Howard-Carroll-Marion County IN Archives Biographies.....Rinehart, Ephraim 1860 - ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Joy Fisher April 15, 2006, 12:15 am Author: Jackson Morrow EPHRAIM RINEHART, M. D. The man who devotes his talents and energies to the noble work of ministering to the ills and alleviating the sufferings of humanity is pursuing a calling which in dignity, importance and beneficial results is second to no other. If true to his profession and earnest in his efforts to enlarge his sphere of usefulness, he is indeed a benefactor of his kind, for to him more than to any other man, are intrusted the safety, the comfort and in many instances the lives of those who place themselves under his care and profit by his services. It is gratifying to note in the series of personal sketches appearing in this work that there remain identified with the professional, public and civic affairs of Howard county many who are native sons of the county and who are ably maintaining the prestige of honored names. Of this number Dr. Rinehart, who is prominent among the physicians and surgeons, who is successfully engaged in the practice of his profession at Plevna, is one of the representative men of the county, and is regarded as standing in the front rank of her professional men, having been engaged in the noble art of medical science and surgery within her borders for many years, during which time he has not only gained wide notoriety in his chosen calling but also established a sound reputation for uprightness and noble character in all the relations of life. Dr. Ephraim Rinehart was born in Howard county, Indiana, November 10, 1860, the son of John and Nancy (Brubaker) Rinehart, the former now deceased. They are described as people of many admirable traits and their wholesome influence has had a marked effect upon the subsequent life of our subject. Dr. Rinehart was reared on a farm in Ervin township, having remained on the old homestead until he became of age, attending the district schools and working with his father in the meantime for several years. Being ambitious and a close student he laid a thorough foundation for a broad education which he has subsequently availed himself of. He read medicine with Dr. Flora, of Russiaville, Indiana, and entered the Eclectic Medical school at Cincinnati, Ohio, in 1893, and was graduated at the American Medical College at Indianapolis in 1896, having made a splendid record for scholarship in both institutions. After leaving school Dr. Rinehart located in Carroll county, Indiana, remaining there two years, when, much to the regret of a large clientele he moved to Forest, Indiana, remaining there two years and building up a lucrative practice in the meantime. Desiring a broader field in which to exercise his talents he came to Indianapolis, practicing with success for some time: but there occurring an excellent opening at Russiaville, he located there, however, remaining only a short time. He located then at Plevna, December 2, 1900, where he has since remained, building up an excellent practice, in fact, the doctor is kept busy all the time not only caring for his numerous patients in that vicinity, but also often responding to important calls from outlying districts on serious cases, being called from time to time in consultation with other practitioners on serious cases, and his advice is always followed with gratifying results. Dr. Rinehart has specialized to some extent on cancers, and he has had a wonderful success on these baffling diseases, having removed them when all others failed. He has gained much fame among the eminent medical men of the state by virtue of his phenomenal skill in handling cancer cases. Dr. Rinehart was first married to Lydia M. Eikenberry, a representative of an old and influential family, and two bright and interesting children were born to this union, namely: Marie and Russell, ages eighteen and sixteen, respectively, in 1908. The doctor's first wife passed to her rest in 1900, and he was again married in the fall of 1901, his second wife having been known in her maidenhood as Cora Drayer, a native of Howard county, and a woman of gracious personality and pleasing address. The subject has always voted the Republican ticket, but has never been active in politics. Dr. Rinehart is a pleasant gentleman, honest and upright at all times and he is not only held in high esteem for his superior professional ability but for his public-spirited nature, his wholesome private and social life, and he is fast becoming one of Howard county's most noted and influential men. Additional Comments: From: HISTORY OF HOWARD COUNTY INDIANA BY JACKSON MORROW, B. A. ILLUSTRATED VOL. II B. F. BOWEN & COMPANY INDIANAPOLIS, INDIANA (circa 1909) File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 5.2 Kb