Jackson-Lawrence County IN Archives Obituaries.....Utterback, John December 22, 1932 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. http://www.usgwarchives.net/copyright.htm http://www.usgwarchives.net/in/infiles.htm ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Phyllis Bickley pwbnj@comcast.net August 2, 2010, 3:18 pm The Bedford Daily Times, Saturday, Dec 24, 1932 Date of Death – Friday Dec 23, 1932 SHORT ILLNESS PROVES FATAL Funeral Services For John Utterback Tuesdsay Forenoon From Day & Carter Chapel Funeral services for John B. Utterback, quarry worker, who passed away Friday afternoon at 2:50 o’clock at his home, 2211 H Street, following a two days illness with heart complications, will be conducted Tuesday forenoon at 10:30 o’clock from the Day & Carter funeral chapel with the Rev. W. J. Niven, pastor of the Bedford First Baptist Church, officiating. Burial will be made in the Green Hill cemetery. Following death the remains were removed to the Day & Carter funeral home where they were preparted for burial and will lie in state until the funeral hours. Mr. Utterback was born in this county on January 10, 1866, to Lemuel and Susan Thompson Utterback and at the time of his death was 66 years, 11 months, and 13 days old. He was married in this county in 1894 to Julia Earl, who passed away five years ago. The deceased was a member of the Bedford First Baptist Church. He is survived by five daughters, Misses Eulalia and Mary Utterback at home; Mrs. Maude Deliso, Tucson, Arizona; Mrs. Nellie Stigall, this city, and Mrs. James Keller, Flint, Michigan; six grandchildren; a step-son, Claude Turley, Bedford; two brothers, Lewis Utterback, of Bloomington and Andrew Utterback, Minnesota. The Bedford Daily Times – Bedford, Lawrence Co, Indiana Published Tuesday, Dec 27, 1932 Obituary for John Utterback, son of Susannah and Lemuel Utterback JOHN UTTERBACK INTERRED TODAY Funeral Services conducted this Forenoon From Day & Carater Funeral Chapel Funeral services for John B. Utterback, 2211 H street, who passed away last Friday afternoon at his home following a two days illness with heart complicatons, were conducted this forenoon at 10:30 o’clock from the Day & Carter funeral chapel with the Rev. W. J. Niven, pastor of the Bedford First Baptist Church, officiating. Rev. Niven with Mrs. Niven as accompanist sang “Going Down The Valley,” and “Face To Face.” The floral tributes were in charge of Misses Hazel Keller, Geneva Miller, Blanch Utterback, Gertrude Park, Mesdames Marjorie Hall and Elsie Moyer. The pall bearers included Marshal Lawson, Howard Hedrick, Dayton Hall, Marshall, Arthur and Paul Earl. Burial was made in the Green Hill cemetery. Additional Comments: Son of Lemuel and Susannah Caroline Thompson Utterback File at: http://files.usgwarchives.net/in/jackson/obits/u/utterbac211nob.txt This file has been created by a form at http://www.genrecords.net/infiles/ File size: 3.0 Kb