sebring Date Of Photograph: October 2011 Photo can be seen at: http://www.usgwarchives.net/in/fulton/photos/tombstones/akronioofakron/sebring813gph.jpg Image file size: 247.8 Kb Nov.24,1906 July 4,1926 NW Sect. Row 3 Additional Comments: Tuesday, July 6, 1926 Clement SEBRING, 19, son of Mr. and Mrs. James SEBRING of Akron, died at 9:30 Sunday night in Woodlawn hospital from a fractured skull which he received in an automobile accident at the Lake Manitou Fair Association race track at 6:15 p.m. Sunday. Sebring was turning his mount, a Moline Special, owned by Carl FOSTER of North Manchester, in preparation for the races to be held on the half-mile oval on the Fourth. It was on the third lap of a trial, the second lap of which Sebring was clocked at .32, that the accident occurred. The driver had just come out of the west turn with his machine when he went through the wire fence, breaking two posts and continued east for a distance of 100 yards and crashed into the west bleachers. The accident it was determined later was caused by the dropping off of a ball and key holding the steering wheel on the steering post which loss rendered the driver powerless to control his machine. Better servicing at the pits would have prevented the accident. The blow which caused Sebring's deathwill always remain a mystery. Some persons who saw the accident contend that one of the fence posts when broken flew through the air and struck the fatal blow while others swear that the blow which Sebring received on the head when he crashed into the bleachers caused his death. Luckily because of the nearness to the supper hour no persons were along the wire fence when Sebring went through as there had been throughout the afternoon. Following the accident Sebring was taken to the Woodlawn hospital by fellow drivers. There an X-ray picture showed many fractures of the skull. One over the left eye it is believed caused his death. Sebring's parents who were summoned from Akron were at his bedside when he died. The unfortunate automobile race driver had been a professional driver but two months, but during this period he had participated in five meets. His daring had won for him many firsts. Clement Sebring was born in Kosciusko county near Silver Lake on November 24, 1906. He had spent his entire life in Akron and Silver Lake. Sebring, who was a mechanic, was employed at the HATTERY and SECOR garage in Akron. He is survived by his parents and a sister, Helen [SEBRING], aged 13. The funeral will be held at 2 p.m. Wednesday afternoon from the Akron Christian church with Rev. W. C. ASCHANHORT in charge. Burial will be made in the Akron I.O.O.F. cemetery. The Akron Woodmen lodge of which organization the deceased was a member will be in charge of the services. File at: http://files.usgwarchives.net/in/fulton/photos/tombstones/akronioofakron/sebring813gph.txt This file has been created by a form at http://www.genrecords.org/infiles/ File size: 3.4 Kb