Greene-Clark County IN Archives Biographies.....Shryer, M. H. 1816 - ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Joy Fisher May 11, 2006, 4:37 am Author: Goodspeed (1884) M. H. SHRYER, a pioneer of Greene County, is a native of Maryland, born in 1816. He is a son of John Shryer, and his grandfather was a native of Germany, and the progenitor of that name in America. When thirteen years old, M. H. left home, and for several years resided in West Virginia. In 1832, he came to Jeffersonville, Ind., from thence going South, and in 1836 returning to Indiana, locating in Bloomfield and opening a general store. Owing to the financial failures and hard times of 1837, Mr. Shryer failed in business, but through the timely aid of Mr. Taylor and Andrew Downing, he was enabled in time to pay all his debts. He was employed at various occupations for some time, and a noticeable feature in his life was in 1837, when he hauled dirt on the streets of Bloomfield for 37 1/2 cents per day. In 1848, in partnership with Mr. Downing, he built the old Richland furnace, and their product was first conveyed abroad from New Albany on flat-boats. They afterward built a steamboat, and in the management of this Mr. Shryer obtained the title of "Captain," by which he is generally known. In 1853, he severed his connection with his benefactor, Mr. Downing, and embarked in merchandising at Worthington, continuing five years, and in 1858 selling out and removing to Bloomfield, where he has since resided. Mr. Shryer is one of the progressive men of Greene County, and has done as much to advance the interests of Bloomfield as any other one man. He was one of the charter members of the bank of which he now has a controlling interest, and besides this is largely interested in other town and country property. He is a representative type of what a poor boy becomes through difficulties, and with no aid to rely upon but his willing hands and an unblemished reputation. He is a Republican, a member of the Presbyterian Church, and has been four times married. First, in 1836, to Elizabeth M. Hoffman, who died in 1838. To his second marriage, with Mary Ann Eveleigh, which was solemnized the winter of 1838, six children were born, four of whom are yet alive. In 1851, he married Martha M. Cressy, and two of their four children are yet living. This lady died in 1879, and in 1881 he was married to Mary E. Maxwell, his present wife. Additional Comments: Richland Township Biographies Extracted from: HISTORY OF GREENE AND SULLIVAN COUNTIES, STATE OF INDIANA, FROM THE EARLIEST TIME TO THE PRESENT; TOGETHER WITH INTERESTING BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES, REMINISCENCES, NOTES, ETC. ILLUSTRATED. CHICAGO: GOODSPEED BROS. & CO., PUBLISHERS. 1884. File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 3.1 Kb