Gibson County IN Archives News.....Princeton Clarion (Selections) February 10, 1876 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Debbi Allender October 13, 2007, 8:50 pm Princeton Clarion, Vol 29, No. 18 February 10, 1876 ~Prof W. T. STILWELL has built him a new house upon his farm near Fort Branch, and is now surrounded with the comforts of life and deliberately purposes to live fat from this time on. ~Petersburgh is infested with chicken thieves. ~Mrs. EWING, widow of the late Thos. EWING, is lying very sick at her residence. ~Two old citizens of this township have died since our last issue, namely, John LAGRANGE and T.W. McMILLAN. ~Sabbath Services – The Services in the M.E. Church are still in progress. Over eighty have professed conversion and the interest is unabated. Preaching on Sabbath as usual by the Pastor, J.W. WEBB. ~Serving the Master Recently a suggestion was made that the various churches in town should appoint committees to cooperate together in the work of canvassing the town and inviting non-church goes and others to attend the various services at any of the churches where they might feel disposed to go. The suggestion was approved and invitations sent to the various pastors to appoint committees from their respective congregations, to compose the general committee. Six congregations accordingly were represented at a meeting of the general committee at Dr. BLAIR’s office on the evening of the 24th of January, Thomas R. PAXTON, presiding as chairman. After prayer, discussion was had upon the subject as to the most feasible and proper manner of proceeding with the work, which resulted in dividing the town into four districts and the assignment of a sub-committee of six to each district, as follows: North-east District – T.R. PAXTON, Mrs. Wm. KURTZ, Miss Laura WRIGHT, Mrs. John FISHER, Dr. W. W. BLAIR, and James WATT, Jr. South-east District – Robert TURNER, Mrs. J. C. KIMBALL, Mrs. Wm. STORMONT, George DOUGAN, Wm. PEOPLES, and Jasper JENNINGS. South-west District – Samuel STERNE, Mrs. John MONTGOMERY, Mrs. C.R. HOWE, Mrs. Lewis KOLB, Wm. STORMONT and Willie FARRIS. North-west District – Smith WILSON, Mrs. Seth WARD, A.J. CALKINS, John McNIECE, Wm. LAWSON, and J.A. DEVIN. ~We with regret announce the failure of Mr. Wm. HAWTHORN, one of our most prominent business men. He has been selling goods in this town over twenty- seven years, and in that time numerous are the persons who have been recipients of his liberality and kindness. During all that period he has been strictly temperate, industrious, economical in his habits, and a faithful member of the M.E. church and enjoyed a full share of patronage, but he has failed in business, and we lose one of our best business men. Though in embarrassed and failing circumstances, he is acting the part of a gentleman, having made the assignment of all his property and money to Mr. SHAWHAN, of the firm of SHAWHAN & BOORSHOT, for the benefit of his creditors. By consent of all interested parties, E. A. ELY, Esq., has been employed as the attorney to manage the assignment. We understand that Mr. HAWTHORN’s assets will cover his liabilities, and that he will resume business soon. It is sincerely hoped the Mr. H. will resume business, for he is a live, energetic man, and highly respected by a large circle of friends and business men – Petersburgh Democrat. MARRIED – Mr. Samuel PATTEN and Miss Hettie KOLB were joined in marriage in this place, last Tuesday evening, by Rev. John MONTGOMERY – The fair bride remembered us with some delicious cake. May they enjoy a long happy and prosperous life together. File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 4.1 Kb