Greene-Owen County IN Archives Biographies.....Littlejohn, Messer 1815 - ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Joy Fisher May 11, 2006, 5:36 pm Author: Goodspeed (1884) MESSER LITTLEJOHN was born in Miami Co., Ohio, July 23, 1815, son of Henry and Sarah A. (Dunkin) Littlejohn, both natives of South Carolina, where they were partly reared. The Littlejohns moved from South Carolina to Pulaski Co., Ky., in about 1798, where they made their home until the death of Charles Littlejohn, the grandfather of our subject, which occurred about 1819. The grandmother came to this county in about 1820, and for most part lived in this county ever afterward, dying at the advanced age of ninety-six years. Henry Littlejohn lived upon his father's farm in Kentucky until he reached his majority, when he went to Miami Co., Ohio, and there was married to Miss Dunkin. They lived in Miami Co. until the fall of 1818, when they came with their family to what is now Eel River Township, Greene Co. They came in wagons, Mr. Littlejohn hiring men to bring his household goods to the head-waters of White River, where they left him and went back. He proceeded to dig out six canoes, and putting his goods and family in these, floated down White River until he came to Eel River, when he unloaded his goods and proceeded to make a home for himself on the present site of Point Commerce. He made some improvement on a lease he had taken, and after living in Eel River Township seven years he moved to Jefferson Township, Owen County, building a grist and saw mill on Lick Creek. Here he lived until his death, dying in 1859. His wife died in 1856. He was an Old-Line Whig, and a strong anti-slavery man. He assisted to build block-houses to protect the settlers in war of 1812. He held the office of Justice of the Peace some sixteen years, and was a man well known and highly respected. (See Baber's History.) Subject raised on farm; common education; helped on farm and in mill. He was married to Miss Sarah Dunkin in 1837, August 28. She born in Miami County, Ohio, August 24, 1815. She died September 25, 1845. From this marriage three children, viz.: Mary, Isaac M. and Amos W. These two sons were in the late war, Isaac M. dying in his country's service. Mr. Littlejohn was married to Polly Fiscus February 15, 1846. She was born in Indiana April 16, 1824, and died February 5, 1883. From this union there were eleven children, viz.: Harriet, Nathan, Delana, Henry C, Jacob W., Sarah E., Ezra F., Lydia E., Cairy, Mahlon, Nancy E. Subject, after his first marriage, began milling and farming, which he followed until 1860, when he sold out mill and followed farming until the present. He has worked as a millwright a great deal during his lifetime. He has always worked hard and has made some property. He lived in Owen County until 1867, when he purchased a farm near Jasonville, in Greene County, which he now owns—124 acres. Always a Whig and Republican; member of Christian Church; never held office; is in favor of all improvements and all laudable enterprises. Additional Comments: Jefferson Township Biographies Extracted from: HISTORY OF GREENE AND SULLIVAN COUNTIES, STATE OF INDIANA, FROM THE EARLIEST TIME TO THE PRESENT; TOGETHER WITH INTERESTING BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES, REMINISCENCES, NOTES, ETC. ILLUSTRATED. CHICAGO: GOODSPEED BROS. & CO., PUBLISHERS. 1884. File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 3.8 Kb