Greene County IN Archives Biographies.....Baughman, George 1833 - ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Joy Fisher May 15, 2006, 11:13 pm Author: Goodspeed (1884) GEORGE BAUGHMAN, son of Jacob and Margaret M. (Houser) Baughman, was born in Coshocton County, Ohio, July 6, 1833. His parents were natives of Maryland and Virginia respectively, but removed to Coshocton County, Ohio, at an early day, where they became known as one of the best and wealthiest families of that portion of the country. Jacob Baughman departed this life in March, 1876, but his widow still survives him and resides in Coshocton County. George Baughman was raised a farmer, in youth securing a fair education. In 1854, he moved west to the Hoosier State and settled in Greene County on his present place in Wright Township, giving $1.25 and $2.50 per acre for a quarter-section. He immediately began improving this property, and as his means increased, would add to what he already had, so that by economy and industry, he now owns a valuable farm of 440 acres. He is one of the best citizens Wright Township ever had, and his influence has been greatly felt in the advancement of educational and religious matters of the community. He has taught school in the neighborhood for a number of terms, and from his own individual means contributed largely in the erection of the New Lebanon Church, which is both a blessing and an ornament to the township. In 1863, he became a private in Company A, One Hundred and Fifteenth Indiana Volunteer Infantry, serving as such eight months, when he was changed to Company B, Fifty-third Indiana Volunteers, being finally discharged at Louisville, Ky., July 21, 1865. Mr. Baughman was married, May 5, 1855, to Miss Emily Larr, who was born in Coshocton County. Ohio, June 25, 1832, a daughter of David and Nancy (Miller) Larr, natives respectively of Pennsylvania and Virginia. Mrs. Baughman came with her parents to Greene County, Ind.r when thirteen years old, and by Mr. Baughman is the mother of eight living children—Miriam M., William E., Matilda N.. Mary D., George A., Jacob, Emma S., and David, and one deceased, Margaret E. Mr. Baughman is one of the representatives of what a poor boy can do under adverse circumstances. On his arrival, he had only one horse—blind—sent to him from Ohio by his father, and 5 cents in money. The latter was used to defray postage on a letter to his old mother, and for this, if no-other reason, Mr. Baughman is rewarded with prosperity for his filial devotion. Additional Comments: Wright Township Biographies Extracted from: HISTORY OF GREENE AND SULLIVAN COUNTIES, STATE OF INDIANA, FROM THE EARLIEST TIME TO THE PRESENT; TOGETHER WITH INTERESTING BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES, REMINISCENCES, NOTES, ETC. ILLUSTRATED. CHICAGO: GOODSPEED BROS. & CO., PUBLISHERS. 1884. File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 3.2 Kb