Knox County IN Archives History - Businesses .....Vincennes Business References 1880 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Andrea Dougan February 1, 2006, 2:53 pm Book Title: An Illustrated Historical Atlas Of Knox Co., IN. Published By D.J. Lake & Co. OFFICERS. N.F. MALOTT, Judge 12th Judicial Circuit. JOHN S. LONG, Prosecuting Attorney 12th Judicial Circuit. WM. B. ROBINSON, Clerk Knox Co. Circuit Court. GERARD REITER, Jr., Auditor of Knox Co. CHRISTIAN HOFFMAN, Treasurer of Knox Co. FRED HALL, Recorder of Knox Co. JAMES H. SHOUSE, Sheriff of Knox Co. M.L. SEDDELMEYER, Deputy Sheriff of Knox Co. E.B. MILAM, Supt. Schools of Knox Co. JOHN C. HENNON, Surveyor of Knox Co. R.W. KEEVER, Supt. Infirmary of Knox Co. THOMPSON WALLACE JAMES EMISON } Commissioners of Knox Co. E.J. REEL JOSEPH B. KELSO, Trustee Vincennes township. JERE HERSHEY, City Civil Engineer. CHAS. HEIDENREICH, Justice of the Peace, 3d St. between Main and Busseron. ATTORNEYS AT LAW. SAMUEL W. WILLIAMS, Attorney at Law, Opera House Block, 2d St. CHAS. G. McCORD, Attorney at Law, 1st National Bank, Main St. J.C. ADAMS, Attorney at Law, Cor. 2d and Busseron Sts. JOHN LOVE, Jr., Attorney at Law, Main bet. 2d and 3d Sts. REILY, JOHNSON & NIBLACK, Attorneys at Law, Opera House Block, 2d St. JOHN S. LONG, Attorney at Law, cor. 2d and Busseron Sts. VIEHE & EVANS, Attorneys at Law, Vincennes National Bank, 2d and Main Sts. BENJ. M .WILLOUGHBY, Attorney at Law, cor. Main and 2d Sts. DE WOLF & CHAMBERS, Attorneys at Law, Main bet. 3d and 4th Sts. W.F. PIDGEON, Attorney at Law and Real Estate, 2d St. near Busseron. CAUTHORN & BOYLE, Attorneys at Law, Opera House Block, 2d St. COBB & COBB, Attorneys at Law, cor. 2d and Busseron Sts. S.W. SHORT, Attorney at Law, cor. 2d and Busseron Sts. H. BURNS, Attorney at Law, Odd Fellows’ Building, 2d St. J.P.S. WEEMS, Attorney at Law, cor. Main and 2d Sts. I.A. BECK, Attorney at Law. ROYAL E. PURCELL, Attorney at Law, “Sun” office. BOOKS AND STATIONARY. E. B. RAMSDELL, Bookseller and Stationer and Dealer in Wall Paper, Window Shades, Gold Pens, Picture Frames, Cutlery, etc. No. 6 Main St. Opposite La Plante House. ANDERSON & HAMILTON, Wholesale Booksellers and Stationers and Dealers in Fancy Articles, Mitchell, Ind. BOOT, SHOE AND LEATHER DEALERS. LIPE & HOLMES, of the “Elephant Shoe Store,” No. 18 Main St. Boots and shoes manufactured to order. Repairs promptly executed. Our specialty is ladies’ and gents’ fine work. FRED. MILLER & CO., Dealers in Hides, Leather, Wool, Furs, Shoe Findings, etc., cor. Main and 3d Sts. CLERGYMEN AND EDUCATIONAL. Rev. H. PEYTHIEU, Rector of St. Francis Xavier Church, Church St., cor. of Second. ST. ROSE FEMALE COLLEGE, opposite 5th and Seminary Sts. Rev. G.M. GINNSZ, Rector of St. Rose’s Church. Rev. J.F. FERGUSON, Pastor of colored Baptist Church, also school teacher. W.H. PENNINGTON, School Teacher. HERBERT S. ROSE, School Teacher. T.J. CHARLETON, Principal of Public Schools. VINCENNES UNIVERSITY, L. PRUGH, President. Rev. J.P. FOX, Presbyterian Minister. Residence, Palmyra township. P.O. address, Vincennes. DRUGGISTS, PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS. HERMAN J. WATJEN, Wholesale and retail dealer in Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, Fine Toilet Soaps, Fancy Hair and Tooth Brushes, Perfumery and Fancy Articles, Trusses and Braces, Grass and Garden Seeds, Pure Wines and Liquors, Stationery, Glass and Putty, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Dye Stuffs, etc. Physicians’ prescriptions carefully compounded. Cor. 2d St. and Broadway. ALFRED PATTON, Physician and