USGENWEB NOTICE: In keeping with our policy of providing free information on the Internet, data may be used by non-commercial entities, as long as this message remains on all copied material. These electronic pages cannot be reproduced in any format for profit or other presentation. ========================================================================== September 4, 1893 1. The church met and after services announced the open door for the reception of members. 2. Invited Brethren of sister churches to seats in council. 3. Inquired for ( head union formed ) 4. Called for reference of unfinished business. 5. The business of ordaining the selected Deacon on last meeting was taken up. 6. And agreed to proceed . 7. And the ordained help from the churches were present as follows: Mt. Pleasant, J. T. Dodson, (couldn't read) E. F. Christie, Page 2 (con't) Danville brethren Allen Jones, Marin (?) Stewart. Mt. Zion , Eld. J. R. Daily and Bro. R. J. Foster (?) Mt. (couldn't read) A.F. Smith, Jas Shirly. 8. The church agreed to submit the said ordination into the hands of the above named presbytery, where upon the presbytery proceeded according to the minutes hereunto annexed. 8. Brother N. (?) Smith, G.J. Menifee and F. Hufford were appointed as a committee to see to procuring a new stove for the meeting house. Page 3 (con't) Minutes of the Council called for the ordination of Bro. W. C.(?) Frazee to the office of Deacon. 1. The council became organized by electing brother J. R. Daily moderator and E. F. Christie Clerk. 2. Brother Frazee was asked if he would submit himself into the hands of the presbytery. 3. After further question and satisfactory answers, the retired unanimously agreed to proceed with the ordination. 4. By motion and second the council appointed Eld. J.R. Daily to deliver the ordaining prayer, and also the church. 5. According to which the council proceeded to said ordination, after which the hand of the fellowship was extended to brother and sister Frazee. 6. The request of Abners Creek for ordained help from Salem was overlooked and came up on Sunday following and their request was granted them to help ordain two deacons. Transcribed by Joanna Kimbler on March 30, 1997