Howard Co, IN Civil War Pension Application Author: James Atkisson ARMY OF THE UNITED STATES. Certificate of Disability for Discharge. Thomas J. Jessup, a Private, of 2nd Lieut. John Kensler, Company (G) of the 2nd Batt. 17th Regiment of the United States Invalid Corps. was enlisted by Capt. Lidnere W. Sea of the 90th Regiment of Ind. Vols. at Kent on the twenty-second day of August, 1862, to serve three years; he was born in Newton Co. in the State of Indiana, is thirty-two years of age, six feet 0 inches high, dark complexion, gray eyes, black hair, and by occupation when enlisted a waggon maker. During the last two months said soldier has been unfit for duty 60 days.* Said Thomas J. Jessup was transferred from the 90th Regt. Ind. Vols. to Co. G, 2nd Batt. 17th Regt. of U. S. Invalid Corps on the 31st day of October, 1863 by the Enrolling Board, J. C. Peterson, President. Station: Madison, Ind. Date: January 30th, 1864 Signed: John Kensler, 2nd Lieut., Commanding Company I certify, that I have carefully examined the said Thomas J. Jessup of Lieut. John Kensler's Company, and find him incapable of performing the duties of a soldier because of Chronic inflamation of right eye with impaired vision. Chronic abscess of sectrum, the result of injury received in the line of his duty, April, 1863, since which time he has done no duty. Not able for duty in the Invalid Corps & not physically suitable to re-enlist in the same ?. Signed: J. Z, Newcomen, Sct. Spt, Surgeon Dated: Dec 16, 1863 Discharged, this third day of February, 1864, at Indianapolis, Ind. Signed: A. J. Wurner, Commanding the Reg't. ------------------------------------------------------------ 1898, Mar 10, Department of the Interior, Bureau of Pensions, Washington D. C. Sir: Will you kindly answer, at your earliest convenience, the questions enumerated below? The information is requested for future use, and it may be of great value to your family. Very respectfully, ? , Commissioner. To: Thomas J. Jessup, Kokomo, Ind. No.1. Are you a married man? If so, please state your wife's full name, and her maiden name. Answer: Maried twice present wife's name was Sarah E. Snow. No. 2. When, were, and by whom were you married? Answer: May 22, 1859 by Rv. Cyrus Smith No. 3. What record of marriage exists? Answer: None sav the county rord. Both marages ware in Howard Co., Ind. No. 4. Were you previously married? If so, please state the name of your former wife and the date and place of her death or divorce. Answer: first wifes name was Elizbth Hatfield date of mariage March 6th, 1851. Died Dec 14th 1857 in Howard County, Ind. No. 5. Have you any children living? If so, please state their names and the dates of their birth. Answer: 5 children living John W. born Dec 14, 1857 Edwin J. April 27, 1862 & George A. Jan 9 1867, are the Boys the Girls Names, Tirzy C. Feb 5, 1864 & Florence E. Feb 24, 1871, Jessup is the Names. Please excuse my mistak I am sick or I would not made this Blunder. Date of reply, March 17, 1898 Signed: Thomas J. Jessup Thomas J. Jessup, Privt, Co. K, 5 Reg't Indiana Cavalry. Appears on Company Descriptive Book of the organization named above. Description. Age: 32 years; Height: 6 feet 00 inches. Complexion: Dark; Eyes: Grey; hair: Black. Where born: Dark Co., Ohio. Occupation: Wag. Maker. Enlistment: When: Aug 22, 1862. Where: Kent Sta. By Whom: S. W. Sea; term: 3 y'rs. Remarks: Post Office address - Greentown, Howard Co., Ind. Company Muster-in Roll: Roll dated Indianapolis, Ind. Sept 8, 1862 Joined for duty and enrolled: When: Aug 20, 1862. Where: Newton Co. Period: 3 years. Bounty & Premium paid: $27.00 Company Muster Roll: for Muster in to Oct 31, 1862. Present of absent: Present. Company Muster Roll: for Nov & Dec, 1862. Present or absent: Present. Company Muster Roll: for Jan & Feb, 1863. Present or absent: Present. Company Muster Roll: Mch & Apr, 1863. Remarks: Absent on furlough. Company Muster Roll: for Apr 10, 1863. Present or absent: Not stated. Company Muster Roll: for May & June, 1863. Present or absent: Absent. Remarks: Absent on sick furlough since May 5, 1863. Company Muster Roll; for July & Aug, 1863. Present or absent: absent. Remarks: Absent on sick furlough since June 5, 1863. Company Muster Roll: for Sept. & Oct., 1863. Present or absent: absent. Remarks: absent on sick furlough since June 5, 1863. Has failed to keep up his reports. Company Muster Roll: for Nov & Dec, 1863. Present or absent: absent. Remarks: Absent on sick furlough in Indiana since June 5, 1863 has failed to keep up his reports. Company Muster Roll: for Jan & Feb, 1864. Present or absent: absent. Remarks: Absent on sick furlough from June7th to June 19, 1863 has failed to report since. Company Muster Roll: for Mch & Apl, 1864. Present or absent: absent. Remarks: Absent sick in Hospital at Louisville, Ky since June 7/63. Company Muster Roll: for July & Aug, 1864. Present or absent: absent. Remarks: absent on sick furlough since June 16/63. Company Muster Roll: for Sept & Oct, 1864. Present or absent: absent. Remarks: Absent in hospital, Indiana since June 16/63. Company Muster Roll: for Nov & Dec 1864. Present or absent: absent. Remarks: Absent in hospital Evansville, Ind. since June 16/63. Company Muster Roll: for Jan & Feb, 1865. Present or absent: absent. Remarks: Absent in Hosp. at Evansville, Ind. since June 16, 1863. Company Muster Roll: for Mar & Apr, 1865. Present or absent: absent. Remarks: Absent in Hospital at Evansville since June 16/63. Co. Muster-out Roll, dated Pulaski, Tenn, June 15, 1865. Last paid to Aug 31, 1863. Clothing account: Last settled Oct 31, 1864. Bounty paid $25; due $75. Remarks: Absent in Hospital since June 16/63 never at the front. Transferred to V. R. C, 91 Co., 2nd Batt. Muster Roll of detachment, soldiers of various regiments on duty at Headquarters Military Commander and Soldiers' Home, and Convalescents at Soldiers' Home, Indianapolis, Indiana, for Aug 31, 1863. Station: Indianapolis, Ind. Present or absent: Present. Remarks: Convalescent at Soldiers' Home Indianapolis, Ind. Clothing allowance due from date of enlistment. Am't of clothing drawn $45.41. ******************************************************************************* ******************** USGENWEB ARCHIVES NOTICE:  These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization or persons.  Persons or organizations desiring to use this material, must obtain the written consent of the contributor, or the legal representative of the submitter, and contact the listed USGenWeb archivist with proof of this consent. ******************************************************************************* ********************