Surgeon, cor. Main and 2d Sts. JOHN R. MANTLE, Physician and Surgeon, 3d St. near Broadway. R.B. JESSUP, Physician and Surgeon, Busseron St. near 7th. JOHN C. BEVER, Physician and Surgeon, cor. 3d and Seminary St. J. A. SWARTZEL, Physician and Surgeon, 7th St. near Perry. A. ALONZO, Oculist and Aurist, 2d St. W.T. BRANSTRUP, Homoepathist Physician, 2d St. near Buntin. EDITORS AND NEWSPAPERS. “THE SUN,” Vincennes, Ind, Daily and Weekly. Fine steam Job Printing a specialty. Prompt attention given to all orders by mail or express. Cor. 2nd and Busseron Sts. “THE COMMERCIAL,” S.F. Horrall & Sons. Plain and fancy Job Printing done to order. WARRENWORTH BAILEY, Editor of the “News.” Cor. of Second St. and Broadway. GROCERS AND PROVISION DEALERS. C.A. WEISERT, Dealer in Pork and Produce. Cor. of Main and Water Sts. Terms Cash. J.W. CASSEL, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Staple and Fancy Groceries, Wines, Liquors, Fresh Oysters, and Game. Specialties – Poultry and Produce. No. 25 Main St. The leading cash house of the city. Ships poultry and produce to New York, on Tuesday of each week. Positively more goods for the money than any other house in the west. C.P. PORTER & BRO., Family Supply Store. Cor. Second St. and Broadway. Free delivery. Dealers in Staple and Fancy Groceries, Flour, Feed, etc. Also agents for C.S. Maltby’s celebrated oysters. J.B. LA PLANTE & BRO., Dealers in Staple and Fancy Groceries. Best styles of ready-made Boots and Shoes. Cor. Main and Water Sts. GRAIN DEALERS, FLOURING MILLS, ETC. SLEET & CO., Proprietors of “Baltic Flouring Mills,” cor of First and Vigo Sts. C.W. JONES, Dealer in Coal, Wood, Ice and Grain. Office and yards cor. 3d and Scott Sts. Proprietor of “Elevator A.” Storage capacity 60,000 bushels. Cor. Water and Buntin Sts. Consignments solicited. GEO. R. THURGOOD, Proprietor of “Excelsior Mills” and dealer in Flour, Wheat, Corn, Oats, Crushed Corn, etc. Cor. 6th and Vigo Sts. KINSEY & BUTLER, Dealers in all kinds of Grain and hard-wood Lumber. Office cor. of Church and First Sts. ALFRED REEL, Grain Commission Merchant. Broadway, between 1st and 2d Sts. HARDWARE DEALERS. WILLIAM HEBERD, Dealer in Hardware, Cutlery, Iron, Nails, Door, Sash, Glass, Lead, Oils, etc., and Agricultural Implements. Agent for “Hoosier” Grain Drill and Wood’s Self Binder. P.R. M’CARTHY, Dealer in Stoves, Tinware, Sheet Iron ware, etc. Also manufactures and repairs tin and sheet iron ware, etc. 7th St. opposite Court House. HARNESS AND SADDLE MANUFACTURERS. JAMES T. ORR, Manufacturer of Harness, Saddles, Collars, etc. Jobber in Saddlery, Hardware, Robes, Blankets, Whips, etc., and a full line of gods constantly on hand, usually kept in a first-class harness store. C.W. ALMY, Manufacturer of and dealer in Harness, Saddles, Collars, Whips, Harness Oil and Saddlery generally. Repairing done with neatness and despatch. Red front sign of “Big Saddle.” Broadway. HOTELS AND LIVERIES. LA PLANTE HOUSE, J.B. La Plante, Proprietor; Ed. A. Cook, Manager; Frank McClellan, Clerk. Omnibus to and from all trains. The very best Sample Rooms in the city. WOODMAN HOUSE, On Main St. between Water and Second. One trial will convince you that the accommodations are as good as any $2.00 house in the city. Rates $1.00 per day, and satisfaction guaranteed or no charge. Joseph Woodman, proprietor. JOHN F. YATES, Proprietor of “Broadway House,” Wagon Yard and Feed Stable attached. Cor. of 3d St. and Broadway. WM. GREEN, Proprietor of Livery, Feed and Sale Stable. Also Omnibus Line and Green’s Opera House, Cor. 2d and Busseron. Stable, Broadway between First and Second. MANUFACTURERS. J.L. MATTERS, of Patterson & Matters, Carriage, Buggy and Phaeton Manufacturers. Repairing neatly done at reasonable rates. Office and Repository 2d St. J.T. KELSO, Manufacturer of Handles, Barrel Heads and Staves. Also represents first-class insurance companies, 3d St. CLARK & BUCK, Proprietors of “Wabash Valley Foundry,” Water St. cor. of Perry and First, manufacturers of Steam Engines, Wood Planing, Matching and Mortising Machines, Building Castings, Iron Fence and Hoisting Machines. Repairing done promptly. MARBLE WORKS. EDWIN HARKNESS, Manufacturer of Marble and Granite Monuments of all kinds, Cemetery Improvements, Building Work. Second St. below Main. SCHOENEBAUM & HARTIGAN, Proprietors of “City Marble Works,” Dealers in American and Italian Marble and Granite Monuments. A specialty of building stone. Personal attention to filling orders promptly and satisfactorily. Fourth St. between Main and Vigo, near engine house. REAL ESTATE DEALERS. H.A. FOULKS, Dealer in Real Estate. R.T. McKENNEY, Dealer in Real Estate. RIVER SIDE ST---- ---DLE AND BENT WOOD FACTORY, ---Kelso, Proprietor, 3d St., near Main. Factory on Terre Haute Road. ---RE & BRONILETTE, Second St., opp. Opera House, Vincennes, Ind., Dealers in Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, Fine Toilet Soaps, Fancy Hair and Tooth Brushes, Perfumery and Fancy Toilet Articles, Trusses and Shoulder Braces, Grass and Garden Seeds, Pure Wines and Liquors for medicinal purposes, Paints, Oils, Varnishes and Dye Stuffs, Letter Paper, Pens, Ink, Envelopes, Glass, Putty, Carbon Oil, Lamps and Chimneys. (Physicians’ prescriptions accurately compounded.) NURSERIES. S. BURNETT, Fruit Grower, dealer in Fruit and Ornamental Trees. Keeps constantly on hand Pure Grape Wine, for communion and medicinal purposes. Also Pure Apple and Wine Vinegar. Small fruits a specialty. Fruit farm and nursery, upper 7th St., one half mile from Union Depot. H.M. SIMPSON, Proprietor of Knox Co. Nurseries. Established in 1852. Wholesale and retail grower and dealer in Fruit and Ornamental Trees, Grape Vines, Small Fruits, Shrubs, Plants, Roses, etc. P.O. address, Vincennes, Ind. MISCELLANEOUS. A.B. CRAYCRAFT, Photographer, took the photographs from which the portraits in this work are engraved. We having secured his services because of the superiority of his work. Gallery and studio on Second between Main and Busseron Sts. EDWARD WEISERT, Dealer in Lumber, Lime, Plaster Paris, Land Plaster, Plastering Hair, Laths, and all kinds of building materials, Second Street. HACK & SIMON, Proprietors of Eagle Lager Beer Brewery. H. HOFFMAN, Dealer in Fresh Beef, Pork, Veal, Mutton, Sausages, Lard, and Bologna Sausages. 2d and Main Sts., between Broadway and Bunting and 4th and 5th. R.W. KNOWLAND, Trustee of Palmyra township. Residence on Donation No. 19, Palmyra township. P.O. address, Vincennes. I.R. YATES, Breeder and Dealer in all kinds of Live Stock. Fine thoroughbred stock can be procured by calling on me at my residence or by letter. Residence, Donation No. 18, Palmyra township. P.O. address, Vincennes. DANIEL ELLIOTT, Breeder and Dealer in fine thoroughbred English Durham Cattle and other kinds of fine stock. Any person desiring to purchase or sell fine stock will find it to their advantage to call on or write me. Residence Donation No. 50, Palmyra township. P.O. address, Vincennes. WM. P. REED, Owner and Proprietor of first-class Steam Thresher and Clover Huller. Work solicited. S.P. RUBLE, Dealer in all kinds of Live Stock. Residence, Palmyra township. File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 11.7 Kb